Eat more fat



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    You have to read on some coconut oil to see how it is processed. I buy my by the vitamins not by the other cooking oils.

    Yep, that is correct. That LuAnn stuff that Wal-Mart sells should be outlawed. I think I read some where that it is partially hydrogenized, which makes it a tub of trans fat they are selling on the shelf.

    Someone correct me if I am wrong.

    I think you're right. General recommendation is to go with unrefined. Nutivia and Spectrum organics are both good unrefined choices. They're available at most health food stores and some larger chains - Giant, Giant Eagle, Wegmans (I live in PA).

    I use Nutiva and Jungle brand coconut oils. Jungle also has a fabulous red palm oil if you like indian type stir fries.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    The Louanna is the one that I was talking about. It is a no no!!! It is sold by all the cooking oils. But WalMart sells one by the vitamins that is the right one. I just haven't used it I don't know what to use it on. I don't want to have to cook this huge recipe or dessert to use it. (seen on web) I want to be able to know a simple quick way to use it.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Just keep a jar of it around for sauteeing and general use. It has a long shelf life.

    I bet sweet potato fries are really good with it. I'll have to investigate :smile:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    wat about putting some on toasted cinnamon raisin bread?

    How much of this should I get in a day?
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I think you're right. General recommendation is to go with unrefined. Nutivia and Spectrum organics are both good unrefined choices. They're available at most health food stores and some larger chains - Giant, Giant Eagle, Wegmans (I live in PA).

    I use spectrum coconut oil in my oatmeal in the morning. Now I don't have to put sugar in it anymore and it tastes AMAZING.

    I'm not sure if either of you bake because I know you both do a no grain diet but can coconut oil be used in baking. I was contemplating using it in a recipe and I wasn't sure if I could because of the fairly low heat point.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I read some recipes that was on the link in the above comments and they baked with it.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    sweet thanks.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    wat about putting some on toasted cinnamon raisin bread?

    How much of this should I get in a day?

    Start out with just 1 tablespoon a day for a week and each week add in another tablespoon until the max recommended is 4 tablespoons per day I believe.

    Because of the enzymes in it, if you consume too much too quick you can have some gastrointestinal distress.

    Some say it is due to yeast die off and other say because of an enzyme. Just increase intake slowly.

  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Thank you!!!! How do you think it would be on my toasted cinnamon raisin bread
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thank you!!!! How do you think it would be on my toasted cinnamon raisin bread

    Probably as good or better than butter.
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    I read somewhere that your body absorbs more nutrients from a salad when you pair it with olive oil or another healthy fat versus a low fat salad dressing. Another reason to boost your good fat intake.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I read somewhere that your body absorbs more nutrients from a salad when you pair it with olive oil or another healthy fat versus a low fat salad dressing. Another reason to boost your good fat intake.


    that depends on the salad, but yes, some vitamins are fat soluble. So this is most likely true.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    I'm reviving this topic.

    Just because.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Reviving this again as it needs to be read over and over again!!
  • BamaRose0107
    While I agree that fats are not evil and there is a need for them, there are some people who have to limit fatty foods, even natural fats. I know we all get very passionate about what works for us, but we also need to be open minded and realize that what works for one person might not work for another. That does not mean one person is healthier than the other it just means we are humans and are different.

    I myself have to eat a diet that is fat restrictive. . I can't eat red meat or pork at all, fatty meats are a no no and I also have to avoid acidic fruits. I have a few stomach severe stomach issues and this is the only way to control them. So although I agree that fats are not evil some of us really can't help doing a low fat diet I don't think low fat diets should be made to look evil or wrong either.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    While I agree that fats are not evil and there is a need for them, there are some people who have to limit fatty foods, even natural fats. I know we all get very passionate about what works for us, but we also need to be open minded and realize that what works for one person might not work for another. That does not mean one person is healthier than the other it just means we are humans and are different.

    I myself have to eat a diet that is fat restrictive. . I can't eat red meat or pork at all, fatty meats are a no no and I also have to avoid acidic fruits. I have a few stomach severe stomach issues and this is the only way to control them. So although I agree that fats are not evil some of us really can't help doing a low fat diet I don't think low fat diets should be made to look evil or wrong either.

    My sister thought the same thing, until she cut out grains and dairy 100% from her eating plan.
  • BamaRose0107
    While I agree that fats are not evil and there is a need for them, there are some people who have to limit fatty foods, even natural fats. I know we all get very passionate about what works for us, but we also need to be open minded and realize that what works for one person might not work for another. That does not mean one person is healthier than the other it just means we are humans and are different.

    I myself have to eat a diet that is fat restrictive. . I can't eat red meat or pork at all, fatty meats are a no no and I also have to avoid acidic fruits. I have a few stomach severe stomach issues and this is the only way to control them. So although I agree that fats are not evil some of us really can't help doing a low fat diet I don't think low fat diets should be made to look evil or wrong either.

    My sister thought the same thing, until she cut out grains and dairy 100% from her eating plan.

