Eatting every 3 hours??



  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    and it wasn't u that made that comment about not taking advice from morbidly obese ppl. it was wackyfunster or something like that.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    glad to read it doesnt make a difference because it's hard for me to get in that many meals. many of my favorite meals are high calorie with a good amount of protein and fat so i dont get hungry for several hours. heck my breakfast yesterday was over 600 calories :laugh:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    and it wasn't u that made that comment about not taking advice from morbidly obese ppl. it was wackyfunster or something like that.

    Ahhh, wacky's a good guy...I can put money on him not trying to be rude. His point is valid however (he never said obese people don't know what they're talking about) . People will always listen to someone who appears to practice what they preach, before someone who doesn't. If that wasn't the case, it would be random people on all the infomercials trying to sell exercise equipment, rather than ultra fit. It's not rudeness hun, just life and human nature really.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    and it wasn't u that made that comment about not taking advice from morbidly obese ppl. it was wackyfunster or something like that.

    Ahhh, wacky's a good guy...I can put money on him not trying to be rude. His point is valid however (he never said obese people don't know what they're talking about) . People will always listen to someone who appears to practice what they preach, before someone who doesn't. If that wasn't the case, it would be random people on all the infomercials trying to sell exercise equipment, rather than ultra fit. It's not rudeness hun, just life and human nature really.

    lol yes i get the practicing what u preach. loland i'm sorry again. i didn't want to get into an arguement.
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    I prefer eating throughout the day. I eat breakfast (4:30am), prelunch snack (7-8am), lunch (12pm), post lunch (around 3-4pm) and then dinner (6:30-7:30pm). I do this for two reasons. First it keeps me from getting too hungry before a meal, because if I end up too hungry I'll then over compensate for the hunger and over eat by wayyy too much. Second, and more importantly, it helps my blood sugar levels and keeps me going at work (some days are highly physical and that snacking keeps my energy up and also forces me to drink more water). However, work doesn't always give me time to snack like that, so I pack meals such that I can eat either way - snacking through the day or eating only 2-3 meals.

    Personally I don't see any difference in weight loss between the days or weeks I do one way or another (unless I'm over eating).

    Work out what's best for you and your schedule. A good portion of dieting is metal. If I'm super hungry, I'll over eat. Or if I'm preoccupied, I won't eat enough and both of these are unhealthy for me thus I change my eating methods to try avoid them.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    and it wasn't u that made that comment about not taking advice from morbidly obese ppl. it was wackyfunster or something like that.

    Ahhh, wacky's a good guy...I can put money on him not trying to be rude. His point is valid however (he never said obese people don't know what they're talking about) . People will always listen to someone who appears to practice what they preach, before someone who doesn't. If that wasn't the case, it would be random people on all the infomercials trying to sell exercise equipment, rather than ultra fit. It's not rudeness hun, just life and human nature really.

    lol yes i get the practicing what u preach. loland i'm sorry again. i didn't want to get into an arguement.

    No argument! And no need to apologize :).

    I'm just pretty direct and when people are in a discussion with me online, they tend to think I'm annoyed.
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    i felt like an idiot doing this the other day. i kept looking at the clock anticipating my next meal. just eat whenever you're hungry
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    I try to snack every 2-3 hours (doesn't always work) but the days I do, I feel that I eat smaller healthier meals and I know this is better than 3 meals that are aren't that great
  • chapparra27
    chapparra27 Posts: 115 Member
    I have had a nutrionalist tell me that you should eat every 3 hours to keep your metabilism going. Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks and space them every 3 hours. Do you guys agree or not? There are times I would rather save those 150 calories for my next meal rather than a snack.
    I have no idea how it effects metabolism but if I do not eat every 3 or so hours I feel awful! I get shaky and fell off....
    Just my prefrence though.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    and it is probably possible to overcome, but i don't see why i would want to change it??? if i didn't like eating frequently or if it didn't work for my lifestyle, i would probably attempt a change, but it's working for me. most likely, because of the changes that have been made in my blood sugar levels and my weight loss (lower cholesterol, etc.) i probably could make adaptations and be fine. but feeling like crap isn't worth messing with my routine. LOL :smile: i have read about the I.F. and it was interesting to me. perhaps when i am not in child-bearing years i will try it, but right now, we don't use b/control and i could be preg at any time, so i try really hard to eat on schedule just in case. trust me, if anyone had ever felt the way i do and the sickness i get if i don't eat properly, they would understand!
    How can it be "working" for you when you would faint if you miss a meal? If your blood sugar is this sensitive, I think you need to see a doctor.

