I'm so angry at myself!



  • Rolande55
    Rolande55 Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you ladies...I know that I can't lose the weight over night and sometimes that is encouraging, but sometimes it makes it worse to think about how long this is going to take! I have also tried to become an emotional work-out-er, that should be a new word. I have a huge problem with anxiety and usually I just eat and eat and eat during my panic attacks, which obviously doesn't help. Lately, I've been getting anxious and hop onto my elliptical and not only does it save me calories, but I actually feel it helping to RELIEVE the anxiety, unlike with eating where I just have to eat nonstop to feel any better.

    Look at it this way, if you didn't work at a healthier lifestyle and weight, in the same amount of time it takes you to get 'er done, you would still be where you're at! Yes excercise is a fantastic stress buster, anxiety reliver, depression lifter in addition to calorie burning. How great is that?