Turbo Jammers 7/20-7/26

Good Morning Everyone!
I only have a sec to start the new thread...post more in a bit :smile:


  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    I just wanted to tell you all thanks for the good advice! I'll give things a try and see how that goes. Also, does anyone use the fitness tracker here on MFP? If so what do you put for TJ exercises? And what about Turbosculpt?
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Angel!
    I always use the fitness tracker. As far as logging in...the best way of course is to create your own exercises using a HRM, however, if you don't have one, the Turbo Jam workouts are very close to kickboxing for me, although some people use high intensity aerobics. Either one will give you a pretty good estimate. When I do Turbo Sculpt, Ab Jam, or any other of the toning or ab workouts I don't log that it, I just take it as a bonus since I don't really burn as many calories doing those.
  • ccleadbyexample
    I too use a heart rate monitor...depending on how athletic you are is how nice of one you can get if you don't already. I am a runner and thinking of investing in a Garmin! Another option is the body bugg..expensive but they do they job!
    Otherwise..you can get caloric idea on here and also other sites!
    Also..good morning Megan!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's weigh-in day and I made my ticker move yet again!

    I don't know if I should be concerned yet, but 2 pounds in one week is quite a lot for me. My deficit is at only a half pound and I eat ALL my exercise calories. I am celebrating and also really hoping that I don't start to plateau because of the quick jump. Fingers crossed, my body waits until I reach my goal weight in 4 pounds before it decides to do so :laugh:.

    Ah well, my inches also moved so it doesn't appear to be muscle loss. :drinker:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Congratulations Ghanie!!! I know as I got closer to my goal weight I also had fluctuations like that, not a steady drop. I'd stay the same for a couple weeks, then all of a sudden I'd be down a couple pounds...not sure why that happens. That's awesome that you're so close to your goal!!!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Oh...and hi Casey! :smile: Going out for a lunch time run now...catch ya all later!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Congrats! I am still so appreciative of your advice ghanie! I have started today new- had my whole wheat bagel for breakfast after my bikeride and as advised--decided on fresh red raspberries for my mid-am snack:smile: I completed my TJ Cardioparty mix1 as well:tongue: For lunch I really wanted homemade egg salad (made with lite miracle whip), (I put it on one of those Arnolds 100 calorie 100% whole wheat sandwich thins--hope that was ok:ohwell: ) and had a little cottage cheese on the side. So far so good??:indifferent:
    My plan is to have 2 Wassa flatbread crisps with hummus in a little bit, complete my TJ Turbosculpt, finish the afternoon with maybe an apple and peanut butter, and dinner with a salad with chicken/lots of veggies/feta cheese and balsamic vinegar dressing.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey Angel, it sounds like you're making mostly wholesome choices which is always better than processed and/or packaged stuff. What did MFP say was your calorie allowance?

    I did 3T for the first time today. I definitely like Turbo Sculpt better and the calorie burn was also higher. So I might add some FB Jam to that one the next time I have it on Thursday.

    Darndest thing about the weight .. everyone says the last few ones are the hardest to go but it's been a steady 1 lb per week for the past month and then 2 lbs this week. Of course it was slow to start while I kicked the old metabolism in gear.

    In any case, I figure I'll keep the current calories until I'm in the "healthy" range (132), then I'll start cutting the deficit by 50 calories each week until I'm on maintenance (it's only 250 right now). I'll probably lose a little more after that but I don't mind nudging deeper into the healthy range.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Everybody,
    Just a quick checkin to keep me accountable. Started off with 20 min this morning and will round out the day with a 4mi fast wlk if the weather holds up. If not then either CP2 or PK & J! Ab Jam before bed though - Think I'm going to add that one everyday.

    Nice to see all are here and ready for a fantastic week!

    Lets do it!

