Booty Perfume

Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
I totally understand that pooping is a natural body function that cannot be avoided. However, if you work in an office that has available private bathrooms in order for you to do the do would you use them? Or would you subject everyone in the pubic bathroom to your booty perfume?

I pose this question because it always boggles my mind that people in the office will blow up the public bathroom leaving it uninhabitable for any human to walk into. They could have just taken themselves to one of the four private bathrooms we have and saved us all from being exposed to their biohazard. What is even more boggling is that they will not come out of the stall if they think anyone is still in the bathroom because they don’t want anyone to know it was them that caused WW3! So, you’d rather sit and linger in that awful smell instead? :noway:

I’m just saying!!


  • MrzBlessedLady
    MrzBlessedLady Posts: 171 Member
    HAHAHA!! THis is so funny, but I agree if a business has private restrooms and you have to take a dump, it would be more respectable to utilize the private restrooms. If I dont have to go that bad and there's not a private restroom I just try to wait until I get off work. If I do have to go bad I try to find a restroom that not many people use or a private restroom. OMG booty perfume is hilarious.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Lol, well I didn't know what else to call it.. but I can understand how that may be misleading!
  • Mrsbake33
    Mrsbake33 Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely use the private restroom, there is nothing worse than walking into the public restroom and inhaling someone else's perfume. OMG we have that same problem at my job. There are private restrooms on every floor and people pass them up to go to the public restroom that is used to fix your hair or makeup UGH.
  • trenai77
    trenai77 Posts: 10 Member
    Lol, we have one of those in our facility and that person also adds special effects and sounds to the "booty perfume"
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    Phahahaha! If no private restroom is available they could at least utilize the "Courtesy Flush" smh like flushing is going to alert us to what your doing in there and the aroma of death coming from the stall won't!smh
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I agree, the least you could do is a courtesy flush! Gosh!!
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    I am in my office crying right now. I don't like it when they blow it up off of the hinges make a run for it while you are in the stall then when a third person comes in as you are washing your hands you look like the quilty person who sprayed the booty perfume!! :angry:
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    The thing that grosses me out the most is Booty Confetti left in the toilet or on the seat. Apparently there's a dude in my gym that has some serious problems right before I get to the locker room. It looks like a paintball match went down in there.
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    Do they make brown paintballs? :-/
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Always use "the crapper" when available. If not, courtesy flushes and air fresheners are necessary.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    The thing that grosses me out the most is Booty Confetti left in the toilet or on the seat. Apparently there's a dude in my gym that has some serious problems right before I get to the locker room. It looks like a paintball match went down in there.

    Sorry, bro!
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    lol @ Booty Confetti!! I know exactly what your talking about. Like seriously, we have to be subject to that!
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    This is why I love working from home...never have to deal with this!

    But when I worked in an office, I would get SO mad when someone would use the public bathroom instead of the private ones. I worked in a small office though, so it was easy to determine who was the guilty party by the shoes they were wearing...shooting them that "I know what you did in there and it was NOT cool" look and getting the guilty nervous look in return was classic.
  • des02_
    des02_ Posts: 79 Member
    Bwahahahaha. I don't use public toilets unless it is a dire emergency
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    The thing that grosses me out the most is Booty Confetti left in the toilet or on the seat. Apparently there's a dude in my gym that has some serious problems right before I get to the locker room. It looks like a paintball match went down in there.

    Sorry, bro!

    Man, if that's you, I'm sorry. You may need to lay of the fish oils or something. Damn!
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I just thought about the fact that some people make a living as a restroom attendant. That has to be the sh*ttest job ever!
  • beautifulblac84
    uggh..Brings back nasty memories of when I went into a grocery store's bathroom and all the stalls were full. So i waited until someone came out, which was an old lady and she had the craziest look on her face. Walked in there and almost died. She had a pile of crap sitting on a pile of toilet paper in the toilet. :noway:
  • Pashen4fit
    Pashen4fit Posts: 63
    LoL!!! I carry a travel size febreze in my bag simply because the booty perfume in my office is just funky.............
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    Pssh whatever. I walk out of that stall struttin' like the baddest motherf*cker there is while everyone who walks into the bathroom is falling on the floor dying.