LADIES: Breast changes with weight loss... :(



  • jlenz74
    jlenz74 Posts: 30
    I usually dont lose any weight in my chest but I sure wish I could. My are BIG; too BIG actually! I hate them.
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    I've had large breasts since 14, 36D then 38E/F while nursing. 36D/DD while fat. As I neared 25% body fat, they vanished and drooped. I finally got the guts to do something I've wanted to do for a very long time - Had my abdominal muscles repaired, the excess skin cut off my stomach, a breast lift and small implants to restore the upper pole volume. Because I have always had large breasts, no one even noticed that I go it done. I just look a million times better naked and in a bikini. I told everyone about the TT though, lol. No explaining that one away!!

    BTW I lift weights and run long distance, nothing you can do to bring the boobs back aside from add body fat or see a surgeon.

    It was one of the best gifts I've ever given myself. Even though I experienced some complications due to my skin consistency, I would do it again in a heartbeat. This is going to be the best summer of my life!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I went from a 42J to a 38E, and yes I also roll mine up to get them in my bra. I also have an issue with sagging side boob (nice). I lift and swim, use body firming creams and bio oil, drink loads of water, but still have the problem. I am hoping with time that it will adjust as I am not having surgery. In the meantime they still look great when under cover.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I was just noticing the same thing last night before I got in the shower. It looked my boobs were trying to touch the floor. LOL I believe I can wear a 36C from wearing a 42D. But when I woke up this morning they looked a little better so I'm thinking the water is going to help it over time. I'd rather have a hanging 36 than a busty 42 anyday. LOL
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Went from a 36G to a 34DD. Sigh. :)
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    As I've lost weight, I've found that lifting weights can help. Chest presses, even with just hand weights, can tighten the muscles behind the chest tissue. Also, there are different types of tricep and arm movements you can do to tighten what I lovingly refer too as "armpit boob" - that little fleshy pocket between your boob and your armpit. Mine is pretty much gone now from doing shoulder lifts above 90 degrees, different tricep lifts, and chest presses

    OMGoodness! "Armmpit boob"! I hate that. Shoulder lifts above 90 degrees helps that??? Yay! I totally get the deflated water balloon feeling.

    My 21 yr old daughter is trying to lose weight, but when she saw what 71 pounds, 4 kids, and bf did to mine, she almost changed her mind. I had to remind her that I have been fat waaay longer than her, had 3 more kids, breastfed 3 of them, and am twice as old as her, so if she stops playing around and loses the weight sensibly, her girls will remain perky, even if a little smaller.

  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    Try some upper weight exercises, planks, pushups, burpees, mountain climbers these work ur core, upper and lower body combined. Pull-ups, pull downs it will make u stronger and they will look better.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member

    As I've lost weight, I've found that lifting weights can help. Chest presses, even with just hand weights, can tighten the muscles behind the chest tissue. Also, there are different types of tricep and arm movements you can do to tighten what I lovingly refer too as "armpit boob" - that little fleshy pocket between your boob and your armpit. Mine is pretty much gone now from doing shoulder lifts above 90 degrees, different tricep lifts, and chest presses
    OMGoodness! "Armmpit boob"! I hate that. Shoulder lifts above 90 degrees helps that??? Yay! I totally get the deflated water balloon feeling.

    My 21 yr old daughter is trying to lose weight, but when she saw what 71 pounds, 4 kids, and bf did to mine, she almost changed her mind. I had to remind her that I have been fat waaay longer than her, had 3 more kids, breastfed 3 of them, and am twice as old as her, so if she stops playing around and loses the weight sensibly, her girls will remain perky, even if a little smaller.

    Yeah - there are other things I do, but I've found that both lateral raises and isometric tricepflexs help. When you do the lateral raise, use a heavier weight than you're used to, start with 8-10 reps, and on the last rep, hold for 10-20 seconds. Be sure that you're weight is slightly above your shoulder (ie above 90 degrees). You'll feel it in your shoulder and in your armpit. To notice it, put your hand on your arm pit and do a lateral raise (lift your hand out to your side like you're making a "T") When you do that, you'll feel the muscles in your armpits flex. Hence, loss of armpit boob when you do lateral raise. Tricep flexes can help too because you tension is both in your tricep and your armpit.

    Whenever I do tricep stuff, I use one hand to "feel" my muscle in the rep, that way I know what I'm working. Mostly, it's because I've had serious bingo arms and I wanted to know it was working.

    Also - shoulder presses.
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Thank you acstansell for the suggestions.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I've gone from a 38H to a 34FF and I'm hoping that they'll shrink more, but I've always had a big rack even when thin. While they aren't as perky as I'd like, I'm just glad that I no longer have to worry that I was going to have to start tucking them into the waistband of my pants. ;)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I had a reduction and lift. 500 stitches and worth every single one of them. It was 8hrs of surgery but I healed quickly and the pain wasn't bad because no muscle tissue is involved. The scarring is minimal too. Totally worth it. I also nursed 3 kids and my bewbies were pretty close to hanging by my ankles. JK, but they were bad. I had 3lbs of skin and tissue taken off. I no longer have dents in my shoulders, less neck and back pain and now I can walk and jog without pain. I also can wear the right size shirts for my body size, not just to cover my boobs. The downside.. since I had my surgery I've lost 35lbs and I'm even smaller. I look like a 'boy' when I have on a sports bra! But, I can wear a push-up bra.. that's easier than trying to look smaller.