I am stuck over 400 pounds after several months trying.



  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    First of all - I commend you for starting this journey.. My name is Mary I started my journey on January 9th.. When I saw that scale approach 300 pounds.. (got to 299) I said enough is enough. I started doing 20 minutes a day of low impact, logging all my food, counting calories, drinking more water, eating better & doing whatever I could to get activity.. I was a major couch potato.. My husband has a beautiful Rose & flower garden.. He used to do all the yard work - now I fight him to do the weed whacking.. I clean house more, walk more and do whatever I can to just stay active.. I have a bad knee & everyworkout I do hurts, but its a good hurt.. Not a I sit on the couch to much hurt.. Well I am happy to report I am working out 1-2 hours a day (I got a Wii & do that to & it burns calories) I have lost 33 pounds & 34.5 inches.. I feel so much better & can do so much more than I ever did before. I have had bad days & days when I think oh this is not worth it.. But it is worth it.. I was stuck on a plateau for a month, but never gave up.. Finally my tape measure started going down & the scale did to.. MFP friends have helped me so much in this journey. I have been overweight since I was in my teens... If you need more friends please feel free to add me.. I have some amazing friends who are motivating & encouraging & are awesome... I wish you well on this journey & know there are alot of people going thru the same thing.. I love MFP because there are days my family does not understand what I am going thru, but MFP friends do... :)
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP a GREAT community! I also have depression and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, I have found exercise has almost completely combated my depression...I dont want to be on meds forever, Im hypothyroid so I currently am not losing weight but Im not giving up and I hope you continue to eat right and do those things you put on the list...they are not easy! MFP has helped a lot of people lose a ton (literally ) of weight I have a few friends that have lost 150 lb! I have come to realize its not only about getting thin and fit but overall health, emotional stability and be a good role model for my kids ! Another good thing, (i guess) Walk when you can , be positive, and keep logging in MFP!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    My friend who lost 200 pounds:

  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I need to lose about 80 pounds yet, at least 80 I should say.

    I know insurance is an issue, but could you look into therapy through your local county? They usually have a sliding scale fee for people who do not have insurance. Therapy + medication is most effective, but if you can do part of it that may help.

    Could you talk to your doctor about alternatives to the anti depressant medication you were taking? I know that different medications work differently for everyone, but if there is one that is on the wal-mart $4 copay list, wouldn't it be worth looking into?

    I'm sorry you're struggling so much, it would be a lot easier if we could just shut our eyes and wake up healthy and strong. It sounds like you are making progress though...look at the list of things you've made that are positive changes.

    Keep up with those lists, it'll help.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i hope this helps it exercise you can do sitting down in a chair


    one they don't mention is marching while sitting. sit with your back straight start walking so move your feet then get your arms swing. just don't give up you can do it
  • taxigirl1985
    I just joined MFP today. I haven't lost anything yet, but I have great expectations. It sounds like you have some good strategies lined up. The most important thing I've found in all the diets I've been on, (and believe me I've tried everything in my 60+ years) is drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day, even 10 to 12. The more weight you have to lose, the more water.
    Also, the diet I'm on now, wants you to make sure you eat breakfast within an hr. of getting up, lunch within 5 hours and dinner within the next 5 hrs. Try not to eat a combination of fat, meat, dairy with processed white flour, white sugar or pastas. Combinations of fruit, veggies and whole grains, but make sure you eat at least 400 calories at every meal, and if you have to go longer than 5 hrs. between meals, eat a snack of at least 260 calories of "good" food. I'm motivated, excited and confident this is going to work. Just need support, too!
    Oh yeah, another thing is to step away from the scale, take measurements and only weigh and measure every 6 weeks. It can be counter productive to weigh more often. Just judge during that time on the way your clothes fit.
    You're doing great! Everyone has plateaus when your body doesn't want to let go, but keep doing what you're doing, and it will eventually come off. Good luck!
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    I don't know where you live but some communities/states have mental health services including meds available on a sliding fee through a mental health clinic.
  • tobielauren
    tobielauren Posts: 184 Member

    Yesterday I started to get some exercise with half a chair aerobics workout. Today I went to the gym and did a stationary bike for 16 minutes. It isn't comfortable because I don't fit well into the machine, but if I had hope that my shape would change I think I could keep it up. I just need some support. I am extremely depressed and I don't have insurance so I can't restart my depression med until I can start working again and get insurance. Can't start working again until I can stand/walk 8 or 12 hours (I am a nurse). I can't start working again until I get rid of some of this weight and can move. I am struggling with the weight loss because of the depression.

    There is a disclaimer at the bottom of these posts that says people aren't experts. However, I am a sport psychology consultant. EXERCISE WILL HELP DEPRESSION. You need to get outside and walk around the block. Please contact me if you would like more help/info.
  • niightwind
    niightwind Posts: 81

    This video on youtube.com was posted by several people on here, but I watch it sometimes when I feel like throwing in the towel...

