What are your goals in the next three months?



  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    Squat, bench, and deadlift my body weight by the end of summer. I've got about 50lbs to add to each.
    Complete my first triathalon-2nd weekend of august!
  • rklein71
    rklein71 Posts: 112 Member
    I want to finish the 10-week challenge I signed up for at the gym, continue to work on the C25K that I started and QUIT SMOKING. I started Chantix yesterday, and hope that now, when I am so focused on lifestyle changes, will give me motivation to be successful. I quit smoking 5 years ago in April, quit for 4 years, and started last year when my mom passed away. So, I am hoping to replace my smoking habit with a new, healthier habit. I am 14 days soda-free, so I hope to continue with that as well. I would like to set a weight loss goal, but have set a goal of working out 5 days per week and eating better and I'll see where that gets me.
  • chellebelle315
    I'm so used to facebook I read all your posts and then look for a "like" button to click on. Love all the motivated and ambitious goal planning for summer, can't wait to see what we all can accomplish. :)
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    I'd really like to get myself under 200 pounds by the end of August. so that's about 3 months :) 21 pounds to go..
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    my goals: loose the last 15 or so pounds. even 10 would be awesome.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I,like a lot of you too :), would love to see a sub 200 on the scale sept. 1st. :). But I'd take under 210, that should be very do able
  • honeybee3917
    honeybee3917 Posts: 24 Member
    I also would like to be under the 200 mark. 22 lbs. to lose this summer. I can do this!
  • DreamersWifey
    DreamersWifey Posts: 181 Member
    To lose my last 40 pounds
    (as of June 1st it will be 3 months 55pounds)
    So I'm hoping to lose 40 in the next 3 months
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Don't have a specific THREE-month goal, but my 50th birthday is a little less than FOUR months away. My goal is to get my BMI out of the "Obese" range by then. I'm 28 pounds away from that point, so it's a realistic goal.

    Before I get there, I'm hoping to get my weight below 200 pounds by the end of June.

    In the short term, I have four milestones I expect to hit by the end of May. Friday will be my 200th day on MFP. Sometime this weekend I expect to hit the 50-pounds-lost mark. I'm on track to walk 200 miles in the month of May. And if I hit THAT goal, I wlll have walked 1000 miles since joining MFP.
  • BeautyAndTheGeeks
    1) I want to be in the 140s again by my anniversary in 5 and a half weeks.
    2) I want to continue to work out 5 days a week, making it my routine.
    3) I want to maintain any weight lost when I go on holiday in August.
    4) I want to weigh 135lbs by my boyfriend's birthday in September.
    5) I want to be able to start running again within the next few months. I'm currently going through physio to strengthen my feet so I can try and avoid surgery, so hopefully it'll help and I can get back to running without having to wait for surgery next year.
  • kbarnick
    kbarnick Posts: 36
    I am working on being 20 Ibs lighter for my wedding at the end of August. I'm working on losing 10 by the end of June.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I really want to focus on decreasing my body fat percentage, increasing my lean muscle mass, and finding a different coping mechanism than compulsive exercise or food obsession...
  • dnfuzzies
    dnfuzzies Posts: 1
    I guess it is "LIKE" since there is no LIKE button. Motivation comes in many forms. Goals are to stay under 135 Carbs a day. My goal is to Loose weight and exercise 5 times or more a week. I don't have much of a choice, it is diabetes. I am not really overweight, but had my pancreas shortened several years ago and now that is catching up with me. I have about 5 more lbs to my goal weight and just need the motivation to keep going. It is difficult but I am able to achieve this goal by maybe July.

    Changing the eating habits, well that was not as difficult as I thought. I started reading the labels at the grocery store and became just frustrated with food all together. Found my choice was to not buy much on the prepackaged foods. I just keep telling myself portion size portion size!!!!

    My new favorite food is the sweet potato.....Makes a great side and is very filling and tastes very sweet. Just stick it in the microwave and a little cinnamon butter, yahooo!! It does help to log all my food daily!! I really see a pattern in how I am changing my eating habits.

    Good luck to all in meeting your goals for the next few months!!!!
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    By the end of the summer I want

    1 - to feel comfortable in a pair of shorts. To do this I need to lose some of the jiggling and the fat roll over my knees.

    2 - run a mile in under 12 minutes. I'm under 20 already so I know I can do this.

    3 - be able to climb up the stairs at my college without getting winded.

    4 - I would like to lose 20 pounds by the end of the summer. But any amount of weight lose will be good to me lol
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    I've regained about 25 pounds since falling off the wagon last December. So my goal is to get back to my November 2011 weight by the end of the summer (156 by 8/31). I got a fitbit a few days ago and am already in looooovvvvveeee! My first step is holding myself accountable for what I eat and drink so I am trying to log religiously. Next is fitting in exercise again, energy breeds engery and lack of energy breeds lack of energy, and I'm tired of not having any energy!!

    Once I get back to 156 I'll focus on the slow progression towards my goal weight. Good luck everybody, we can do it!!!
  • terrimcnamara2012
    my first goal is to faithfully and honestly track my food.
    my second is to stick to 1200-1500 calories a day.
    and the third which should actually be the first is to totally give up soda
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    To drop my final 20ish pounds and dance around my yard in a bikini....while singing.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    1. Run 1 more 5km race and improve my time by another 2mins.
    2. Lose 8 more lbs at least by July 26th (my wedding)
    3. For the next month I hope to continue to train like I will be competing in a Bikini Competition.
  • Shawnjay75
    Shawnjay75 Posts: 81 Member
    My goals are to:
    1. Maintain my goal weight of 120 pounds.
    2. Wear a tight shirt or dress without the help of tummy control tops (flatten belly).
    3. Look more toned.
    4. Look and feel healthier.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    My goals for this summer are:

    1) Be able to run for a mile.
    2) To lose 20 lbs by the time I go on vaation the first week in Sept.
    3) Be down two more sizes.