Do I count calories from fruits and vegetables?



  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I count them since they do have calories so they do count. =)
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I would track it. Eat it, log it. Keeps me honest....not holding myself accountable has already done enough damage XD
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    Always count them. I eat a LOT of veggies and it can add up to 150 cals a day!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    log everything because even though they are healthy they still add up quickly. For example grapes, can't remember cal amount but serving was like 12 grapes and it was much higher than i expected! I assume the natural sugar content makes the no. so high. I was unsure of MFP's #'s so i checked on 3 or 4 other websites and they all said the same. Guess that's why they are called snacks with a defined amount. Not a free for all. Which kind of sucks but.... If you don't add them you may not lose weight as quickly as one could because those cals do add up and the sugar amounts will kill you(not literally, of course)
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    you do know that diabetes type 2 can be caused by a high-sugar fruit diet right?.. everything is good in moderation.
    Fruit is sugar. Write it down.

    this is the take home message more than any other..

    have a mango.. boom 30g of sugar..

    of course sugar in fruit is the best kind of sugar you should eat.. but still. ....30g

    and....? Name one person who got fat from eating all that SUGARY fruit.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I log them both. I eat fruit 3-4 times a day and it accounts for probably 200-400 calories of my day. It does occasionally seem silly logging 1 piece of lettuce or 1 slice of tomato for like 4 calories, but I do it anyway because I like to look at my meal as a whole. I never really understood the free point stuff on WW but I never followed that program either.
  • Melampus
    Melampus Posts: 95 Member
    I do count them because if I set out to use a tool such as this to measure and then control what I eat then I think I have to strive to make it accurate.

    On the other hand I don't feel that logging calories from fruit and vegetables in any way discourages me from eating them. In fact just about as soon as I started logging what I ate I noticed that fruits and vegetables are not very calorie dense, i.e. they don't have many calories for the amount you would typically eat whereas breakfast cereal and bread are much more calorie dense. That lead me to immediately changing my typical breakfast by eating less cereal and adding some fruit instead and the new, improved breakfast has more flavour and fewer calories than the larger bowl of cereal I used to eat.

    I can see why weightwatchers has them as free because the low calorie density means it is hard so over eat them whereas more calorie dense foods need tighter control but that's their scheme whereas with MFP I am trying to balance out the day as a whole so if I have more banana during the day (one of the more calorific fruits) I can have less pasta or potato in the evening.
  • ShawnaRaeDunn
    ShawnaRaeDunn Posts: 59 Member
    I record EVERYTHING! From fruit, veggies, to seasonings. It's amaizing what good stuff comes from the seasonings we put in our food but I would have never known if I hadn't logged it.
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    I found when I got close to my goal just a little miscalculation could result in no progress. Only by closely counting all the calories was I able to keep moving slowly but surely to goal.
  • snidere
    snidere Posts: 2
    I count it all, I am having a hard time eating the amount of protien I need because I fill up on fruits and veggies!:tongue:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Does your body not use calories from fruits or vegetables?

    If not...don't count it...but I'm kinda thinking that since you're a human being like the rest of us...that would be a bad idea :).

    Seriously though...yes, everything that goes in your mouth.
  • ScottFree_66
    ScottFree_66 Posts: 200
    this is the take home message more than any other..

    have a mango.. boom 30g of sugar..

    of course sugar in fruit is the best kind of sugar you should eat.. but still. ....30g

    what's wrong with the sugars.... as long as you maintain your calories?
    I thought it was calories that make you fat.
  • katykosto
    katykosto Posts: 80
    You bite it, You write it......I track everything even a piece of gum but when it comes to exercise I dont try and add every little movement I do to get extra calories. I only track when I do something like 30min of bicycling etc....and I do not eat the calories it gives me for excercising....
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Depends. I think its important to follow whatever plan you choose. If you are on a calorie counting plan, then the plan relies on an accurate accounting. Which means you should count them (cherry tomatoes may have minuscule calories, but plenty of fruits and vegetables have enough calories to matter). Plans that allow "free foods" usually balance out that freedom with "never/not very often foods", or do not advise folks to eat back their exercise calories. Straight calorie counting lets you eat whatever you want...but in order for that work, you need to count every calorie.

    I'm not going to argue "best" plans, my goal is just to point out that each plan has an internal logic. And I think folks often sabotage themselves when they start mixing and matching those logics. (A little WW here, a little Primal there, with a dash of the high-er fat version of veganism.) The result is cherry picking the pieces they like from each, ignoring the balancing features of all...and usually gaining weight in the process. If your plan relies on calorie counting to work...then everything counts. Even those cherry tomatoes. I don't count calories, but I also don't "eat everything in moderation." Its a tradeoff. But I am not under the illusion that I could do both and still lose weight.
  • hipslikecinders
    hipslikecinders Posts: 40 Member
    I don't count mine and I've still lost weight. I just don't go overboard on fruit. I do log things like avocado and potatoes which are high in calories. But when it comes to onions, carrots, cucumber etc, I don't as it would drive me insane logging the exact amounts for each meal! Do whatever works best for you!
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    If it goes in your mouth, then count it.


    whoops - I hadn't thought of that ! ;/ :)
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    What's wrong with punishing yourself? You did something bad.............

    From your profile:

    " I have been eating whatever I want, whenever I want without regard for my body or self-esteem"

    That deserves punishment...........

    I consider this punishment for doing the same to myself. I dont find it enjoyable to have to account for every single calorie I eat, and I dont like passing by all the things I used to enjoy for healthier options.
  • crystalrx
    crystalrx Posts: 11 Member
    It's a good idea, veggies are pretty low calorie generally, so they shouldn't add to your total too much. Fruit can add up though. An apple could be 75-100 calories, depending it's size. It's just being honest with yourself. The other thing would be you could actually use the nutrition information here accurately, say you want to know if you're getting enough vitamin A and fiber. These foods definitely contribute to those numbers, so it would be good to know:) That being said, do you count 2 cucumber slices? Meh, probably not a big deal to not bother with that, or a slice of lettuce on a hamberger or sandwich or whatever.
  • SunshineDieter
    I've just ditched the old weight watchers plan, and trying to train myself that fruit is good again, as I'd put on weight if I spent my points on fruit. Similarly, when I was on Slimming World, I put on a stone in the first month due to unlimitted fruit, so it sorta shows they're full of calories.

    I'm being careful with how much fruit I have, whilst using this diary, but a little more lenient with veggies :)
  • vltaylor35
    vltaylor35 Posts: 72
    If you eat you, log it!!