Someone help me please :(



  • BrownSugarBritches
    what a wonderful community of weight loss helpers.

    don't give up, that's the key. you might slip, you might binge, you might give it up altogether for a little while, but you'll come back, you'll start again, you'll lose again and the feeling will be amplified because you will have known what it was like once and your deisre to have it back will be stronger.

    i slip all the time. sadly. i love gummi candy. but when i get that guilty feeling and start bad mouthing myself... i put on my running shoes.

    don't give up. just don't give up.
  • jandashl
    jandashl Posts: 7
    I know how you feel. I have been there, we all have. I agree with others, take a step back. Breathe and take a look at recent happenings. There is usually a reason. I once started trying to lose weight a couple years back and immediately went on an uncontrollable binge. There was a lot of emotional stuff going on and I knew what I was doing but I just had this urge to literally stuff my face. I felt disgusting and like my body had been taken over. It was a total sabotage. I am in a better place now and able to realize when I am hitting those emotional road blocks. That is something that I have learned about myself and I am trying to tackle. There will be emotional road blocks that will break me down and make me feel like nothing is happening. The best support I can give you is to power through it. This will pass and you will feel better knowing that you worked through it. If you have been consistent, change it up, do something different in terms of exercise or diet to wake your body out of the plateau. I have just started so I don't have as much weight lost as you but I know you can do this. I fully expect to hit these days periodically. Venting on my blog, sticking to my goal and reminding myself what I am doing this for will help me. We are all here for you and have gone through the same thing. Good luck and I know you can get through this :)
  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    Wow, first off I'd like to say how blown away I am by all the amazing support and responses that are here. It's amazing to be a part of such a supportive community. So thank you so much for that.

    Secondly throughout this journey I've come to realise that I think I might suffer with an eating disorder. I'm not sure how you know when you do? And how to go about recovering so food doesn't ruled thoughts/happiness. When I was dieting (Dukan diet) I got on with the structure really well because it was so strict. But as soon As I have myself freedom again that's when I struggled the most. I don't want to do the Dukan diet again because it was SO restrictive and my digestion suffered, but I do need structure o know exactly what I'm going to eat every day. If I give myself a treat every day I just end up wanting more and failing.

    I do emotional eat, I'm stressed at the moment, my fiancé is finishing uni so I'm missing him a lot and work is stressing me out majorly! Also the stress of staying this size so I fit into My wedding dress :-( which I do now but im adraid I'll get fat in the next 3 months and not fit it.
  • surabhit
    surabhit Posts: 94 Member
    Hi Lozzle,

    It's not a food disorder if you eat when you feel emotional. It's called being a woman :). I do it. All the time. I'm a lot like you in that if I go on a diet, I'm good, but then when I stop, I eat a lot. More than I need to. But then I figure, I love food. I think about my meals a lot, I like to look forward to it.

    So I have concluded for myself that I'll eat whatever I want, but then I will exercise more to burn it off.

    Find your balance babe.
    If you're already stressed, don't let this be another stress. You're doing this to be happier, not more upset. So eat when you feel like it, but eat less. And push yourself to exercise more.

    Relax. Life is good :) 35 pounds down!! If I were you I'd be skipping with joy!
  • AGldnGrl
    AGldnGrl Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, first off I'd like to say how blown away I am by all the amazing support and responses that are here. It's amazing to be a part of such a supportive community. So thank you so much for that.

    Secondly throughout this journey I've come to realise that I think I might suffer with an eating disorder. I'm not sure how you know when you do? And how to go about recovering so food doesn't ruled thoughts/happiness. When I was dieting (Dukan diet) I got on with the structure really well because it was so strict. But as soon As I have myself freedom again that's when I struggled the most. I don't want to do the Dukan diet again because it was SO restrictive and my digestion suffered, but I do need structure o know exactly what I'm going to eat every day. If I give myself a treat every day I just end up wanting more and failing.

    I do emotional eat, I'm stressed at the moment, my fiancé is finishing uni so I'm missing him a lot and work is stressing me out majorly! Also the stress of staying this size so I fit into My wedding dress :-( which I do now but im adraid I'll get fat in the next 3 months and not fit it.

    Lozzle, what a beautiful young lady!

    I'm 53, soon to be 54. Some of the best advice I can give you is FOCUS on living a LONG healthy happy life. Most times, a "diet" is a temporary thing. Lifestyle is more permanent. A lifestyle that incorporates clean eating, portion control and body movement.
    May I suggest checking out Tosca Reno - clean eating and Oxygen? Everyone slips, it's catching yourself before it becomes a mountain. Mountains can be climbed, but hills are easier :-)

    You're soon to be married, so exciting. [I just celebrated my 26th anniversary.]
  • daniela_dimech
    My name is Daniela

    The best thing to do if you love to eat is, eat 5 -6 small meals a day , i never tried it .

    So i decided what the hell let me give it a try , i started 2 weeks ago and already lost :D its amazing and its so much fun , check out my blog i found that it keeps me motivated posting my meal plans and recipes :) everything is so good and low in calorie and very healthy :)

    especially if you love peanut butter i found this amazing peanut butter for 2 tbsp only 45 calories , 1.5 fat amazing :) and so goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!

    let me know what you think , and also message me with any questions
    im still new at this blogging stuff but i want to help everyone who struggles with weight loss , ive struggled and it wasn't easy but it is possible :)

    Happy Healthiness everyone :)


    MY BLOG --->