To those big losers out there :-)



  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    I started running as part of my journey. I started at 490lbs, so there was no way I was running then, but about the time I got down to 360lbs I was able to run my first full mile, and now at 230lbs I run 15-18 miles a week on average on top of 5 days a week at the gym.

    Running is a great full body exercise, great cardio, and running outdoors is great, either by yourself or with friends. I find I tend to run faster when I have running buddies, as they tend to push you more. I also do a lot of weight lifting as well for building muscle mass and tone.

    I would start out alternating walking and jogging, and as you build endurance and fitness, the jogging pieces will get longer and he walking pieces will get shorter, and eventually you won't need the walking breaks. This is how I went about it.

    Invest in good running shoes as well, they will help keep your ankles, knees and hips healthy. Nothing worse than running in old, worn out shoes.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I don't run or jog... but I literally danced my *kitten* off :) .... crank up the tunes and start shaking it :)

    There are no fat ravers :love:
  • 100over
    100over Posts: 53 Member
    philsykes.........ha ha......I'd love to take me dog, but he's so insane and crazy, he'd trip me and I'd end up falling on my face. He only goes to open dog parks - lol.
    Every day I get closer and closer to that first step........I don't know why it's so hard for me.
  • 100over
    100over Posts: 53 Member
    wow BigMech............good for you. Running at 360lbs and now 15 miles a day. That's insane. Your wife and son must be soooooooo incredibly proud of you.
  • insights2
    insights2 Posts: 52 Member
    Well-fitted shoes are a must- find a running store where the staff will look at how you walk/run, and fit you properly. Makes ALL the difference.
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    Don't let running intimidate you. Go at your own pace and set goals!! It's amazing how quickly our bodies adapt and change based on what we ask of them.

    A bit of motivation and an all-around kickass blog for your reading pleasure.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Starting weight 315lb at about 287lb i started to do c25k on a treadmill, after being fitted properly for running shoes

    Next month i run my first 10K race

    Do it there's nothing to fear!!!!!! follow NHS C25K (google it) they have a mp3 download that tells you when to run/walk

    Just don't try and sprint like Usain Bolt LOL, what i mean is take it slow, when i started i was really slow, im not fast now mind :bigsmile:

    some on here even repeat the days until they are happy to move on to the next

    theres a group on here to

    GO FOR IT and good luck and happy running :bigsmile:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm not a 'big' loser but I have lost 35lbs. After I got down to 150 I started C25K and I'm loving it! I couldn't do it before I lost weight because of knee pain and I still have some but it's tolerable! I've lost 6lbs since I started jogging.

    If you want to jog/run in the future, I'd suggest you start walking daily. Before, I would start out too fast and it would be such a hard workout I'd not enjoy it, get super sore and burnt out! I started out walking VERY slowly at a pace I enjoyed then added time, then eventually I walked faster. Once I was able to walk 3.5 mph easily, I started jogging and it's not so hard. I do however only jog at 4mph (treadmill speed) since I'm short! I'll do the same as I did with walking and eventually pick up speed after I get the time in. Maybe! We shall see.

    Good luck and if you really want to run, you'll be able to, provided your knees can handle it. Take your time, lose some weight first, walk and ease into it slowly. YOU can do it! <hugs>
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    I started my journey 18 months ago and just started running in the last 3 months. I downloaded the c25k app but could not do it I was way too winded. So I downloaded a run/walk app where you can set your times I started with 1 min run 3 min walk and stayed with it until I felt I could keep going so on my 3rd week I upped my run 15 sec and lowered my walk 15 sec. I had a heart rate monitor and for interval training I would let my heart rate get to 80% and then in my walk when it reached the 110's I used this as a guide when i would walk i would look at how fast my heart rate would fall and use this as a judge of when to set my times. I went from adding 15 sec. one week to adding 30 sec the next. when I got to a 3 min run 1 min walk I really pushed it and bumped it up to a 5 min run and a 1 min walk. I did this for 1 week. I just upped it again to an 8 min run 1 min walk. my next step is 10 min. although I just got pneumonia this week and can't walk or run I am hopeful that in the next week I will be out again. I run on a trail that is not on flat ground I started on a track but the closest track to run for me is 10 miles away so I decided to run around my property which is 12 acres I love it getting out there running in nature has only opened up more to me wanting to feel the freedom of living and moving through life. I have just picked up mountain biking would love to spend everyday just out riding or running. Its a good life. You can do it I am 216lbs. now so you are right with me so get ready and just take the first run.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I picked up running but only because I was looking for something else to do.

    I started at 242 (I'm 5'7") and I could NOT run early on it was WAY too much for my knees. So I only started running when I was down to about 180ish. And I did it because I wanted to. Not really for weight loss.

    For weight loss and toning I've just focused on diet first, then I added in cardio, then weights. I'm doing the 30DS (30 day shred) right now to tone up more.

