Turbo Jammers 7/20-7/26



  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey girl!
    I must be exactly 4 weeks behind you as I am just finishing the Burn phase! I heard the Lean is the hardest..but you get the most results! Best of luck..and way to keep it up! I am not sure what I'll do when I get done..I might do one more round with the upgrades..and then try Insanity!
    LOL:laugh: ...sounds like something I would do! I was not blessed with natural flexibility, balance, or coordination..but I work at it!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    With reduced fat PB, they take out all the good fats and often load it up with sugar ... never heard of peanut butter powder though.

    I don't really know the difference between the Polar HRM's. I have the F4 and love it.

    It's rest day today. I'll probably get some yoga in later this evening though.
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good job for taking a break! People often don't do that...:flowerforyou:
    The peanut butter powder is called PB2..it comes in chocolate and regular (and check out ingredients.natural!). You basically take the powder and mix it with a little water..I was SHOCKED at how good it was..only 50 cals for 2 TBSP!:noway:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Good job for taking a break! People often don't do that...:flowerforyou:
    The peanut butter powder is called PB2..it comes in chocolate and regular (and check out ingredients.natural!). You basically take the powder and mix it with a little water..I was SHOCKED at how good it was..only 50 cals for 2 TBSP!:noway:

    I'll have to look into that .. it sounds cheaper :blushing:.

    The new schedule has 2 days off instead of 1 ... I figure I deserve it after finishing P90X on the doubles schedule :laugh:.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Wow on the reduced fat pb. I've been trying to gradually switch my family to healthier versions of the foods they love. Last week I was in the peanut butter aisle trying to figure out the difference between the reduced fat and natural pb. I picked the wrong one :(
    At least I know for next time. I appreciate the info.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there everyone! Just checking in for the day! I hope all is well with everybody else, I am in a good mood because I just purchased my Polar F4 Heartrate monitor:happy: I am super excited to use it-but today is my rest day..haha! But I am going to AbJam as usual, so I am anxious to try it out just to see how many calories I actually burn! Tomorrow is a treadmill night so I can get a good idea there as well.
    Thanks for all the great tips! The PB thing is something I will look into- does anyone know where exactly you can get it? Really all I have to shop around here is Walmart and Tops..haha it's pitiful!
    Anyway, it's salmon for dindin- YUMMY!:tongue: Doing okay so far-Thanks again for the support!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I had a good day. Just finished my workout. I did Cardio Party Remix and Ab Jam. I haven't done either one of these since I first got my DVD's several years ago. How often is Ab Jam recommended?

    I've seen the Natural PB in Kroger. I've never seen the powdered PB though and would like to check that out as well.

    Let me know how you like that HR model. I still haven't purchased one and will probably wait until next Friday.

    Hope everyone has a great night!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, good news ... I found some work. I'll be doing custodial care on the weekends (8am saturday until 8am monday).

    Because I can't work out while taking care of the patient, I decided to go ahead and take an extra rest day instead of cramming all my workouts into the week.

    Anyway, I'll be bringing my own food so I should be able to stay within my calories the whole time.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey all! So tomorrow night is a friend's birthday- we are going out downtown, soo naturally I am going to have a few alcoholic beverages:drinker: Any suggestions? I am in love with Amaretto Sours:tongue: I plan on eating like normally but will that throw me out of balance? I don't drink often obviously but it would be nice to have a few pointers for when I do want to enjoy a little. Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey all! So tomorrow night is a friend's birthday- we are going out downtown, soo naturally I am going to have a few alcoholic beverages:drinker: Any suggestions? I am in love with Amaretto Sours:tongue: I plan on eating like normally but will that throw me out of balance? I don't drink often obviously but it would be nice to have a few pointers for when I do want to enjoy a little. Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    Just drink a lot of water and don't weigh yourself the next day, hehe ... a lot of that stuff makes you retain water because of all the salt.

    Great work on hitting 1400 today! I'm doing the dance of joy :drinker:.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm checking in this AM with Jillian Michaels Boost Metabolism. I gotta say, it wasn't as hard as I remember it being. I actually had a better calorie burn with Burn Intervals with Chalene! It's nice to be able to get through a DVD w/o dying!!!

    I also managed to get a run in last night, man did that feel good. I now understand how one can get addicted to running! I love it!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. It's going to be a nice one here in MN!!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning all:bigsmile:
    So great to see you all on here and being accountable:flowerforyou:
    I was EXHAUSTED last night:yawn: ...I did my Burn Intervals yesterday am...Core, walk, and stairs at lunch..and then did part of Burn Intervals/Strength again in the evening as I was training at the Y. When I got home I had my snack, made food for today, and got into bed to return email!
    This morning I ran and will finish out my CE Burn set tonight! Then it's massage time..my body needs it:drinker:

    Lilangel: That's great on the HR monitor..I wear mine all day..it's VERY interesting to see the different levels of calorie burn depending on what you are doing..desk job..might as well be sleeping:grumble: As far as the drinking goes...there are tons of tips out there, but here are a few:
    *Drink water along with your drinks..helps to keep you full so you don't drink as much.
    *If you are mainly looking to drink just to be part of the crowd...you can go low cal with the MGD 64. any lite beer is going to be one of your best bets for low cals.
    *Any mixed drinks always think of lower cal options..like with pop choose diet if you can..etc. Mix alcohol with low cal options if you can!
    Since you are low on cals anyway..you should be ok unless you go real crazy. And COMPLETELY agree with Ghanie...no weigh in next am..or learn to not be shocked when your weight is up for a day or two! Also...kudos on the salmon..I am a HUGE salmon fan! When I went on my cruise last year I think I ate it like 2 meals a day:laugh:

    Spiralgirl: Way to keep it up girl! As far as ab jam, you could probably do that every day if you really wanted. Core work is very important and does need done at least 3x a week. However, if you are sore in that area or have done a hard core workout..be sure to give your body 48 hours rest..that lets the muscles rest and rebuild properly.

