Strategies for Memorial Day BBQs



  • susiek80
    susiek80 Posts: 19
    You have to learn to control yourself while eating the things that you love. It will get easier if you continue to eat those foods you love but just decide YOU WILL do it in moderation. Try to bring other things to fill up on like veggies or eat something before heading out. Also if you like beer I really like MGD 64 as my go to beer. I can have quite a few before they add up to much. Good luck!

    ^^^^^ This ^^^^^
    I don't want to be stuck on a lifelog ban of the foods I enjoy. Everything in moderation.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    My strategy was going to be hibernating and pretending I didn't have friends, so I don't get sucked into the temptation... Clearly that's not gonna work. I just need to exercise some self control. I'm more worried about the amount of alcohol I will be drinking, than I am the food.

    I need help too!!!
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    There are always lots of healthy foods to fill up on (meat, salad, corn) - but the best thing to do is to remove yourself from the buffet table and play! There are so many fun games that are perfect to play outside at a BBQ... frisbee, bocce, horseshoes, toss a football around, whatever you like. If there's a pool, jump in. It is not possible to eat potato chips while swimming!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    I have bbq's at my house so I decide whats on the menu. This year instead of regular hot sausages I will have chicken sausages. Whole wheat buns instead of white. Lots of grilled veggies. Turkey burgers (also regular ones for those who don't care). Crudite. Grilled chicken. Fresh fruit parfait. Big salad. NOMNOMNOM.

    Eat this... Not that... :drinker:

    We'll play games; football, basketball, chasing after the dogs.

    I will have a few cocktails but maybe try out the Miller 64, crystal light cocktail, etc etc Lots of choices!!!! :blushing:
  • marynmarty
    marynmarty Posts: 89 Member
    I try and eat before I go so I'm not hungry during the BBQ.....OR I will plan my food that day for the BBQ so I can enjoy some. Also a trick that I do is chew gum. Your chewing AND your mind thinks your not hungry. It always works for me. Another I do is just double my exercise that day so it allows me to enjoy the BBQ. I've been away from that food for a long time now so I'm a little scared it will make me sick so that helps as well :-)
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Enjoy and be safe. Make sure the propane is on before you try to light the grill. Make sure you cook meat through to kill any salmenella (sp*?). I plan to work out like a mad man in the morning, so I can pig out on whatever and not worry about this. Remember, you have to eat 3500 calories PLUS what your body is already burning, to gain a pound. Have fun everyone!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I plan on going for and run first thing in the morning to get my burn up so I can enjoy the day and some food!

    Always this.

    Also, don't forget about portion control...bring measuring cups if you have to. Fill your plate with the healthiest options fist.

    Stay away from the chips, dips, etc. It's so easy to lose track of what you eat. Keep busy playing games and other activities that will keep you away from the food table.

    Bring a healthy dish that you can always go back to if you feel the need to eat. I almost always take a black bean/corn/avocado salad to picnics as an alternative to the heavy mayonnaise based stuff.

    Wine spritzers. helps keep a handle on the alcohol intake. Try to alternate each alcoholic beverage with a bottle of water.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Home made turkey burgers, strawberry salad, grilled veggies and lots of ice water.. maybe a strawberry and almond milk smoothie.
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm bringing a veggie platter with me and I am also bringing turkey burgers and 98% fat free turkey hot dogs to have. I'll probably volunteer to run the grill as well. Oh and I plan on going for a long walk that day as well.:flowerforyou:
  • Lindsay_1984
    Lindsay_1984 Posts: 85 Member
    I think it is all about your mentality about the festivities. Don't make food the focus of your day. Focus on all the other fun things that you can do on Memorial Day weekend instead. Things like volleyball, swimming, frisbee, ladder golf, throwing a football around, hiking, etc...

    In other words, think like a kid! How many times do you see kids at a BBQ actually sitting down and pigging out? Usually the kids are so busy playing and enjoying the activities that they forget to eat and the parents have to make them eat.

    If you make activities your main focus then food is just an after thought, something you have to do to keep up your energy.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member

    In other words, think like a kid! How many times do you see kids at a BBQ actually sitting down and pigging out? Usually the kids are so busy playing and enjoying the activities that they forget to eat and the parents have to make them eat.

    This was certainly the way it was when I was a kid. I don't have any myself, but I definitely notice that a lot of our friend's kids spend just as much time focusing on food as the adults. It kind of saddens me.
  • KimKramer
    KimKramer Posts: 44
    Change things up! Bring some shrimp on skewers to grill - I season mine with McCormicks Carribean Jerk seasoning and then drizzle with a touch of honey. Yum ! Fruit salad goes great with it and it's filling!

    Oh I am trying this!!!!! Thanks for the idea :)
  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    eat meat

    lots and lots of meat
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I'm the BBQ guy in my extended family. I'm doing chicken and brisket this year. I'll remove the skin from the chicken before I eat it and trim the fat off of the brisket. I' ve generally avoid carbs, but will not boycott them.

    There will be beer. Amberbock.

    The whole point of making this lifestyle change is simply to do better. Keep in mind that if you eat like the average person, then you'll have a body like the average person. That's generally enough to keep me from eating a bowl of chips or potato salad.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    One thing I do at bbqs is eat what I'd like, hamburger or hot link, or chicken whatever. With salad or fruit. And NO SECONDS! That's the big thing!!!! Lol, 1 hamburger or hot link or steak or chicken won't hurt. 3 or 4 of them will! So I eat what I would like. But only have one :) also, an above poster said to bring a water bottle, that's a great idea. It will be hot, and I've herd somewhere that dehydration tricks you into thinking your hungry when your really thirsty. Have fun and enjoy :)
  • JersryGirl31
    JersryGirl31 Posts: 167
    There are always lots of healthy foods to fill up on (meat, salad, corn) - but the best thing to do is to remove yourself from the buffet table and play! There are so many fun games that are perfect to play outside at a BBQ... frisbee, bocce, horseshoes, toss a football around, whatever you like. If there's a pool, jump in. It is not possible to eat potato chips while swimming!

    Pick the best choices. If you don't love it, don't eat it. I also plan to bring fruit and veggies so I won't be so tempted by the higher calorie choices. You could also bring kabobs. (shrimp sounds lovely). If you drink wine you can dilute it with club soda so it seems like you are drinking more. Keep a water bottle handy. Enjoy the company instead of focusing on the food.

    I'm still worried I'll eat and drink too much, but maybe now I'll be more likely to follow my own advice

    Good luck.