140lb, 5, 3 doing 1000 calorie diet .....



  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I disagree with very low calorie dieting especially for someone so close to their goal weight. There are times when doctors will put severely obese people on this sort of VLCD because they need to drop an extreme amount of weight. Granted, all of this VLCD is monitored, etc. What you're doing doesn't sound healthy in my opinion. Of course, we all have opinions... so take it with a grain of salt. 1000 cals a day is going to be hard to stick with in the long run and when you are starving and weak and feeling the need to go up on cals, your body will pack on some lbs. which will be discouraging. I know, I've been there.
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    For your height and weight try eating 1,200 to 1,500 a day of healthy foods. If you don't think you can stomach that, think again. You can eat 5 to 7 small meals / snacks a day. Maybe in between class or study groups. Even if you can not workout for an hour a day there are great 10-20 minute cardio / strength workouts available. If you want to know, shoot me a friend request or message me about them.
  • ShereeJane
    ShereeJane Posts: 4
    take it slow....use the formula put forward in the plan..try 1 lb a week first and see if u can get by on those calories each day...EXERCISE ( just walking 30 minutes gives you 174 additonal calories for the day) ...once u comfortable with that...try reformulating ur plan for 2 lbs.....miracles dont happen overnight..but each pound loss is a success. if i go less than 1200 calories, i get a warning on my plan that says my body will go into starvation mode...and u don't lose weight there!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    You claim to be a yo-yo dieter. How about trying something new? You need to find something you can live with long term. EAT MORE! 1000cal/day is way to low for ALL people.

    Please follow every seasoned veterans advice on here. Yo-yo dieting is a thing of the past...
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    If you can tell me what you do for exercise I'm happy to look at your numbers for you.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Eating 1000/day isn't sustainable nor healthy. That's why you are probably yo-yo dieting at lot. Find something that you can feasibly stick with for more then a few weeks/months at a time.
  • orderofconfusion
    Exercise REALLY helps. Not only does cardio help you burn fat, but weight training and resistance training helps tone and sculpt your body and truly makes you look better than if you only changed your diet. There's no reason you have to eat below 1200cal. to get the results you want by August, you just have to work a little bit harder (which will result in a better looking bod anyways)... You said you've been a yo-yo dieter all your life, eating below 1200 cal. would only be another yo-yo diet. Try eating clean, natural foods (whole grain, veggies, fruits, nuts/seeds, etc) (& read labels, a lot of foods claiming to be healthy/lowcal/lowfat aren't truthful!) and having your intake at 1200 cal. to make sure you're getting the proper nutrition you need to not only lose the weight, but keep it off.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Hi I am a 20 year old student and currently weigh about 140lb and want to get down to 112. I have been a yo-yo dieter since being around the age of 10, I am 21 in august and want to look and feel good for 21!

    I started university in September and weighed about 162lb and just lost it through being at uni and not around family etc so I did not eat as much. I am now 140 and started calorie counting 3 weeks ago, I am hoping to lose around 18lb in the next 9 weeks and would love to hit goal by the end of August.

    I read around about different diets all the time, its always conflicting information and it really annoys me so I wanted to ask if this starvation mode is a myth or if it does exist, will I go into it by being on a diet of 1000 calories a day??

    Am I being too ambitious wanting to lose 2lb a week, I thought this was ok and within the ranges that are classed as safe to lose in a week.

    All this information is making me feel down, I don't get weighed much as I don't have scales at uni so I just do it when I go home or if I am in town sometimes.

    I don't get much time to exercise because of my course well apart from a couple of walks a week, is this going to make me not lose weight etc?

    Sorry for the long post and silly questions its just annoying reading that your wrong for eating 1000 calories and then reading other stuff.

    Has anyone been successful in going from about 140 - 112 and height around 5, 3.

    Advice/ info etc would be much appreciated :) x

    The short answer is that eating 1,000 calories a day will not put you in starvation mode. Look for other threads on this site. It's not very much, so it may be hard to sustain, but it is not unhealthy per se if you are eating a balanced diet. The fewer calories in your diet, the more work it is to compose a good diet.

    If you feel bad, increase your calories and exercise more. Have your vitals checked by a doctor every so often.
  • Theskinnysideofme
    i started at 200 lbs and i am now down to 117. im 5'2 . i lost this weight in less than a year, didnt start counting calories until i was around 134. i try to eat as much as i can but i always end up eating around 1000 a day. i am never hungry, i eat snacks to keep me going and i exercise for about 30 minutes a day. while this is known as unhealthy, i have had a check up and my body is functioning perfectly. i try to make sure i get all the nutrients i need for a 1200 calorie diet into my smaller intake so im not lacking any vital nutrients! im sure this isnt recommended but it has done wonders for me and i am very happy with where i am. when i do reach my goal weight i plan on upping my calories to about 1400 so i can maintain.
  • MeliciousGibson
    Instead of pushing yourself to lose ALL of the weight within 9 weeks - why not set a goal to be healthier? Eat more healthy foods, get in as much exercise as you possibly can (walking, lifting weights while watching TV, DVD's at home, etc.). Make it a lifestyle change instead of yet another "lose weight quick leading to yet another yo-yo" thing?

    I set myself a goal to lose X amount of weight by X date. I made that goal...and gained a bunch of it right back - but guess what...I've gained MUSCLE back because I actually LOOK BETTER at +8 pounds above my goal!

