other people correcting your technique? your opinion?



  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    agree with other posters - it's all in the approach. if you are kind about it "hey, workin' hard...i'm a student in exercise science and i noticed you workin' hard. do you mind a little advice on your form?" is better than, "hey, nice burn. you're doing those wrong and you're gonna get hurt."

    then they have the opportunity to opt out of what you have to say. if they don't want the advice, "ok. great! just thought i'd offer. have a nice workout." and leave it at that.
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    I see a lot of personal trainers doing things wrong, but I would not correct them unless they ask for help. I wouldn't want anyone correcting me as well, unless I asked for it.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I'm new to the whole lifting thing so i would appreciate it someone critiqued me. Even if they said it in a rude way, such as "your form sucks." I would still be like "well then help me do it right since you are so concerned." And then I would know. (assuming they knew what they were talking about.) I'm a shy person so it's not very likely for me to ask someone for help. I was doing dead lifts and other things for the first time today at the gym... I've watched many videos on form so I think I was doing it right but I wish I had the nerve to ask someone to watch me and make sure.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Aside from lighter dumbbells at home I'm new to weight lifting (been going to my local gym 3-4 days a week for 3 weeks now and loving it mind you) and am concerned about correct form and technique. Luckily 2 of the guys I train with are seasoned lifters, one of which was an accredited PT and has the results to back himself up too. So far the form I've been shown by 1 has been confirmed by the other so I'm confident I'm being shown right. I always make sure I have them watching my back, starting positions etc.

    If I was training on my own and someone noticed I was doing something that opened myself to risk of injury I'd be fine with being given a pointer or 2 AFTER I've at least finished my set (preferably the whole exercise) as being distracted/startled mid lift could have disastrous results.

    It's been said numerous times, it's all in the delivery. Try start with something positive then ask if they want a pointer that may save an injury. If they don't want your help, so be it, move on. I personally would be less inclined to listen to some random that wasn't a PT or gym staff.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what she wants to correct about back being off the bench during a bench press. It's supposed to be off the bench. Feet on the floor, hips on the bench, back arched, shoulder blades under and against the bench, chest up.
    This ACTUALLY is not true, it puts way too much pressure on the spine which need not be there.

    Proper powerlifting technique involves the back being arched but the hips should contact the bench as he listed.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    I would think that if you approached them in a cool friendly non arrogant manner, and let them know your qualifications, they would be glad for the free help ! :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    As far as the original post: I don't comment on peoples techniques unless there's some sort of discussion taking place about that topic. For example, yesterday I had someone ask me to show him a technique for lifting with the rear delts. I showed him a new lift and since we were actively discussing techniques, I was able to interject with my opinion about proper ROM for lifts. He happens to use WAY too much weight with awful ROM on most of his lifts, so this was an opportunity for me to mention ROM without it being a completely unsolicited comment that he didn't ask for.

    As a general rule though, I don't comment on someones technique. I do LOL in my head though.

    And I think the funniest one is lat pulldowns.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    No, I would want someone to correct me. A friend on here designed a simple work out for me to start out with.. I can't do it daily b/c all the push ups kill my arms/shoulders.. I worked out with my husband the other day and my form was incorrect for the push ups. Told me if I don't need to do the exact number that's on the cards if I can't do them correctly. Do what I can correctly so that I'm not as sore later.