    Ok well I'm crying now :'(
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    You sound so much like my mother. Don't give up, it would mean the world to your daughter to see your success.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    YOU can do this!!! just focus on your food!!! for now. try a little walking If YOU can. .if you cannot it's OK!!! a little inspiration.

    my mom is 60 years old. this past year she lost 106 lbs..by limiting her portion sizes.. she is IMMOBILE.. the only exercise she does is from her bed to the couch and the kitchen and bathroom. She has bone problems, feet problems and a host of other things that make it impossible for her to lose but she was determined to lose so she ate like she wanted to lose. YOU can do this too.. and as you start to drop the weight you can add a bit here and there of exercise when YOU are physcially able. don't give up .. please don't give up YOU can do it!!! we all can! think 1 lbs at a time.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    Just by looking at your calories. i can tell you are not eating enough!!!!! you need to eat to lose weight.. you have to up your calorie intake...
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Just log everything you eat or drink so you can see it. Be honest, but just do it - it's for you, not for anyone else. Depression and control of one's life are closely linked, so this is a good way to start.

    So is tending plants.

    You have to find a balance somewhere - you'll get loads of support here but no-one else can do it but you.

    Best before it gets worse - when depressed one tends to think that this is so awful- but actually things CAN get worse; they always can. So accept the situation you're in, and make a list of say 5 small things yoo could do this week that would make you feel better - do those, and then see how you go.
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    Oh man. Start small. I will help you. I will be a friend. You are beautiful and can do this. Do it for you, your daughter....Don't give up. I know it can be discourageing. I couldn't lose anything until a coworker helped me. After that I have been able to lose. Let's do this
  • LJ728
    LJ728 Posts: 52 Member
    I cried watching that video, too. Get's me every time!!
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Check out Bryan Ganey's story.


    He weighed around 600 pounds and was forced to turn his life around in order to save it. He started by walking while pushing a shopping cart so he could stand for longer periods of time. Get your heart rate up for 30 minutes, 6 days a week... and then move up from there. You'll feel amazing!

    I started off not able to walk for more than 10 minutes without a break, which included being out of breath or various back muscles crying for relief from supporting myself standing upright for that long. But after a few weeks, it got easier, and now I'm down about 50 pounds (6 months in) and working on Couch-to-5K which means I'm JOGGING - and 6 months ago walking long distances was a challenge. Now I hate missing my exercise!

    You have some great goals and plans in mind... just learn to silence the voice that tells you that you can't, because it's a LIAR. There are hundreds of people on this site who succeed and do this every day. It can be you, too... and when you look back, you'll be surprised at how EASY it turned out to be!
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome to MFP first off, please go ahead and add me. I have some suggestions and it will sound crazy at first but are you eating enough? Are you drinking ridicolous amounts of water, like 18 cups a day? You need too....
    Check your sodium intake...

    and keep at it. This is not a marathon this is a life long journey..full of blood,sweat and tears. There is hope however.
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    I cannot begin to tell you all how overwhelmed I am by the huge response to my post. Thanks so much. So, more about me. My 4 kids are: 2 girls (stepdaughters, but mine as they lived with my husband and I since age 4) who are almost 19 (twins); my son who has been with my husband since age 3 and whose father has never had contact) and OUR daughter who is 9. I agree in wanting to show the kids how to be healthy.

    Many are suggesting I postpone exercise. Movement is not a horrible issue for me as I was nursing very active 12 hour shifts (up to 46 patients a shift) at 400 lbs. I sometimes have trouble getting up from a chair now, but with the weight I have lost so far, walking and stationary bike are not huge physical obstacles for me - with the exception of the discomfort of the bike.

    My 9 year old and I are starting our walking program Monday with 1 trip around the walking track. My son goes to the gym with me and will do an aerobic machine (usually elliptical) for as long as I ride the bike, so when I do both activities, 2 of my family members benefit. The whole family is heavy ( the 9 year old is just starting to head to chubby) so all of us need to move. If I can help someone else and also benefit in my own journey, then it is what I need to do.

    My thyroid checks out fine, and I am not diabetic (I have not tested for insulin resistance, but I am sure this is an issue as diabetes issues runs both sides of the family). I have high blood pressure and meniere's disease, so sodium intake is important to watch and I have been tracking my recent intake. I am going to shoot for goals of reducing 500mg every couple of weeks as a goal to deal with that. I have reduced calorie goal from MFP as I gain weight on what it suggested I eat (2600+ cals) so I am trying 1500 with 20% fat intake. I have arthritis everywhere, but who doesn't at my kind of numbers. Fast food has crept back into my life after having quit it for a couple of months. I appreciate the comments related to my diary and you are right...there is more of it than I realized lately. Last night was taco bell after my daughter's graduation, but it needs to be the last for at least a week. I would like to quit fast food again. First goal is a week without, and that starts today.

    I have reduced my soda intake to 1 or 2 glasses a week, and have increased water a little. I'll work on increasing water. I have tried the Mio and like it so I will keep one by the tap.

    I can't tell you all how amazing the response was to my post. I have added a ton of support and hopefully I can reach out and help some of you who have been so kind to me.
