Ladies 5'10" - 5'11" What are your goals?

raysmyth Posts: 55 Member
What are your weight loss goals? What is your goal weight? Do you have fitness goals? Just curious!

Please feel free to add me! I am looking for supportive friends! I have some great ones now!


  • hello!
    i think im like 5'9... but my goal is 125 lbs. yours? :)
    feel free to add me!
  • soccermoma11
    soccermoma11 Posts: 126
    I'm 5'10 and my goal is about 130 and able to do about 200 crunches and run at least 5 miles
  • smhaze77
    smhaze77 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5’ 10" and ridiculously big boned, I'm built like a guy with curves, seriously, lol. My short term goal is 195. Then eventually I think I would like to get down to 180, anything beats the 252 I started at a couple weeks ago.
  • kphil06
    kphil06 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'5". My goal weight is 145lb. I don't really have any specific fitness goals other than to be able to do x,y,z without stopping.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I'm 34, broadshouldered and 5'10", with my current weight goal being 200 lbs. I don't know where that'll take me after that, when I lose weight, I usually lose it all over at once. I'd like to weigh around 150 lbs, see if that's a good weight for me, the last thing I want is a muffin top. The key thing is the last time I didn't have one I was 3, after that I started taking seizure meds that caused me to gain weight and I've never been thin since - but that's gonna change!!!! :bigsmile:
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I am 6ft (close to 5'11) and my goal is 199. I really just want to have a "1" in front of my weight. :-)
  • pgfitmom
    pgfitmom Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'11''. I'm currently aiming for 180. But I've never been at my goal weight, so I'll have to see how things go before I can decide on a final goal.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Im 5'10" and my goal weight is 150.

    I was 125-135 throughout high school and looked like something straight out of a tim burton film LoL
    Id like to look toned and slender, but not that thin again, so 145-150 would be awesome.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5'9 3/4 (does that count?!)
    I'm 153lbs, but my goal is BF% now.
    I was at 22.6% in January, 21.6% in March and I'm 19.2%now. My goal is 18.5%BF (regardless of weight on the scale).

    I also have "mini goals" since January that I change once I accomplish them:
    - 1 chin-up (Done in May, close-grip), now I want to do 5 in a row.
    - 30 push-ups (I can do 20 now...was able to do 2 in January)
    - Dead-lift my own weight for a full set (6). (Last week I was able to do 4 reps for the 1st time).
    - Do a 10Km run without stopping/walking
    - Do a 5Km run in 28min or better.
  • I'm 5' 9.5", and my goal weight is 130 with muscle. :) I just want a six-pack.
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5'9". My goal weight rite now is 200. I have about 150 to lose. Once I get there, I will decide weather to lose anymore, or just tone. I love being outside and so my fitness goals are to be able to hike thru the Grand Canyon one day. I added u BTW lol
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    5'9 1/2" here, goal for myself is 170, doctor says 140-160.
  • soccermoma11
    soccermoma11 Posts: 126
    Wow it's nice to see all the tall women on here! It's fantastic! Keep up the good work ladies :)
  • raysmyth
    raysmyth Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you for responding everyone!

    I started at 275 lbs in January. Thats the biggest Ive ever been. I am now 243 lbs! Yay! My first goal is 234 lbs.. my next goal is 190 lbs. I think I will look pretty good at that weight. From there, my trainer says 155 would be a good goal.... if I get there via fitness goals more so than focusing on the scale, Im fine with it Lol Seeing what others have in mind helps TREMENDOUSLY!
  • simonek91
    simonek91 Posts: 18
    Yayyy! Women who are actually my height are on here, too!!

    I'm 5'10'' and would like to get down to 160. I think that's a good number for me since I have a very curvy body and my doctor and I decided that would be a healthy, manageable weight for me.

    Any other tall ladies that have 60ish (or more.. or less!) lbs. to lose, feel free to add me!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    i'm 6', i think my goal is 155. highest weight was about 200ish, current weight is 164. we'll see how i look and go from there...
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5' 10" and my starting weight was 238lbs which is he heaviest I have ever been! My goal currently is 170 which means I should be a UK size 14. If my weight loss is still going well then I might look to go a little lower but after being 238 lbs anything is better Han that.....keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • SarahElizabeth416
    SarahElizabeth416 Posts: 52 Member
    I am 5'10 with a large bone structure, and my goal is 170
  • raysmyth
    raysmyth Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for responding everyone! I might re-post later and expand the "tallness" range Lol
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    5'10" here. 294 at my heaviest. Large build.

    I usually sit around 155-160. I'd be good up to 165 or even 170. My original goal weight was 180 and I was healthy and happy then, but love being really fit.