  • sxynanaplay
    sxynanaplay Posts: 83 Member
    1000 calories is not enough you will see more results if you feed your body more. You should eat around 1200-1500 cals a day and work out. Eating the extra 200-500 calories doesnt mean it has to be fatty food. eat lean, plenty of veggies and fruits. Our bodies need fuel and calories are our fuel, ithe boy will work out and heal better after workouts if you eat and the plus you will have more energy and you can focus on school too. If you eat too low your body will store fat and you will remain the same weight or gain . Trust me.

    Drink tons of water!
    Cut back on Sugar intake and foods that have high fructose syrup. (no more soda)
    Your good!

    Good luck kiddo
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    aha as soon as the word calories comes up, 'here it goes again comes to every ones mind right! ahah!

    aim to eat to fuel your body, 1000 probably wont be enough, but we arent going to go there.

    consume healthy foods, fat is harder to break down because it has more carbon molecules than carbs do. and by carbs it includes fruits and veg. stay away from the simple sugars.

    ermm and dont include a time frame, shoot for the stars and you'll probably reach them, but just dont expect to get there real quick, cos you'll be back to square one.

    although, i havent had to loose weight myself - here for gaining. but im a personal trainer so i get people very similar to you question me everyday..... so yeah relax, eat right, exercise enough and results will come :) you have your entire life you dont need to just set it to 9 weeks :) GOOD LUCK AND KEEP AT IT :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    1,000 calories a day isn't likely to be sustainable, i.e. you'll probably fail and binge, give up, etc.

    From the standpoint of adequate daily micronutrition, you wouldn't want to sustain it if you could.
  • jade1108
    jade1108 Posts: 20 Member
    First of all you are a 20 year old single student with no children im assuming. Im a parent with 2 kids 9 and 8 work full time my wife is a RN who works 12 hour shifts works an hour away 3-4 days a week. I understand studying is time consuming as I was in college at one time too even have the degrees to prove it. But im sorry you cannot tell me you do not have 1 hour a day to spare to go for a run or walk or cardio of any sorts. Im sorry sounds to me like you dont want to excercise now maybe you do have kids, or are taking care of a sick relative or something along that line but since you did not mention it im assuming you are not. Sorry to seem harsh but there are plenty of busy people on this site who find time to excercise.

    I just meant at this moment in time as I have 4 essays due in and exams also, then I have placement. I do a bit of walking, few hours a week I did not mean throughout my whole life I will never get chance to exercise but just with all the uni/ placement atm it is difficult well unless I want to fail my course of course lol.
  • js370
    js370 Posts: 140
    From the stats you posted your BMR is around 1450 and your TDEE is around 2000. Chose a deficit somewhere in the middle of those two numbers and you should be fine.
  • nifer1029
    nifer1029 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm pretty new to this site as well. I have yo yo dieted a good portion of my life. When I started here I set what seemed like a reasonable goal of 1300 calories a day. I was so hungry and I always went over, often binging because I was so hungry. I quickly realized that wasn't going to work and adjusted my goal to a more acceptable level for me. I may not lose as quickly, but i am losing steadily and not binging. Do not punish yourself. Be healthy. Find an acceptable balance for you. 1000 calories sounds very low indeed. I would probably cry on the daily.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    At your size, losing 2 lbs/wk (for 9 wks) is unrealistic, and eating <1000 calories/day is unhealthy.

    This. Two pounds a week is ok for someone with more than 75 pounds to lose.

    Also, don't get hung up on the number on the scale. At 5'3, 112 pounds is TINY. If you focus more on eating right, with adequate protein and regular exercise including strength training, you'll reach your goal BODY long before you reach your goal weight. If you continue with 1000 calories a day, you'll screw up your metabolism and won't be happy with your body at your goal weight.

    Remember: No one can see the number on the scale but you.

    What happened when I didn't eat enough: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/494091-i-just-don-t-care-anymore
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    I'm 5'3" and stared out at about 156. I hit 112 after about 10 months. Since then I've hovered around 115. (for over two years now). The first 15-20 lbs came off easily, by setting my goal for around 1250 net calories, and staying under that consistently. I think it took about 4 months. The rest came off slowly over about 6 months time, by staying under 1200 net calories. Throughout the process, I exercised regularly. sometimes I ate the calories back, and sometimes I didn't, depending on the day, situation, etc.

    So, in answer to your question, yes your weight goal is reasonable, but it may take you longer than you would like to reach your goal. Keep the big picture in mind and keep your goal around 1200. Much better to lose the weight slowly, and for good, than to yo-yo again!

    Best wishes on your journey!
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    You've been a yo-yo dieter since you were 10...so I'm sure the best way to get down to the weight you think you should be at in an arbitrary time period like your birthday is to start a yo-yo diet again.
  • MDyck1979
    MDyck1979 Posts: 21
    Way too hot a topic for fhis community.
    you will hear from the seasoned vetran. EAT MORE, and exercise.
    From the Youth club bent on fanatic dieting you will hear: Try 800 cal a day and exercise till you drop.
    From me, "not again"
    Please be healthy. it's so important to use this site to educate yourself on how to fuel your body, get nutrients and live a balanced life.
    sorry, it's been years of the same insanity.

    Amen sista!! MFP IS A DIET SITE, NOT A DOCTOR!! Please use common sense, people!!