    Running can be great but you do NOT need to run to lose weight, run because you like it (love it, hate it LOL!) not because its the best weight loss tool. I'm a HUGE fan of the C25K (I think they are calling it ease into 5k now). If you're looking to start running, it's interval training anyhow. You MUST have good shoes, get fitted at a proper running store (Not a "sporting good store")
  • freder1ck
    freder1ck Posts: 44 Member
    walk 3-4 days a week (an hour at either 3.5 or 4.0 MPH depending on the day). No interest in running.
    ^^This. It's almost been a year for me, and lately I may run a bit if I'm having difficulty keeping it at 4.0
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Never ever ever would I have expected to become a runner. But my trainer got me out running every session with him, just a few minutes at a time, worked up to a mile. Then started running on my off days, 1 mile, then 2 miles, then three. Did my first 5k with one of my trainers running with me, then started doing some on my own. Kept running. Worked up to 10k, then sprint triathlons, then half marathons. Doing my first Olympic distance triathlon this summer.
    You just never know what is possible. Take it one step at a time, but only do what you really enjoy. If you don't enjoy running, but find you like zumba or something else then go with that. They key is to find exercise that you enjoy, do it consistently, and add to your duration and intensity as you get in better shape.
    If you do take up running, go to a good running store and get fitted for shoes. Having the right shoes for your feet and your gait will make a huge difference.
  • Claible
    Claible Posts: 106 Member
    I started at 274lbs. I have lost 121lbs and have 29 left to go. I have only ever worked out using DVD's or outside activities(ie mowing, bike riding, walking). If you like jogging go for it. I don't really enjoy it but have considered adding it to my routine. I always do what makes me happy. If I don't I won't workout. GOOD LUCK on your Journey.
  • iamabananatree
    iamabananatree Posts: 2 Member
    I've found walking to be as effective as chronic amounts of running and jogging when trying to lose fat. I don't actually tend to run as much as many (around once a week) but walking the 3.6mile walk to work and back a few times a week seems to keep the fat vanishing whilst the occasional run/sprint seems to help me carry on moving forwards with my general fitness. I do swim a few times a week and cycle at a relaxed pace a lot as well as doing a simple bodyweight based strength routine a couple of times a week.

    The best thing about it all is that because it's all enjoyable, it's not a chore- I'd almost go as far as to say it doesn't really feel much effort at all Prolonged periods of running wether indoors or our, definitely feel like a bit of a chore for me and I doubt I'd keep it up for long. :)
  • mamasyd
    mamasyd Posts: 80 Member
    I guess I would fit into your 'big loser' category! Running is not now, nor has it ever been to this point, part of my process. That's not to say I don't one day plan to do some running - - - but only for a very specific reason. My daughter is a runner and I want to run a 5K with her. I am sure I will not run anywhere near as fast as she can, but it's not about winning. It is about the fact that I was a morbidly obese mom all of her life. Now, she is 34 and I am 55, I am finally at a place where I may be able to run and I want to share that with her - - - once!! LOL

    My exercise focused on very low impact stuff because my knees are bad. That has improved dramatically over the years as the pounds have come off, but the truth is that I have had surgery on one and should have had on the other. Becoming a runner in any kind of a serious way is not for me. It does NOT preclude me being healthy and able to participate fully in life, though. I read somewhere that each pound lost removes four pounds of torque pressure from the knees. Let me tell you how much better mine feel currently!! Walking, riding an exercise bike, doing low impact workouts, using an elliptical have all proven effective ways of burning calories as I have progressed through this journey. The key is to burn the calories somehow. Playing with grandchildren works nicely, too!! :laugh:
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    My wife and I are both following the "Pooch to 5K" program (a variation of "Couch to 5K that lets you run with your dog), and we love it. Honestly a year ago, it you told me that I would actually ENJOY running, I'd have you committed. Of course, we've been doing it for @ 5 months, so we haven't tried running the really hot weather yet; we'll see if that changes our attitudes! But we're looking forward to running 5Ks, obstacle races, even looking at a smaller triathlon in our area!

    So, I don't really think you HAVE to run to lose weight, but it can be fun (who knew?), and it's probably the lowest need exercise there is. You don't need a trainer (although there's plenty of advice online if you want help), you don't need a special place (if you live on a street, that's good enough), and you don't need special equipment (just a pair of sneakers, which you probably have anyway).
  • m2kh
    m2kh Posts: 17
    I have recently started jogging. At first I could barely make it two minutes and now I do 2.5 miles before I take a body works class twice a week. I was looking for a way to burn more calories before I did my class. I do think I drop weight quicker with jogging even though I am really slow.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I don't really like running. I do it occasionally, but it's not my thing and I am not very good at it.

    I do better with jumping jacks, trampoline, Zumba, and other *fun* cardio.

    Of course, I mostly just do strength training now, but I am not a runner.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I had over 110 to lose and am now over halfway. I don't run at all. I'm in my 40's and I have bad knees. I do use the bike, the elliptical and I work out with a trainer 3x a week. Being heavy most of my life has put a significant pressure on my knees and I am paying the price now. I can walk and have signed up to do a 5k fun run (I'll walk it) just to challenge myself.

    Good luck.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I started on all cardio, I was walking at 375, jog/walking at 315, jogging at 275, running at 240 and now I am 185. At 240 though I started lifting and other type of cardio exercises.
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