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Ghanie, MFP says my daily net calories should be 1460. Then with the exercise I have logged thus far, my daily calorie "goal" should be 1951. But right now like you suggested I'm gonna ease into the eating more and probably not eat my exercise calories until I become more comfortable. I know this is going to take awhile to get used to..that's why I'm so happy to have such great support! Thanks everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ghanie, MFP says my daily net calories should be 1460. Then with the exercise I have logged thus far, my daily calorie "goal" should be 1951. But right now like you suggested I'm gonna ease into the eating more and probably not eat my exercise calories until I become more comfortable. I know this is going to take awhile to get used to..that's why I'm so happy to have such great support! Thanks everyone!:flowerforyou:

    That's fine; just get used to the more frequent meals for now because I know that's a big change and it's already more than what you were eating. In about a week or two, start adding about 100 calories per week over the next month or so. That will help train your body to burn the fuel you feed it. It's certainly a lot more fun to live on more calories than less! It will also make you more resistant to gaining weight in the future because your metabolism will be operating at maximum performance which is everyone's ultimate goal.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    I just wanted to add that is for a "lightly active" person (I am a veterinary technician-usually always on my feet at work 10 hour days!)
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I'm starting back this week and TJ is usually my main cardio workout (when I actually do it). I usually work out in the evenings and will post my results tonight. Thanks for starting this group. I need to be accountable.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Welcome spiralgirl! Glad to have you part of the team! :flowerforyou:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there spiralgirl! We can always use more TurboJammers:happy: It's great that you got back into it!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    So I have officially logged everything into MFP for today (but haven't eaten dinner just yet--just seeing where I am at:tongue: )- So far so good I think but it seems like I still have a lot of calories left over--? I have carbs to use, a few grams of fat, but my proteins are good. Any ideas on balancing that out? Gee this is so new to me I know it takes time I'm just kinda scared!:sad: Haha
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Don't worry about going over on protein. The MFP allowance is a little low. Most of us toss some carbs into protein to bump it to 20% or so.

    Set small personal goals when it comes to calories. Say this week you aim for 1460-1500 each day. Then next week you don't go under 1500. Afterwards, start adding more calories.

    Definitely don't fret if you go over your personal goal. Even going over your MFP goal isn't going to hurt every now and then.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! Checkin in with my final week of the Push Circuit...today was Push 1. I am ready for the next phase!!! I haven't done any TJ lately, as I've been replacing that with running. I did my first 5k this past weekend, and it was awesome!!! I'm really having fun with running, but will get back to TJ once summer is over.

    Keep up the good work on the workouts!!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Monday night I did Cardio Party Mix 3. Then I did some ab work. I was also very good with my food journal. WOOT! Off to a good start!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning all!:bigsmile:
    Well it was raining this am:grumble: so I had to resort to the treadmill for the first time in a while for my run. If it was a light rain I would still go out..but it was an outright downpoor so figured I better stay in! I will finish my day later with my CE Burn 2..almost done with the Burn phase!
    Yesterday I did some P90X yoga..I really like that yoga and felt SO good on my back...it's been giving me fits! Jas and I are getting massages on Thursday..I NEVER pamper myself:flowerforyou:

    Ghanie: You GO GIRL! :noway: That is great...I think sometimes the scale moves more on certain weeks..mine seems to do that at times too..although sometimes in the wrong direction (haha jk).

    Megan: How were your workouts yesterday? Any tips for me on the CE Push? I am ready to rock it out starting this weekend!

    Lilangel: My advice is to focus on one thing at a time (or maybe a few small things:) Focus first on calorie intake...obviously you want to be sure that you are getting good foods! Then maybe look at things like your mix of calories: carbs, protein, fat, etc. That way you don't throw too much at yourself at once! In the end..it takes time..but starting is the hardest part! VERY cute pic by the way..where did you get that top?!:wink: And not to worry litlte lady...just keep working at it..we all do things a little different with nutrition..just take any advice you get and make it work for you! I agree too with Ghanie on doing things in increments..baby steps..or your body will be thrown out of sorts..unless of course you are WAY under on calories..then you def need to get more so it gets the fuel it needs! And don't be scared..one tip: I plan for the next day the previous day (log it in) so that way I know I get the mix of calories, protein, etc that I need! And you can change your goals for your needs too-I changed mine so higher on protein intake for the workouts I do.

    Spiralgirl: Welcome:flowerforyou: So good to see a new face...def let us know how things are going for you! We'll keep you going...I always like checking in with the group!

    Janet: Good to see you as always! Way to keep yourself accountable!

    Erika: I am entering that phase this weekend..good job! I just love Chalene...and way to go on the 5k! I know that feeling...I did my first race 5 years ago..been addicted to it ever since..life changing!

    Hope you have a good day all..my challenge this week is keeping sodium down and protein up!