What does everyone here use to track your calories?

adezeray Posts: 72 Member
HI I just wanted to see what products people are using to get an accurate read on your caloring burning. Thanks for any input


  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    polar ft4
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Polar HRM. I have the RCX5 now.
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    Polar FT7 and Endomondo
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I just go with the MFP database
  • collinj8
    collinj8 Posts: 98 Member
    second tab from the left. FOOD. :D
  • Valkyriewoman
    Valkyriewoman Posts: 120 Member
    Polar FT7
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    polar ft4

  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    New balance HRM. Got it at targer. User friendly!
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    Body Media Fit for my burn and I track my food calories here.
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    I am using a Polar FT7 and I love it.
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    I was going to be sarcastic and say MFP, then I read the rest of your question :laugh:

    I use a Polar FT4 when I do cardio
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Ekho E-15 HRM
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I use a Polar HRM to check my heart rate. It's great at that and a terrific guide as to how my body is responding to exercise. I do not consider it to be a good estimator of calories burned.
  • teinepalagi
    teinepalagi Posts: 86 Member
    I use a fitbit allday and use my Garmin HRM for those exercises that the fitbit does not track well (i.e. biking, elliptical strength training)....
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Edit... read it wrong... I have two windows open right now! LOL!

    Polar FT4
  • cjmas
    cjmas Posts: 63
    I use a Timex HRM and then the site below to calculate gross, then net calories burned:

  • darkskypoet
    darkskypoet Posts: 14 Member
    Endomondo with the polar bt hrm. Much more 'accurate' with hrm.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    Ki Fit. Also use an iPhone app with my Wahoo key, my Wahoo HRM, and my FR 305 (iPhone and FR 305 as backup for each other; iPhone app for tracking, mapping, music, announcements, heart rate, and exporting to Garmin Connect; FR 305 for exporting to Garmin Connect if the iPhone dies or crashes, and heart rate data to Ki Fit).

    For calories burned, it is principally the Ki Fit, although my iPhone app does give me calorie announcements every 10 minutes as I try to compensate weighing less with higher intensity (if I don't hear '74 calories' at the 10 minute mark, I look at my FR 305 more frequently since my warm-up 'burned less than usual' and I'm probably sluggish).
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member