If you were on a plane, and there were kids near by..



  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member

    It's very disrespectful not too..
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    It's not even about having kids nearby... it's disrespectful no matter who's around. I'll say my share of curse words, but I try to keep it at a classy level-- which I did prior to having kids, as well.
  • Revenga1980
    Revenga1980 Posts: 63
    I'm really bad with the swearing but I don't do it around children I would want my Niece walking around dropping FBombs so I try and consider the same with other peoples children.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I personally wouldn't go out of my way to curse in front of kids, but that's because I don't really talk on planes, but swearing doesn't really bother me. It's just words, and the kids are probably going to hear them at school. If it does happen, I'd hope the parent had a conversation with their children about how the words would be offensive and that only adults should use them rather than hoping that the world censors itself.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I would anyway, not just for children.

    My child is 5, unfortunately school has taught him some choice words so rather than hiding the words and making them special we've set about teaching him that it's inappropriate for a child to use those words, and even when he's a grown up there are times when it's not appropriate.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    It's not even about having kids nearby... it's disrespectful no matter who's around. I'll say my share of curse words, but I try to keep it at a classy level-- which I did prior to having kids, as well.


    There is a guy at work who drops the fbomb every other word...I hate it.
  • Teresa3612
    Teresa3612 Posts: 21 Member
    As a parent of grown children, when my children were young and someone around them could not or would not control their tongue I just told them that cursing was a feeble mind's attempt to express themselves. In other words the person in question was too dumb to know any better. My children are now adults and still don't swear much because they know it doesn't offend or shock me it just makes me question their ability to express themselves in an adult fashion.

    I know I will probably offend some with this post, but manners are important and should be learned at an early age. Curb your tongue, one day the shoe may be on the other foot.:smile:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    And, you're the kid of person that curses like a sailor, would you censor yourself, or curse no matter who's around you?

    Of course I would. As an ex-Marine and a biker, I can swear with the best of them, but some things are situationally appropriate. Swearing is one of them. I not only don't curse infront of women or children, I don't mind asking someone else to refrain if they are inappropriate around women or children.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I try to censor myself. I do swear on the occasion, especially if I am angry. However, I think swearing in public is just so rude - kids or no kids!

    I totally agree. I am not too young to remember a time when I could go out in public and not hear a single curse word, and now people just let them fly without hesitation no matter who's around. It's so classless. I agree with the previous poster that cursing is situationally appropriate-- with my close friends & a beer, I'm hardly prim. But I have respect for what others may not want (or want their children) to hear. It's not even that hard.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    why are sailors the gold standard for swearing?
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I would. I would also ask someone being obnoxious to knock it off.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    On a plane, or most other public forums...yes, absolutely!

    When you bring your children into a bar though, all bets are off!! I see people do this all the time, then they're shooting daggers at the drunks who are swearing. In my opinion, there are some places kids don't belong.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I don't curse much already but if i said anything inappropriate I'd censor myself in front of children. I'd censor myself in front of any older adults too for that matter. I'd never curse like a sailor around someones grandma.

    I think if you have to curse or anything you save that for casual conversations amongst friends who are already used to it. Its rude in front of anyone that you don't know, not just children.
  • uxbridgeheli
    Out of courtesey and purely because it is just plain wrong! I would not swear with kids nearby.
    I used to hate it when people would swear when my daughter was younger.
    It's a case of self control and most people can do it.
    If you were addicted to smoking, you wouldn't be able to smoke on the plane so think of it that way.
    H x
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    On an airplane? Absolutely. It is a confined space with no option of removing oneself from what is inappropriate.

    It's about what is appropriate for the setting. If a parent brings his or her child to a bar at eleven pm on a Thursday night, all bets are off.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I don't censor myself. I don't swear like crazy as it is.
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    Watch what I say around them, but head back in to those tiny restrooms and let all hell break lose with every curse word that I could think of!! But then come back out just like nothing has happend.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think it's just good manners not to curse around someone you don't know very well, lest they be offended by it.

  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    As a parent, I will let you know if you don't censor yourself.
  • moniquelessard
    It's very disrespectful to curse around children and the elderly. Period.

    So, yes, I would watch my language in that scenario