Worst advice given to you by a "professional"



  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I went to the ER the day before my bachelorette party in intense pain. I was practically writhing. I knew I had a family history of kidney stones, and due to the intense localized pain, I figured that's what it was. Upon arrival the nurse informed me that I couldn't have any pain medication until I took a pregnancy test. I was NOT pregnant, I was on birth control. Yet they demanded I take a test. I couldn't pee, so instead of letting me drink water because I was VERY thirsty, the gave me an IV. I was finally able to pee and obviously the test came back negative. So finally after nearly 4 hours of excrutiating pain, They gave me morphine. At some point before the morphine my "Doctor" came in and said that I wasn't writhing and flailing enough for it to be a kidney stone and it was probably an infection. One CT scan later, it happened to be TWO kidney stones and I am just very tough. :) Still owe nearly $7,000 for that.

    I also had a 400 pound doctor (who couldn't be bothered to rise off of her wheeled stool to examine me, literally wheeled all over the room!) tell me that I needed to lose weight when I was 16! The hypocrisy!

    ER's always do pregnancy tests. Even if a woman is on birth control she can still be pregnant. It's better to be safe than sorry, since many medications can cause serious complications for pregnancies, birth defects, etc.

    This is very true - it's a precaution. I had my gall bladder out when my oldest was like a month old...and yes, I had a pg test. I had CT scan when #2 was about a week old - and yes, I had a pg test (which, of course, was positive...)
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Oh - and my current ob/gyn practice is driving me crazy. I have been having a lot of issues ...and the only thing they ever say is "Mirena". Really? that's the magic cure all?
    I had to have an endometrial ablation last month and woke up in the middle of the night in extreme agony. I took a pain pill (prescription) and went back to bed. Called them in the morning - I had a uterine infection last summer after having my 3rd son and the symptoms were similar, so wanted to check ...and they told me it was just gas and then made it seem like I was a pill popper. Never mind the fact that the pill was the last one in the prescription that I got LAST AUGUST (during said uterine infection). Yep, thats a sure sign of addiction when your 10 pills last 8 months.

    I was rather offended by their blowing off my concerns about infection (we used a sterile procedure) - umm, okay, I'm pretty sure the hospital did to last summer but I still had an infection then. Now that I think about it - I had called them last summer about 4 days after delivery due to the pain - and was blown off then - despite the fact that this was my THIRD kid - so I knew what to expect. Ended up in the ER the next day with the infection.

    I think I have just talked myself into finding a new OB/GYN.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    My mom had gained about 30 pounds in a week and a half. Her doctor told her to stop snacking so much.

    A few months later she went to the ER with respiratory problems. They said her fat was crushing her windpipe and gave her a tracheotomy.

    One month later she died of a heart attack.

    Thats awful! :frown:
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Not weight loss advice, but I came to a doctor for missed periods and they dismissed me and told me it's because I'm fat.

    Went to another doctor and she actually listened, and diagnosed me with PCOS, which can actually make you gain weight to begin with. She also never belittled me or dismissed my symptoms just because I'm fat, and she's now my full time doctor. :D
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I think I have just talked myself into finding a new OB/GYN.

    Now that sounds like good (self-)advice! Good luck!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I recently got full lab work done and received a letter stating everything was "normal". When I called to get copies of the test results for my home records, I found out they hadn't even ordered half of the tests! Took days for me to get an explanation and even then it was just a "woops, our bad"

    Always ask for your test results.
  • heatherAnnXOX
    heatherAnnXOX Posts: 56 Member
    i feel awkward sharing this but after reading most of your stories i feel like this fits..

    not advice but comment made to me by an aide..

    i was burned in a fire many years ago and after six and a half months in hospitals, i was finally able to go home. i needed a nurse and a home health care aide to help out with wound care and showers etc..this one older woman, the health care aide, says to me, as she's taking off my bandages..[my hands were burned and parts of my fingers are missing]..she says to me..

    "they will grow back though, right?"

    what. i couldn't even..11 years later and i am still speechless..

    [it does make me laugh sometimes though.]
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    Tis didn't happen to me, but to two people I love:

    My Aunt went to the doc for lumps in her side. He told her they were "fat" lumps and not to worry. She died of the cancer a few months later.

    When we were 19, one of my best friends had a mole removed from her leg. It was tested and found to be benign. A few years later, she developed weird skin problems (after getting married and having two young children.) The medical "professionals" went and retested the mole (by law they had to keep a sample of it.) Turns out, the mole from six years previous was cancerous and wasn't tested in the proper part of the mole, so a false result came out. She died at 26 after enduring cancer treatments from hell. Her children were 2 and 5. I was a bridesmaid at her wedding and 2 years later, pallbearer at her funeral.

    Both cancers were treatable and preventable.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Tis didn't happen to me, but to two people I love:

    My Aunt went to the doc for lumps in her side. He told her they were "fat" lumps and not to worry. She died of the cancer a few months later.

