Eating makes me sick...



  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Stop wasting time on the computer and get your silly *kitten* to the doctor ASAP!
    I will be making my appointment as soon as he gets back from vacation.

    I'm sorry, but that's not good enough. Please at least call his office, and do what they suggest. My guess is they'll say you should be seen sooner than that.
  • torylinnangel
    torylinnangel Posts: 253
    Stop wasting time on the computer and get your silly *kitten* to the doctor ASAP!
    I will be making my appointment as soon as he gets back from vacation.

    I'm sorry, but that's not good enough. Please at least call his office, and do what they suggest. My guess is they'll say you should be seen sooner than that.

    My doctor's office is closed until Tuesday...
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Try calling anyway. They usually have an answering service (who will call the on-call doc), or a way to page the on-call doc yourself. If not, maybe a recording suggesting an after hours clinic.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    you might be preggers :) go to the doctor honey
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    The same thing happens to me sometimes. You have lowered your calories so much that hunger sometimes feel like nausea, then when you eat you feel sicker. I dont know why this happens to me, something may be wrong with you and you may want to see a doctor, but from my point of view you have started your diet and lost alot of weight (like many people in their first dew weeks), but the diet makes me feel sick sometimes too, and I have ZERO energy. I get really bad heartburn too which makes me nauseated, so on those days I just try to eat soups and drink alot of fluids, then as i progress in feeling better, the more i will eat.
  • okiegoalie
    okiegoalie Posts: 20
    Okay, as a nurse, I feel fairly well qualified to check in on this. There are numerous possibilities here. You say you're not pregnant. I'm going to assume you have rationale to rule that out. So lets move forward. What are your signs and symptoms? Make a list of them, your doctor will want to see them. Make a list of everything, i mean EVERYTHING you've eaten for as far back as you can. Note if any one particular type food made it worse than others (i.e. REALLY bad after eating pasta or bread, not too bad after veggies) The more information you can give your doctor, the faster he (or she) can begin to narrow it down. Your regular doctor will have someone taking calls for him. The answering service is available 24/7. i've woke up more than one doctor in the middle of the night to get an order for something. Odds are, unless you're in immediate, distress, he'll tell you to call in Tuesday for and appointment. He might possibly recommend you go to the ER if he thinks it's critical. Hope this helps you out hon!
  • torylinnangel
    torylinnangel Posts: 253

    I cut out dairy products today from my diet and I was able to eat with no problem. I will talk to my doctor next week about adding supplements to make up for the calcium and vitamins I don't get. thank you all for your concern, it was greatly appreciated!