

  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Putting it in a pepper grinder seems like it would make it really easy way to get it fresh.
  • dreadpiratedavis
    Depends on the grinder's plate...I always stood by the electric coffee mill for a finer grind. That said, a pepper grinder is an open implement (i.e.; it would allow for oxidation of ground flax seed that catches in the grinder, as well as the deterioration of the whole seed) A top load coffee grinder allows for a 'clean sweep' afterwards, and lets you add as much or little as you like. After grinding, place the fresh grounds in a dark container in the fridge.

    You'll experience greater (and fresher) benefit from 'grind as you go' or grind/store/chill. The essential oils/fats in some seeds and roots are fragile when exposed excessively to air.