too exausted from work and commute to work out more.



  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    You are getting plenty of endurance cardio. Do some pushups, lunges, squats, crunches, tricep dips, burpees, planks etc during the commercials as you are winding down for the evening. Try to do 500 reps of a few exercises a few days a week. It'll take around 10 minutes, and you'll be building strength. Or do 3 or 4 sets of a few dumbbell exercises at home. And try to sneak in a Tabata workout during the weekend.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Ugh, it's just hard bc I work at an icecream shop, and I buy my own groceries but with the bike, I hate actually carrying them home. Guess I should eat better though.

    Bringing groceries home on a bike would be complicated, but it can be done. Big backpack? Basket? Get one of those toddler trailers for the could put like 6 bags of healthy food in there...

    Ha, I've brought home veggies almond milk and stuff in my backpack before, but a basket would be ideal bc that kills my back.

    So guys, while all calories are not equal, I'm not starving and I don't feel I have a terrible diet, so beyond eating more veggies and good proteins, can we get back to the actual question?
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    ummm hmmm, not a very healthy diet, water, probably not enough calories, and I'm guessing you're not getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) either.

    If you put crappy gas in a Rolls Royce, don't expect it to run right~
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    ummm hmmm, not a very healthy diet, water, probably not enough calories, and I'm guessing you're not getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) either.

    If you put crappy gas in a Rolls Royce, don't expect it to run right~

    I don't log all my water, I eat plenty of calories, and who the **** are you to tell me I'm not sleeping enough? Jesus, either answer the question or don't, no need to make generalizations about me.
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    the last two days you started the day with a shot of booze? really? and the rest of your day you basically ate like crap. no wonder you dont have any energy. get real.

    What am I eating that's crap? And the booze in in my morning but that's because I just click it, usually have a shot with friends after work.

    white bread
    convenience foods

    you can eat that stuff sure...but where are the fresh fruits and vegetables?

    If you want more energy, you have to make healthier food choices. Period. Your fuel is what you feed your body. Alchohol for breakfast, skipping meals, junk foods in place of fruits and veggies, low protein, and low calorie intake will surely leave you feeling sick, run down and sluggish.

    Work on your diet and you'll feel better. Best wishes!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You are getting plenty of endurance cardio. Do some pushups, lunges, squats, crunches, tricep dips, burpees, planks etc during the commercials as you are winding down for the evening. Try to do 500 reps of a few exercises a few days a week. It'll take around 10 minutes, and you'll be building strength. Or do 3 or 4 sets of a few dumbbell exercises at home. And try to sneak in a Tabata workout during the weekend.

    This is probably the best answer getting back to your topic. You might even be able to fit this kind of stuff in while you are at work :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    ummm hmmm, not a very healthy diet, water, probably not enough calories, and I'm guessing you're not getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) either.

    If you put crappy gas in a Rolls Royce, don't expect it to run right~

    I don't log all my water, I eat plenty of calories, and who the **** are you to tell me I'm not sleeping enough? Jesus, either answer the question or don't, no need to make generalizations about me.

    I thought your question was about your fatigue? no? you have fatigue cuz you eat like crap and have a shot of booze most nights. that would fatigue anyone
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    the last two days you started the day with a shot of booze? really? and the rest of your day you basically ate like crap. no wonder you dont have any energy. get real.

    What am I eating that's crap? And the booze in in my morning but that's because I just click it, usually have a shot with friends after work.

    white bread
    convenience foods

    you can eat that stuff sure...but where are the fresh fruits and vegetables?

    If you want more energy, you have to make healthier food choices. Period. Your fuel is what you feed your body. Alchohol for breakfast, skipping meals, junk foods in place of fruits and veggies, low protein, and low calorie intake will surely leave you feeling sick, run down and sluggish.

    Work on your diet and you'll feel better. Best wishes!

    I don't feel sick or run down or sluggish unless it's a work day. I feel pretty great most days actually. I just don't also feel like working out. But thanks?
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Maybe I'm reading your diary wrong, but it looks like you're not getting much to eat during the day, and then eating one big meal at night. If you want energy at night you need to put more (preferably healthy) food in your tummy during the day.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    ummm hmmm, not a very healthy diet, water, probably not enough calories, and I'm guessing you're not getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) either.

