how often do you step on the scale?



  • vibegirl
    vibegirl Posts: 69 Member
    I don't think there's a right or wrong here...whatever gives you the most 'relief' to do or not to do...if that makes sense. Like someone else here, I go by my clothes...(I moved recently and have no idea where my scale is lol) - But that's 'know' when you feel lighter and clothes feel comfortable etc.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Once a month with scale and measurements.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    i do it quite often; every morning to get my daily true weight and numerous times throughout the day just to see how much it fluctuates but it doesn't upset me like it may others. i see if i am doing well or that i may have to increase my water intake. my weigh-in day is every wednesday am. it may seem like i dwell on it but i don't. i personally don't do measurements but my trainer has done them a few times. i actually am due for another round of measurements- thanks for reminding me :smile:
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    First thing EVERY MORNING.
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    I pretty much weigh myself every other couple of days. My "official" weigh in day though is every Friday. I also measure here and there, but not on a consistent schedule. I know I should though.
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    Daily. Keeps me honest.
  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member

  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    I am a daily weigher. I think it keeps me more accountable.
  • bebjebenthe
    I weigh myself too often. First thing in the morning, then at the gym, in the evening, sometimes in the afternoon. It's really addicting but at the same time very frustrating.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Every single morning, but I only count it as a weight loss if I get the same result 3 days in a row.

    ^^ This while I was losing.

    Now that I'm *trying* to maintain... I've very intermittent, probably about 1-2x a week.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Morning & night. I know my body so well now, i can pretty much tell what im going to weigh in the morning.
    It doesn't bother me in the slightest weighing twice a day, in fact i like it, it keeps me on track.
  • Purtypup
    Purtypup Posts: 5
    Every Saturday morning...
  • AndMee
    AndMee Posts: 23
    I was doing Insanity (sprained ankle yesterday) and I would only weigh myself on my fit test days every 2-3 weeks. I don't think once a month is too little. If you are content with that, then that is right for you. I tried weighing myself everyday, but because I also run and bicycle I have gained muscle (which weighs more than fat) and being a female, around that time of the month the numbers a little deceiving.

    If you are happy with once a month then stick to it. It is a personal preference really.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Every morning and before and after BMs....I'm a curious person.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Every morning before I have anything to eat, right before I get in the shower. It should be my lowest, right??
  • Enonoid
    Enonoid Posts: 136 Member
    I weigh myself every two weeks.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I weigh myself every morning after I shower and go to the bathroom. That way if I need to I will work out extra if I feel I put on too much weight. I like to make sure I stay on target and this is the best way for me.
  • Lou186000
    Lou186000 Posts: 2
    Almost every morning. It's as much scientific curiosity as anything else. But what I'm not doing is beating myself up if I've gained a pound or two; as long as the overall trend is towards my goal (and it is!).
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Several times a week. I input whatever results I have if I'm near a computer. I figure more info is better and the app smooths out the results over time.