140lb, 5, 3 doing 1000 calorie diet .....



  • abbiepql
    abbiepql Posts: 45
    BEFORE you hurt yourself, do some research. You wonder why you yo-you diet? Could it be because in the past you have done something like this and eaten only 800 calories a day? Is it a wonder you did not stick with that - who's body would? Your university does not have a clinic where you can get some sound medical advice and use a scale? Sorry to unload on you, but I tire of those that would try on a dress before buying it but don't think twice before they subject their body to what amounts to basic and selt imposed starvation!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Hi I am a 20 year old student..... I have been a yo-yo dieter since being around the age of 10

    So stop it. You are 20. You need to learn how to be healthy and happy for the rest of your lift. Stop the "yo-yo" diet. Find a way to be healthy for the rest of your life. Moderate calorie deficit: this means a half pound a week as a goal, fruits, veggies, leaner meat, some room for treats. Moderate exercise: 6 or so hours a week including weight lifting. That's it. It's simple really.
  • Philis64
    Philis64 Posts: 27
    1000 IS too low. Also I encourage you to find a measly 30 minutes to do something a little more intense like running (or a mix of running and fast walking) Throw in some strength training (dumbells, kettle bells, sit ups, push ups, squats. That will make a difference and allow you a little extra calories. I have always hated exercise and now I'm kind of addicted. By the way, I'm almost 48 years old , a mom of 10 (yes, ten), and 190 lbs (about 65 lbs to lose) (5'2") If I can do it - you can do it! But yes you need to eat more.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you're only eating 1000 calories a day, then you SHOULDN'T be exercising.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    read so many "here we go'es" (sp) that I was expecting a rescue dog with a bud light to show up \m/
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    If you're only eating 1000 calories a day, then you SHOULDN'T be exercising.

    ^^^^^This....I dont even think I could exercise with those calories, would just fizzle out within minutes
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    [slight tangent] You know what I just don't get, why, if you CAN eat more and still lose the weight, would you choose to deny yourself the pleasure of eating more? The lack of hunger misery? [/slight tangent]
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    Like everyone said, 1000 is tooooooooo low! I'm 5'1 and eat 1300 a day plus most exercise cals, so at the end of the day I consume about 1900 cals, and net 1300. but I have a sedentary lifestyle. So as a active student/person u should eat more. I'm also only 22 so not much older then u. Ur body needs food to keep u from starvation mode otherwise no amount of exercise will help u lose. Idk I'm not gonna tell u want to do but honestly 1000 is too low and so is 1200
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    1 - 2 pounds a week is a lot to lose for someone who already is almost at a healthy weight - slow and steady is more sustainable

    2 - IMO.....1000 is not enough calories a day - as others have said calculate your BMR and TDEE and work with those numbers as a base line to figure out what your deficit should be

    3 - IMO 112 pounds as a goal weight is a bit low - set your goal higher maybe 125 and work from there

    4 - find time for exercise. there are people on here that have 3+ kids, a job (sometimes 2 jobs), a spouse, they're homeowners, caretakers and they find time. it's hard but where there is a will there's a way.

    5 - stay consistent, make this a lifestyle not a 'diet'
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    Here's the deal. If you were in a coma, you would have a feeding tube that would supply you with 1200 calories worth of food. Why 1200 calories? That is because that is what your body needs in order to survive while you are in a coma.

    Are you in a coma?

    I don't think so since you posted this.

    Sitting there on your computer, your fat cells are burning about 5 calories very, very slowly. Your muscles burn anywhere from 25 to 125 calories for every five calories your fat burns.

    When you ingest less than the 1200 calories that are needed in order to meet the needs of your basal metabolic rate (BMR), your body believes that you are starving. Two things will happen now.

    The first thing is that your metabolism will slow down. Thus you will plateau or even gain weight.

    The second thing, and this is most important, is that your body will want to get rid of the one thing that is burning the most calories. That so happens to be your muscle.

    Why does this matter?

    Because you want to keep the muscle. If you lose the muscle, once you are down to where you want to be weight-wise, you will only be able to eat that 1000 calories without gaining weight back.

    Is that what you want to do for the rest of your life?

    My suggestion to you is to start eating at least the calories that you need to maintain your basal metabolic rate. That is close to 1200 calories. You can really get a good idea by going to this site:


    Click on 'All Calculators'. Click on 'Military Body Fat Calculator'. Figure out your body fat.

    I suggest people not go by the scale or clothing size when trying to determine what they want to weigh. Go by body fat content. A healthy level of body fat for a woman is between 16-20%. So shoot for that. Use the scale and the way clothing fits to mark progress only.

    Next, click on 'BMR Calculator'. You will need your body fat content to figure this one out. Insert the information and out will pop your BMR. Use the Katch-McArdle BMR figure for your calculations. This figure is the minimum number of calories you should eat.

    Follow the directions under 'How many calories should I eat?' in order to figure out how many you need to eat because of your activity level.

    Let's say that you need to eat 1750 in order to maintain the weight that you are at now. If you stay around 1750, you may lose weight. If you want to speed weight lose, you can eat 200-300 less than 1750, but never, ever go under your BMR.

    As you get closer to your goal weight, weight lose will tend to slow down. When you were heavier, you needed more energy to move you around, so you were burning more calories. Now you weigh less, so you are burning less calories.