    If you put crappy gas in a Rolls Royce, don't expect it to run right~

    I don't log all my water, I eat plenty of calories, and who the **** are you to tell me I'm not sleeping enough? Jesus, either answer the question or don't, no need to make generalizations about me.

    I thought your question was about your fatigue? no? you have fatigue cuz you eat like crap and have a shot of booze most nights. that would fatigue anyone

    Nah, **** it. I'm going to continue to eat like this and see where it goes, then post about the progress.
  • RosesFitNotes
    RosesFitNotes Posts: 13 Member
    before you bike in the morning pick 1 or 2 exercises so you are not overwhelmed. one day 3 sets of squats, another day pushups, bicep tricep and shoulders, that way you're only spending 10 more minutes but getting some extra in.( if you feel you can, increase to 15 minutes of weight bearing per day). keep at it. and maybe try to eat a little better 4 out of 7 days of the week. goodluck. if all the other commenters were perfect, they wouldn't be on this site :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    When you want something to happen - TRULY want it - you find a way to make it happen. So far this entire thread you've done nothing but be defensive, make excuses or simply ignore every time someone offers you valuable advice.

    It's hard to make the right decisions but most of us have been in your shoes so no one is fooled into believing that your life is any more difficult than another person that has to work a full time job, fit chores and other responsibilities into their life and STILL find a way to work out regularly and eat well.

    Make it happen or don't, but we'll all be here to support you when you buckle down and get it done.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    But hey, now i'm working out! So thanks for that :]
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    ummm hmmm, not a very healthy diet, water, probably not enough calories, and I'm guessing you're not getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) either.

    If you put crappy gas in a Rolls Royce, don't expect it to run right~

    I don't log all my water, I eat plenty of calories, and who the **** are you to tell me I'm not sleeping enough? Jesus, either answer the question or don't, no need to make generalizations about me.

    I thought your question was about your fatigue? no? you have fatigue cuz you eat like crap and have a shot of booze most nights. that would fatigue anyone

    Nah, **** it. I'm going to continue to eat like this and see where it goes, then post about the progress.

    What was the point of this? To ask advice and then when you don't like the perfectly good advice many people have given you, you say *kitten* it? This is why some people have just given up trying to help people on the forums.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    i feel ya i'm just lazy about working out right now
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    But hey, now i'm working out! So thanks for that :]

    High five
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    ummm hmmm, not a very healthy diet, water, probably not enough calories, and I'm guessing you're not getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) either.

    If you put crappy gas in a Rolls Royce, don't expect it to run right~

    I don't log all my water, I eat plenty of calories, and who the **** are you to tell me I'm not sleeping enough? Jesus, either answer the question or don't, no need to make generalizations about me.

    Sounds like I a struck a nerve, based on your crude response.
    If you don't want honest answers, don't ask the question in a forum~
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Sometimes I think it's easier to work out AS SOON as you get home. Once you get home and sit down it's hard to get off the couch! Or try pre logging exercise?

    Also re groceries can you get them delivered? I'm not sure if you've been on here long but I think the longer you stay on here the more your diet evolves with healthier food. Keep at it.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member

    I don't log all my water, I eat plenty of calories, and who the **** are you to tell me I'm not sleeping enough? Jesus, either answer the question or don't, no need to make generalizations about me.

    I thought your question was about your fatigue? no? you have fatigue cuz you eat like crap and have a shot of booze most nights. that would fatigue anyone

    Nah, **** it. I'm going to continue to eat like this and see where it goes, then post about the progress.

    What was the point of this? To ask advice and then when you don't like the perfectly good advice many people have given you, you say *kitten* it? This is why some people have just given up trying to help people on the forums.

    Seriously. Too much drama.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hey there

    I heard once that if you're waiting for motivation to kick in, that you'll be waiting a long time as it does not exist... Not many people want to force themselves up in the morning and go for a run or go to the gym - especially when they're tired etc. but they do. Exercise shouldn't be a chore - it's just like brushing your teeth each day, or having a shower... it's just something that you HAVE (should) to do each and everyday in order to stay healthy.

    In saying that, there are definitely some exercises that are better preferred to each individual. Try and exercise in a way that's more enjoyable to you, conversely, there will be exercises that you have to do in order to reach the goals you've set.

    If you are finding it's more tiredness - try having once or twice a week a pre-workout subtance. I have RAZOR 8 and it does the trick on those odd sod days.