    Ghanie: Great to hear you found something and are already incorporating your health goals with it! Way to think ahead and in a healthy way!:flowerforyou:

    As for the Powdered peanut butter..I think if you google PB2 there is a website..you can order it from there or I think there is a search option to find locations. I found mine at the local HyVee store in the health food section. I have heard some people say Target may carry it too. BIG fan of it! I mix it in my shakes in the morning..yum yum! :love:

    Have a great day all..way to keep rockin it out:happy:
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone!

    Yesterday I had a pretty rough day unfortunately. My 10 hour shift turned in to 15 and I never sat down. Had to stop wearing my pedometer because it's gone flying off a few too many times! I was planning on working out when I got home and that didn't happen. I went about 400 over on calories and I was pretty high in everything. :grumble:

    Today I woke up to try to offset it and did 20 minute Jam. Hopefully today will be better at work and I will be able to do the cardio party and ab jam tonight.

    Hope everyone has a terrific day!:smile:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    Nice to see so much activity on this thread again! Great job ladies!! :drinker: Crazy day today, so I'll come back tonight to catch up. Yesterday was cardio, so I did Turbo Kick. Today was Lean 3 and I've Got Abs. Tons of push ups in that ab workout, which is really rough after lifting, I think I need to change my schedule a little to be more effective. Anyway, gotta run, catch ya all later!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good morning all!:bigsmile:
    Well it was raining this am:grumble: so I had to resort to the treadmill for the first time in a while for my run. If it was a light rain I would still go out..but it was an outright downpoor so figured I better stay in! I will finish my day later with my CE Burn 2..almost done with the Burn phase!
    Yesterday I did some P90X yoga..I really like that yoga and felt SO good on my back...it's been giving me fits! Jas and I are getting massages on Thursday..I NEVER pamper myself:flowerforyou:

    Casey, do you have a treadmill at home? If so, what kind? I'm looking into getting one to use in the winter months and have no idea where to start!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning again!

    Erika: If you love running..yes it is addicting (as a person who started to just run one race FIVE years ago:laugh: ). Good for you..I always love new runner friends! That is awesome that Jillian was easy..sad that ChaLEAN can even make Jillian look weany:noway:
    It's a nice day here in Iowa too...rain tomorrow..but then sunshine for the weekend..POOL time!
    Treadmills..yes I do have one..SO needed in the winter when there is ice:frown: I got mine off of mcsports.com on a huge discount..I think it's a New Balance (LOVE LOVE LOVE it!:heart: ). As far as what to look for...realize that if you use it a lot that you will want ot get a nice one...as running on it will obviously put more wear on it than basic walking or not regular use. Also think about getting one that folds up to save space. Mine has a decent length track and although not as wide as in a fitness facility, wide enough I feel comfy not being confined! One thing I learned while shopping; the bigger the motor size..the quieter it will be.

    Erica: That is not cool..that's a LONG day! Are you able to do any kind of movement before work or on breaks?? I COMPLETELY understand how you'd be tired after a day like that and not feel like working out..especially if moving around a lot. Try to keep a bag of just extra snacks with you at all times (like protein bars, etc) so that way if you have to work long you still have healthy options. GREAT job keeping your head up and not getting discouraged!:flowerforyou:

    Megan: Great to hear from you..oh push ups..so fun:) The tricep ones KILL! :noway:

    Catcha later ladies!:bigsmile:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Just checking in today! How is everybody doing? I'm so happy reading the progress reports on everyone..hehe:happy: I am trying my best Ghanie to keep above 1400, so far at like 1000 something, but dinner to go! I just finished a 20 minute TurboJam because I got bored (and wanted to check out my new HR monitor) LOVE IT! I was expecting to see a higher number of calories burned but I'll take it because I usually pair that up with another workout anyways-Tonight is a treadmill night and I am very anxious to see calories there:glasses: I also went grocery shopping last night for a few things- took the suggestion of the SmartBalance PB and got myself some soy nuts as well! Yum! I am still falling low on fats today but I will try my best:frown: This afternoon I am finishing off Abjam early, then treadmill time after work and out for a night on the town haha! Thanks for the tips about drinks-I am definately drinking my water for the day and I don't expect to have more than 2 drinks honestly:smile: Any suggestions to help curb those drinking munchies? I'm usually ok when I am out but once I hit home I want to eat! And got ya-no weigh-in in the AM-good plan!:wink:
    Just another question- Is it ok to eat a small snack before bed? My usual routine is dinner about 8pm, AbJam around 9:30pm and then bed somewhere around 10:30-11. How bad is it if there were a snack in between Abjam and bed?:huh:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok, got Lower Body Jam and Ab Jam done for the day. I used ankle weights because I didn't have that band that everyone else was using. Oh well. It seemed to do the job.
    Just another question- Is it ok to eat a small snack before bed? My usual routine is dinner about 8pm, AbJam around 9:30pm and then bed somewhere around 10:30-11. How bad is it if there were a snack in between Abjam and bed?:huh:

    I always hear that if you're going to eat late in the evening, cottage cheese is best. Any kind of protein would be good, IMO, since it is after a workout.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Getting ready to do Punch, Kick and Jam (my favorite TB) and Turbo Sculpt.

    Have a great night all!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok, slight change in schedule ... I got a different assignment that starts tomorrow morning and I don't get back until Monday.

    Well, I'm definitely glad I'm done with P90X, hehe. At least TJ will be waiting for me once I'm done with my assignment.

    I'll see you on the new thread. Have a great weekend!