    I am lactose intolerant and have to limit grains very rarely do I eat them. I am just saying we are all different and we should not think that just because something works for one person it should work for everyone. With the help of my doctor I have been able to control my health problems without chemical filled meds. I rely solely on diet and exercise and it has worked for me. Even though my doctor is a a conventional doctor he hate what modern medicine has become. He likes to take a natural approach to healing if possible to avoid a patient having to take meds for the rest of their lives.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    While I agree that fats are not evil and there is a need for them, there are some people who have to limit fatty foods, even natural fats. I know we all get very passionate about what works for us, but we also need to be open minded and realize that what works for one person might not work for another. That does not mean one person is healthier than the other it just means we are humans and are different.

    I myself have to eat a diet that is fat restrictive. . I can't eat red meat or pork at all, fatty meats are a no no and I also have to avoid acidic fruits. I have a few stomach severe stomach issues and this is the only way to control them. So although I agree that fats are not evil some of us really can't help doing a low fat diet I don't think low fat diets should be made to look evil or wrong either.

    My sister thought the same thing, until she cut out grains and dairy 100% from her eating plan.

    I am lactose intolerant and have to limit grains. I am just saying we are all different and we should not think that just because something works for one person it should work for everyone. With the help of my doctor I have been able to control my health problems without chemical filled meds. I rely solely on diet and exercise and it has worked for me.

    No where in this thread has anyone said it would work for everyone............

    However, most people think that being healthy means cutting out virtually all fat from their diet, which is not true..............

    I am healthier now eating upwards of 65% fat than I was when I was eating 15% fat in my diet.

    I resurrected this as I refuse to let people bash me for how I eat when it is not "main stream" compared to how ever one else eats.

    I see it coming from new members already and I will shout my research and my findings from the roof top of any building I can stand on.
  • BamaRose0107
    While I agree that fats are not evil and there is a need for them, there are some people who have to limit fatty foods, even natural fats. I know we all get very passionate about what works for us, but we also need to be open minded and realize that what works for one person might not work for another. That does not mean one person is healthier than the other it just means we are humans and are different.

    I myself have to eat a diet that is fat restrictive. . I can't eat red meat or pork at all, fatty meats are a no no and I also have to avoid acidic fruits. I have a few stomach severe stomach issues and this is the only way to control them. So although I agree that fats are not evil some of us really can't help doing a low fat diet I don't think low fat diets should be made to look evil or wrong either.

    My sister thought the same thing, until she cut out grains and dairy 100% from her eating plan.

    I am lactose intolerant and have to limit grains. I am just saying we are all different and we should not think that just because something works for one person it should work for everyone. With the help of my doctor I have been able to control my health problems without chemical filled meds. I rely solely on diet and exercise and it has worked for me.

    No where in this thread has anyone said it would work for everyone............

    However, most people think that being healthy means cutting out virtually all fat from their diet, which is not true..............

    I am healthier now eating upwards of 65% fat than I was when I was eating 15% fat in my diet.

    I resurrected this as I refuse to let people bash me for how I eat when it is not "main stream" compared to how ever one else eats.

    I see it coming from new members already and I will shout my research and my findings from the roof top of any building I can stand on.

    I never bashed you for the way you were eating and I have also not said cutting out all fats is healthy. I said I believe in the benefits of a higher fat diet, however some people have health problems preventing such diets. I said nothing about the way you eat as being wrong or not main stream. I don't know where you got that. There are alot of people who find success not just in weightloss but overall health eating a diet high in fats and low in carbs. If anyone finds a diet that works for them I am proud for them. I do a diet different from you but I know the benefits of the diet you are doing. Why are you fighting with me when I agree with you and your views on higher natural fat consumption?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    While I agree that fats are not evil and there is a need for them, there are some people who have to limit fatty foods, even natural fats. I know we all get very passionate about what works for us, but we also need to be open minded and realize that what works for one person might not work for another. That does not mean one person is healthier than the other it just means we are humans and are different.

    I myself have to eat a diet that is fat restrictive. . I can't eat red meat or pork at all, fatty meats are a no no and I also have to avoid acidic fruits. I have a few stomach severe stomach issues and this is the only way to control them. So although I agree that fats are not evil some of us really can't help doing a low fat diet I don't think low fat diets should be made to look evil or wrong either.

    My sister thought the same thing, until she cut out grains and dairy 100% from her eating plan.

    I am lactose intolerant and have to limit grains. I am just saying we are all different and we should not think that just because something works for one person it should work for everyone. With the help of my doctor I have been able to control my health problems without chemical filled meds. I rely solely on diet and exercise and it has worked for me.

    No where in this thread has anyone said it would work for everyone............

    However, most people think that being healthy means cutting out virtually all fat from their diet, which is not true..............

    I am healthier now eating upwards of 65% fat than I was when I was eating 15% fat in my diet.

    I resurrected this as I refuse to let people bash me for how I eat when it is not "main stream" compared to how ever one else eats.

    I see it coming from new members already and I will shout my research and my findings from the roof top of any building I can stand on.

    I never bashed you for the way you were eating and I have also not said cutting out all fats is healthy. I said I believe in the benefits of a higher fat diet, however some people have health problems preventing such diets. I said nothing about the way you eat as being wrong or not main stream. I don't know where you got that. There are alot of people who find success not just in weightloss but overall health eating a diet high in fats and low in carbs. If anyone finds a diet that works for them I am proud for them. I do a diet different from you but I know the benefits of the diet you are doing. Why are you fighting with me when I agree with you and your views on higher natural fat consumption?

    I am not fighting with you............and I never said you said anything about bashing me, I said others are bashing me and were last year too.