    When we were 19, one of my best friends had a mole removed from her leg. It was tested and found to be benign. A few years later, she developed weird skin problems (after getting married and having two young children.) The medical "professionals" went and retested the mole (by law they had to keep a sample of it.) Turns out, the mole from six years previous was cancerous and wasn't tested in the proper part of the mole, so a false result came out. She died at 26 after enduring cancer treatments from hell. Her children were 2 and 5. I was a bridesmaid at her wedding and 2 years later, pallbearer at her funeral.

    Both cancers were treatable and preventable.

    That's too bad. I'm so sorry for both of them
  • CaSome11
    CaSome11 Posts: 38 Member
    I went to the ER the day before my bachelorette party in intense pain. I was practically writhing. I knew I had a family history of kidney stones, and due to the intense localized pain, I figured that's what it was. Upon arrival the nurse informed me that I couldn't have any pain medication until I took a pregnancy test. I was NOT pregnant, I was on birth control. Yet they demanded I take a test. I couldn't pee, so instead of letting me drink water because I was VERY thirsty, the gave me an IV. I was finally able to pee and obviously the test came back negative. So finally after nearly 4 hours of excrutiating pain, They gave me morphine. At some point before the morphine my "Doctor" came in and said that I wasn't writhing and flailing enough for it to be a kidney stone and it was probably an infection. One CT scan later, it happened to be TWO kidney stones and I am just very tough. :) Still owe nearly $7,000 for that.

    I also had a 400 pound doctor (who couldn't be bothered to rise off of her wheeled stool to examine me, literally wheeled all over the room!) tell me that I needed to lose weight when I was 16! The hypocrisy!

    ER's always do pregnancy tests. Even if a woman is on birth control she can still be pregnant. It's better to be safe than sorry, since many medications can cause serious complications for pregnancies, birth defects, etc.

    This is very true - it's a precaution. I had my gall bladder out when my oldest was like a month old...and yes, I had a pg test. I had CT scan when #2 was about a week old - and yes, I had a pg test (which, of course, was positive...)

    I was positive I wasn't pregnant because I was on my period. Also, now that I am off of birth control I have infertility issues. So there was no chance.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I went to the ER the day before my bachelorette party in intense pain. I was practically writhing. I knew I had a family history of kidney stones, and due to the intense localized pain, I figured that's what it was. Upon arrival the nurse informed me that I couldn't have any pain medication until I took a pregnancy test. I was NOT pregnant, I was on birth control. Yet they demanded I take a test. I couldn't pee, so instead of letting me drink water because I was VERY thirsty, the gave me an IV. I was finally able to pee and obviously the test came back negative. So finally after nearly 4 hours of excrutiating pain, They gave me morphine. At some point before the morphine my "Doctor" came in and said that I wasn't writhing and flailing enough for it to be a kidney stone and it was probably an infection. One CT scan later, it happened to be TWO kidney stones and I am just very tough. :) Still owe nearly $7,000 for that.

    I also had a 400 pound doctor (who couldn't be bothered to rise off of her wheeled stool to examine me, literally wheeled all over the room!) tell me that I needed to lose weight when I was 16! The hypocrisy!

    ER's always do pregnancy tests. Even if a woman is on birth control she can still be pregnant. It's better to be safe than sorry, since many medications can cause serious complications for pregnancies, birth defects, etc.

    This is very true - it's a precaution. I had my gall bladder out when my oldest was like a month old...and yes, I had a pg test. I had CT scan when #2 was about a week old - and yes, I had a pg test (which, of course, was positive...)

    Yes, true. Even if you are gay and married to another woman. I find that a little silly, but hey, whatever!

    Mine isn't weight loss or fitness related. I had 2 impacted wisdom teeth removed a few months ago. The teeh were not even capped and still inside of my gums. Instead of giving me a general anesthetic, the surgeon injected me with 7 or 8 shots of Novocaine. :sick:
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    I was told I had stage 5 cancer when I didn't.

    OMFG! that is over the top awful!
  • sengseng74
    sengseng74 Posts: 35 Member

    A trainer at my gym tells me I should go to another site where they have a smith machine to do my squats. My Dr. is better actually, and we had a lengthy discussion on rep ranges, percieved weight (heavy/light) and the benefits of lean mass conversation. He's not a believer in BMI and has a little chart up above his desk that states what calorie intake people should be having to lose weight at a reasonable rate - he had someone my height and weight at 2500, so only a little lower than what I set myself. Seems I always read about US doctors recommending 1200/500 cal diets :P

    Ironanimal, I agree with you. I firmly believe that our allopathic physicians are taught to advise such low calorie diets because of the obesity epidemic in the U.S. It is estimated that a majority of Americans do not exercise enough (or even at all!), and overeat processed foods, which convert readily into fatty deposits since underused muscles have no need for extra glucose in the blood.

    So it's entirely possible that the ridiculous numbers we see from the FDA and doctors in this country are to try to help set limits for those who are way beyond understanding how the body works. As many are saying on this thread, the best results come from those who learn their limits and know how to discern when horrible advice is given by these "professionals".

    Great thread!
  • heatherrose86
    heatherrose86 Posts: 43 Member
    I had been diagnosed with b12 deficiency and didn't pay any attention to it... Eventually I became shaky, couldn't move my legs properly, felt drunk while perfectly sober, etc. coupled with untreated severe panic/anxiety disorder I literally thought I was going to collapse and die any minute and was a complete and utter nervous wreck.

    Doctor told me it was weather changes. As in the changing seasons, even though we were well in to summer. I made a scene until she shot me full of b12. Then I started taking b12 pills and getting weekly shots until I felt normal again.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    I went to the ER the day before my bachelorette party in intense pain. I was practically writhing. I knew I had a family history of kidney stones, and due to the intense localized pain, I figured that's what it was. Upon arrival the nurse informed me that I couldn't have any pain medication until I took a pregnancy test. I was NOT pregnant, I was on birth control. Yet they demanded I take a test. I couldn't pee, so instead of letting me drink water because I was VERY thirsty, the gave me an IV. I was finally able to pee and obviously the test came back negative. So finally after nearly 4 hours of excrutiating pain, They gave me morphine. At some point before the morphine my "Doctor" came in and said that I wasn't writhing and flailing enough for it to be a kidney stone and it was probably an infection. One CT scan later, it happened to be TWO kidney stones and I am just very tough. :) Still owe nearly $7,000 for that.

    I also had a 400 pound doctor (who couldn't be bothered to rise off of her wheeled stool to examine me, literally wheeled all over the room!) tell me that I needed to lose weight when I was 16! The hypocrisy!

    ER's always do pregnancy tests. Even if a woman is on birth control she can still be pregnant. It's better to be safe than sorry, since many medications can cause serious complications for pregnancies, birth defects, etc.

    This is very true - it's a precaution. I had my gall bladder out when my oldest was like a month old...and yes, I had a pg test. I had CT scan when #2 was about a week old - and yes, I had a pg test (which, of course, was positive...)

    I was positive I wasn't pregnant because I was on my period. Also, now that I am off of birth control I have infertility issues. So there was no chance.

    You can be bleeding and have full period symptoms and still be pregnant. So, that is really not a good enough reason not to administer the test.
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    My son's teacher told me I was wrong when I approached her about him being bullied.I moved him out of that pre-school
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Several times I've gone to the ER over an asthma attack, chest pains, or the time I pulled my calf muscles and I've had doctors that wouldn't even examine me or ask to hear what was wrong. The first words out of their mouths would be, "it's because you're fat." And yes the chest pains could've been that, but seeing as I've had asthma since childhood and I wasn't an overweight child that was ridiculous.

    I had a physician, when I had horrid tonsil stones and tonsils so big I was having trouble swallowing even liquid, take a look at them and just shrug and tell me that some people have big tonsils I would just have to live with them and the stones. (and believe me, you don't want to. They're balls of bacteria and rotten food that's been stuck in a "pore" in the tonsil that gets coughed up at random)

    I had a therapist, after being with her associated psychiatrist for two years and still having problems, tell me that I was obviously enjoying being miserable and was showing sadistic behavior by dragging her, the psychiatrist, and everyone else into my self-made misery. Said psychiatrist believed I was an overweight drug addict who wouldn't admit to it (no idea how she got this impression) and every time a drug wouldn't work she would shrug and tell me to admit myself to the psych ward because obviously I wasn't cooperating.

    Another physician, in an attempt to get me to lose weight because I had high cholesterol, put me on a diet that in turn made me borderline anemic because I hadn't eaten anything with iron in it for 8 months. I gained everything back just trying to get my levels right.
  • teee12
    teee12 Posts: 93 Member
    my personal trainer is awesome... i do weights with him once a week and the rest i do cardio. helps me.... :)
  • msfults
    msfults Posts: 1 Member
    My mother-in-law (who doesn't like me much) told me to eat nothing but pork rinds and water. That's right, pork rinds and water :grumble: and the reason was that if you mixed the two somehow it would keep you full all day. That when you put the two together the water makes the pork rinds expand and !TADA! you are full. I told her I would. :noway: I think my way has been much better. :drinker:

    You did say in your post that she doesn't like you that much so she must have suggested it in a mean spirited way! or something lol. Jeez. I think this is the funniest of all even though it's not from a professional.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    OB/GYN told me that I did not need to have an ovarian cyst with 2 liters of fluid removed. I was 6 months pregnant. I went to another doctor and he said I needed surgery ASAP.