You HAVE to eat your exercise calories....



  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I do NOT eat back mine. That just wouldn't work for me.ive been doing this for sometime and have learned when I go a little higher in calories by 200-300 I don't lose weight. I eat about 1200 calories per day and have for almost 2 years. When I up my calories it my wight loss stops. I go to the gym 5 days a week for at least two hours a day. And hour of cardio and the rest weight training and I have found the only thing that stalls my weight loss is when I go over in calories or if I don't drink enough water. To each their own but this is what works for me. I'm 5'3"

    How long have you gone to higher intake?
  • terrie_exercise_mom
    What I find funny is how people want to bash the Biggest Loser all the time but EVERYONE is jumping on doing the 30 Day Shred all the time!!!! What the heck??? lol

    The Biggest Loser is a game show where some severely overweight people are exploited for TV ratings.
    The 30 Day Shred is an exercise DVD.

    I don't see the correlation.

    If you don't see the correlation .....really?? Hmm...let's see...Jillian was a trainer on the show?? Not that difficult for some. She even backed their nutrional weight loss journey during the show. So there is your correlation. lol I do find it funny ...sorry some don't find the humor. Everyone takes this eating exercise calorie crap so extreme. Do what works for you...plain and simple.
    I totally agree!!! This eating your exercise calories back is so out of control on here. I exercise to burn calories and lose weight period...not to eat more! Works for me just fine. A lot of people on here think they have a degree in "EATING"!!! Whatever people...keep making excuses to eat more!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    What I find funny is how people want to bash the Biggest Loser all the time but EVERYONE is jumping on doing the 30 Day Shred all the time!!!! What the heck??? lol

    The Biggest Loser is a game show where some severely overweight people are exploited for TV ratings.
    The 30 Day Shred is an exercise DVD.

    I don't see the correlation.

    If you don't see the correlation .....really?? Hmm...let's see...Jillian was a trainer on the show?? Not that difficult for some. She even backed their nutrional weight loss journey during the show. So there is your correlation. lol I do find it funny ...sorry some don't find the humor. Everyone takes this eating exercise calorie crap so extreme. Do what works for you...plain and simple.
    I totally agree!!! This eating your exercise calories back is so out of control on here. I exercise to burn calories and lose weight period...not to eat more! Works for me just fine. A lot of people on here think they have a degree in "EATING"!!! Whatever people...keep making excuses to eat more!
    Sigh. It's not an excuse, it's to preserve...

    Nevermind, can't be bothered. :P
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah, but the Biggest Loser really isn't an indication of the right or healthy thing to do. They lose insane amounts of weight insanely fast which can't be healthy for you.

    i agree besides they litreealy work out all day if they dont eat some of them back they would starve and plus there are under constant supervision so if anything goes wrong they have someone there besides im not sure they cound cals they just have healthy options and choose them they may count whats in them but im not sure they count like we do
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    i agree besides they litreealy work out all day if they dont eat some of them back they would starve and plus there are under constant supervision so if anything goes wrong they have someone there besides im not sure they cound cals they just have healthy options and choose them they may count whats in them but im not sure they count like we do

    They don't count, each one has a team of dieticians who count what they are eating and make sure they are receiving the right macronitrients at the right time for optimal health. They have nothing to do but eat and exercise. Even then, their weight loss is (in most but not all cases) unsustainable for the very reason they lose it so fast - they aren't LEARNING Jack Schitt about food. They are eating what they are told to eat.

    For us mere mortals with only a website to use, losing weight sustainably comes down to maintaining your metabolism by eating the foods that will maintain it, then establishing a reasonable deficit to lose weight at a slow, steady, but maintainable pace, given that we have to cook our own meals and engage in other non-weightloss-related things like working, raising children, etc.

    Ideally, when your weight loss ends, you add your deficit back in to your eating plan, and you maintain something close to the weight you ended up at. If you've worked hard and eaten enough to maintain your metabolism and lost weight slowly, the transition to maintenance is smooth and free of risk of gaining it all back.

    I think of it this way:
    1. I run a caloric deficit to lose weight. It has nothing to do with exercise.
    2. I exercise to increase my cardiovascular capacity so I can do more things, and to improve my physical strength so I can do more things. It has nothing to do with weight.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member

    Seriously. Go there. Read the links. It explains everything.

    Thank you for sharing this information!! Have a great weekend:):)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    On the Today show, Joy Bauer said for every hour of exercise, you should eat back about 100-150 calories if you are hungry. This is what I would go by.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Seriously, no one HAS to do anything. You don't HAVE to eat back your exercise cals, you don't HAVE to eat primal, paleo, clean, low carb, low fat or any other way, you don't HAVE to eat breakfast, or six times a day or do IF. You don't HAVE to lift heavy, or do hours on end of cardio. I think I've covered the general topics that pop up, day after day.

    Obviously everyone is free to recount what works for them, and to make recommendations, but the world & MFP would be a much calmer place if people would accept that not everyone wants to do the same thing.