    What is working for me is to eat every 3 hours. And I did see a Dr and was diagnosed with insulin resistance, among other things, which is why he prescribed the frequent meals. I don't get faint as long as I maintain calories all waking hours.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    lol yes i get the practicing what u preach. loland i'm sorry again. i didn't want to get into an arguement.
    I wasn't trying to put down morbidly obese people. Just pointing out that when it comes to taking advice from people, I tend to prefer to listen to people who already excel at whatever it is I am trying to learn about. It's not a personal thing, and I am not saying that there aren't some overweight folks who are very knowledgeable about this stuff.

    My comment was in response to the "I don't take advice from people just because they have a great physique." I am sorry but, with a few genetically gifted exceptions (none of whom are on this site, I can guarantee), people with a 'ripped' physique got there with a lot of hard work and dedication, as well as good knowledge of both exercise and nutrition. Simply put, those kind of results don't occur by accident. If I have to choose between listening to someone at 6% body fat who can deadlift 500 pounds, and someone at 50% body fat who can't deadlift their body-weight... the choice seems pretty simple. If you took 100 "great shape" people, and 100 morbidly obese people, and gave them a test on nutrition and fitness, what do you think the results would look like? Sorry if that seems insensitive, but honestly, I care about results, and about learning and growing as a person. I try not to engage in personal attacks, or denigrate anyone's value system, but I am going to be honest, and do what works. I am not going to deny an obvious truth just because it is politically incorrect. If that hurts some people's feelings, then that sucks, but I honestly don't care... life is too short to spend pandering to the oversensitive.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I've never seen a nutritionist or anything, I just go off of what I've heard from other people's stories, but this is what works for me. I eat breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner and then an evening snack if it's not too late. It seems like a lot, but if I were to just try and eat 3 solid meals I'd get really hungry in between and be super cranky. It works for me and for the sake of other people not getting their heads chewed off by me. Lol.
  • smileyface_2510
    I agree..I also eat every two to three hours bcuz it keeps me from overeating ,and I have energry and dnt feel weighed down and sleepy. but to each his own!!
  • anarod0513
    anarod0513 Posts: 119
    See if it works for you. this works great for me, it keeps me from eating unhealthy things. especially when my snacks are ready to go.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours between or around these times
    Breakfast 8-9am
    Mid-morning snack 10-11 am
    Lunch 12-1pm
    Afternoon snack 2-3pm
    Dinner 5-6pm
    Evening snack 6-7pm
    and sumtimes I may have a lil extra IF I get hungry again.. LIKE EXAMPLE just now my tummy is grumbling so I had: 1/4 cup Pitted Plums before gettin ready for bed :)
    and EATING THIS WAY, ur body gets use to it and it will tell u almost like an alarm that its time to eat..
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    and EATING THIS WAY, ur body gets use to it and it will tell u almost like an alarm that its time to eat..

    It does eating once a day too.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    This has been debunked.. Unless you're diabetic, eat however often it works for you.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    lol yes i get the practicing what u preach. loland i'm sorry again. i didn't want to get into an arguement.
    I wasn't trying to put down morbidly obese people. Just pointing out that when it comes to taking advice from people, I tend to prefer to listen to people who already excel at whatever it is I am trying to learn about. It's not a personal thing, and I am not saying that there aren't some overweight folks who are very knowledgeable about this stuff.

    My comment was in response to the "I don't take advice from people just because they have a great physique." I am sorry but, with a few genetically gifted exceptions (none of whom are on this site, I can guarantee), people with a 'ripped' physique got there with a lot of hard work and dedication, as well as good knowledge of both exercise and nutrition. Simply put, those kind of results don't occur by accident. If I have to choose between listening to someone at 6% body fat who can deadlift 500 pounds, and someone at 50% body fat who can't deadlift their body-weight... the choice seems pretty simple. If you took 100 "great shape" people, and 100 morbidly obese people, and gave them a test on nutrition and fitness, what do you think the results would look like? Sorry if that seems insensitive, but honestly, I care about results, and about learning and growing as a person. I try not to engage in personal attacks, or denigrate anyone's value system, but I am going to be honest, and do what works. I am not going to deny an obvious truth just because it is politically incorrect. If that hurts some people's feelings, then that sucks, but I honestly don't care... life is too short to spend pandering to the oversensitive.
    i get where ur coming from. i apologize to u too since technically you were the one i called rude. i underrstand what u are saying now.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    and EATING THIS WAY, ur body gets use to it and it will tell u almost like an alarm that its time to eat..

    It does eating once a day too.

    yes. u eat at the same time everyday, no matter how many times a day....ur body does know. lol
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    This method has not been approved by the supreme scientific minds of the MFP trolls.
    However, if eating less food more frequently helps curb your cravings, and therefore overeating, go for it.