    If you were smart, you lifted weights. This will tone you up and make you look better than if you didn't life weights. It also gives you a higher metabolism. So weight lifting is good for the body as well as the soul.

    Whatever you do, do not go less than your BMR. Recalculate your fat content and BMR everytime you lose ten pounds or increase/decrease (heaven forbide) exercise.

    Hope this made sense. If not, message me and I will try to answer your questions. Please, I have enough friends and don't need more. LOL
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Listen I don't care to preach what's right or wrong bc ultimately everyone does what they want. I'm 5'2 and I was 130 when I started and now am 113 so not far off from your goals. I didn't have a time frame to get it done by, I just wanted to do it healthy and to ensure the changes I made were life long decisions so I could keep it off. 9 weeks is a short amount of time when you're already on the smaller side. I started out at 1200 but couldn't sustain there bc I workout too much so I had to increase my calories. I would suggest starting at 1200; I would hate for you to feel hungry, drained and deprived from only eating 1000.

    The picture on your profile is my dream...those abs...admiring...
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    At your size, losing 2 lbs/wk (for 9 wks) is unrealistic, and eating <1000 calories/day is unhealthy.

    This. Two pounds a week is ok for someone with more than 75 pounds to lose.

    Also, don't get hung up on the number on the scale. At 5'3, 112 pounds is TINY. If you focus more on eating right, with adequate protein and regular exercise including strength training, you'll reach your goal BODY long before you reach your goal weight. If you continue with 1000 calories a day, you'll screw up your metabolism and won't be happy with your body at your goal weight.

    Remember: No one can see the number on the scale but you.

    What happened when I didn't eat enough: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/494091-i-just-don-t-care-anymore

    Definitely check out her blog and listen to her. She's proof that when you focus more on a quality diet and toning your body rather than losing weight, you get fantastic results. Plus, eating as little as 1000 a day can put your body into starvation mode and it will hold tight to your extra weight - in other words, you won't loose weight like you hope. Do what's HEALTHY for life, not just what will get your body slim by August.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    I have a really simple philosophy. It has a lot to do with that old adage saying it is insane to thing doing the same thing will lead to different results.

    You've already mentioned you have been yoyo-ing since you were a kid. And you keep losing and gaining. I imagine you are hoping this is the last time you are going to have to "go on a diet/lose weight."

    So doesn't it make sense to pick a plan you can do permanently for the rest of your life, so you don't need to do the whole "diet" thing again?

    I know there is absolutely no way I could subside on 1000 calories a day.

    Also, you are pretty close to your "ideal" weight. 2 pounds a week is way too aggressive. Focus on reshaping your body and improving your body composition. You'll look better. You may *gasp* not lose all that much weight, but your appearance will improve when you focus on reducing body fat.

    <3 This <3
  • superrjo
    superrjo Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5"6, and i weighed 150 lbs in november, and i lost 28lbs between then and febuary/march ( one i lost 25lbs i slowed down and ate more). I was on 1100 a day and i worked out a lot. Some days i went over, some days i didnt eat back my exercise calories. I think its different or everyone probably, but for me, i was seeing consistent weight loss every week and i didnt feel low or depressed - I felt fantastic ! I think its just important to work out what works for you.
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    FYI, a pharmacist coworker was telling me the other day, during a break in our bi-annual tennis game, that he went to the gym most every night while in pharmacy school. He had exams to study for. He had classes to attend. He had a full-time job he was working.

    He made flash cards, and went through them while walking at a moderate pace. He was studying and getting in his time on the treadmill at the same time.

    Also...your brain needs nutrition. You are worried about exams, but are willing to sacrifice nutrition...that's not good, regardless of your health otherwise. You need those nutrients to keep your brain working at it's best, and then you'll be able to study more efficiently.
  • harpgohard
    harpgohard Posts: 65
    Like everyone else has been saying: 1,000 cals is way to low. You only need to be eating a 500 cal deficit in order to lose weight healthily. If you stick to it and don't slip up then the lbs should come off. Use this to calculate how much you should be eating:

    And just bc you are losing weight doesn't necessarily mean you are losing fat. In order for your body to change, and change a lot quicker than diet alone, you need to exercise. Strength training! It will tone you. Cardio melts fat right off the body. Try HIIT exercises to lose the fat even more quickly. Do some pop pilates! She has fast, effective workouts. You can find her videos on youtube.

    Good luck girly. Stay healthy please, it'll help you in the long run.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I'm the same height as yourself and currently weigh 137lbs and am happy right there...use to be 220lbs. 1000cals is not enough for your body, believe me I use to only eat that much and it wasn't good. Try getting a minimum of 1200cals at the least in a day.
  • Jess81620
    Jess81620 Posts: 72 Member
    The min is 1,200 calories or you will but your body into starvation mode and no it's not a myth.
  • surgesilk
    surgesilk Posts: 92
    oh god here we go

    Who the hell said she couldn't ask. Reading is fundamental. Try it some time.

    Hey she is new so you cant say that just dont comment if you dont have anything nice to say :smile:
  • cowerth1
    cowerth1 Posts: 3
    trust me do not eat such a low calorific diet, you will , I also am at uni and i know it's hard to stay on top of excercise but just go for a 45 minute brisk walk every morning and thats your excercise for the day! x