    I love this answer :happy:
  • dfranks43
    dfranks43 Posts: 18
    It takes 3500 calories to lose 1 pound, if you eat back everything you worked off then you won't lose you need a deficit somewhere. It all depends on how quickly you want to lose. If you lose it slowly you are more likely to keep it off!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Seriously, no one HAS to do anything. You don't HAVE to eat back your exercise cals, you don't HAVE to eat primal, paleo, clean, low carb, low fat or any other way, you don't HAVE to eat breakfast, or six times a day or do IF. You don't HAVE to lift heavy, or do hours on end of cardio. I think I've covered the general topics that pop up, day after day.

    Obviously everyone is free to recount what works for them, and to make recommendations, but the world & MFP would be a much calmer place if people would accept that not everyone wants to do the same thing.

    Your post FTW...I don't think I will bother reading the other 6 pages.
    PS Congrats on being 117 pounds DOWN! that's awesome!
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Seriously, no one HAS to do anything. You don't HAVE to eat back your exercise cals, you don't HAVE to eat primal, paleo, clean, low carb, low fat or any other way, you don't HAVE to eat breakfast, or six times a day or do IF. You don't HAVE to lift heavy, or do hours on end of cardio. I think I've covered the general topics that pop up, day after day.

    Obviously everyone is free to recount what works for them, and to make recommendations, but the world & MFP would be a much calmer place if people would accept that not everyone wants to do the same thing.

    Well said and I agree.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    This is only the 34298743957398472938472938479235435243892390x ive seen this topic posted today.

  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I eat some of them ... sometimes.

    *queue Ride of the Valkyries*
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Not once have I exceeded my daily calories and never have I eaten 1 calorie back from exercise and I regularly drop between 1 to 2lbs a week so how can anyone say that you should eat back what you've worked off?

    Create a deficit with exercise to compliment the adjustment to your diet and then eat back what you've just worked off, why?

    May as well just avoid the exercise and up your daily calorie intake to what you would have lost with exercise. Nope, didn't think that would work either.

    3,500 kcals excess creates a pound of fat, to lose 2lbs a week requires you to burn off 7,000 kcals which is not easy but a safe and managable regimen. Sensible diet and regular exercise will ensure this, some weeks you won't drop weight but gain muscle tone. This doesn't mean failure as you are transforming your body and more muscle burns more calories so you will lose more. It will get to the point when you won't put on as much muscle unless you lift ridiculous amounts of weight but when you get to that stage, you'll burn off more excess fat.

    Along with eating junk, drinking alcohol, having treats or not being honest about what you're eating will cause most people to fail miserably and the amount of threads on here pay testament to this.

    Bad eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle are the reason why a lot of people are out of shape and overweight. You start a health plan and continue snack eating, consuming chocolate, cakes and alcohol and ask why the diet isn't working.

    First off, MFP already gives you a deficit per day that amounts to 3,500 and 7,000 calories a week.. anything that you do on top of that makes the deficit bigger. Make it too big, and you will have trouble losing. You also can lose with just diet alone on MFP because that is the way it is designed.. a lot of people do it that way at first if they are very obese.

    Second, you can't gain muscle tone in a deficit.. it's impossible unless you are just starting out or obese. If you aren't seeing the scale move, then it's most likely water retention from the muscles repairing themselves.. not actual muscle gain.

    Three, a lot of people eat junk, chocolate, alcohol etc and have lost weight just fine. I am one of them. I refuse to give up chocolate and fast food.. because thats how my life is structured. I can't always sit down and cook a meal, so I do what I can, stay in my calories,exercise and lost 30 pounds/6 sizes.

    So while what you are doing may work for you, and you may think you know it all, you don't

    Everyone is different and does different things... so just be mindful of that.

    You're right. Everyone IS different. You may want to be mindful of that yourself. I've been in a deficit, not eating back exercise calories, and gaining incredible tone over the past few weeks-- and i was nowhere near obese at any time. So since I'm doing it, please explain how it is impossible?
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member

    i dont see people saying oh well this is how they do it on days of our lives... and all the rest.. it is a tv show made for the viewers

    seriously go there..

    a "week" can be 15 days long in biggest loser world
    they are working out for about 8 hours a day
    they are checked by doctors everyngiht becuase plain and simple what they are doing is bad for them

    please dont use a situatioin that is no where near reallity for an example of how to diet
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    This is only the 34298743957398472938472938479235435243892390x ive seen this topic posted today.


  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    This is only the 34298743957398472938472938479235435243892390x ive seen this topic posted today.

    If it bothers you so much why reply? I can lock the thread if it'll make you feel better


    It dont bother me at all.

    Its just a statement.... NO need to get your yoga pants in a bunch! :laugh:
  • pooh57
    pooh57 Posts: 1
    It defeats your purpose if your trying to lose weight. I checked with two experts in the nutrition field - you set your calorie goal, stick with it and what your burn, you leave alone. Since Feb 2012, I have lost 18.8 pounds and I feel great and I am not starving. I do have my moments though, Live Strong and stay Healthy. :wink: