chocolate milk

Sometimes when Im at the drugstore, getting what ever we need, TP, coffee cream (for my bf), etc, I will start thinking. "Oh hey, lots of cheap pops/juices here, i should get one!" Then I think chocolate milk! Milks good for you right? Am I doing myself any favors, or just kidding myself?!


  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Most chocolate milk is WAY too high in sugar to be considered healthy. If you're craving a chocolate milk flavor, a protein shake might be a better option for you.
  • steelymilk
    steelymilk Posts: 1
    This may not help you at all and I may be completely kidding myself too, but 8oz of 1% milk and I think 1tbsp of nesquik powder is under 150 calories. I can't remember exact numbers right now and no way to look, but it is better than the bottled already made chocolate milk anyway.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I drink a glass of 1% Chocolate Milk (300 calories) every night. I don't track sugar or sodium so the fact it has 23 grams of sugar is a mute point for me... There are more than enough benefits from it than negatives and it taste great to boot!!! Best of Luck...
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I love chocolate milk but I only drink milk when I order raw milk. I think its a great after workout recovery drink, personally :smile:

    Disclaimer: I also eat ice cream post workout, so don't trust me.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    You'd probably have to go to a regular grocery store, but if you're craving chocolate milk, Silk's Light Chocolate Soy Milk has 90 calories per cup! They also have a dark chocolate almond milk (if you're not into soy) that is 120 calories per cup and a great source of calcium.
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    You'd probably have to go to a regular grocery store, but if you're craving chocolate milk, Silk's Light Chocolate Soy Milk has 90 calories per cup!

    I literally almost had to fight someone in target over the last container of light chocolate silk
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I compared the P90X Recovery drink with non-fat chocolate milk. Exactly the same stuff at a fraction of the price. So, I drink chocolate milk after every workout. It's awesome and works great.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    You'd probably have to go to a regular grocery store, but if you're craving chocolate milk, Silk's Light Chocolate Soy Milk has 90 calories per cup!

    I literally almost had to fight someone in target over the last container of light chocolate silk

    I would choke a b!tch for the last container. I regret nothing.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    It's awesome after a workout and pretty well balanced for the job.
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    You'd probably have to go to a regular grocery store, but if you're craving chocolate milk, Silk's Light Chocolate Soy Milk has 90 calories per cup!

    I literally almost had to fight someone in target over the last container of light chocolate silk

    I would choke a b!tch for the last container. I regret nothing.

    I had to start shopping at the target across town because some inconsiderate person would buy all of it before I could get there and buy all of it
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    agree that it's great post-workout...I used to drink it after long runs (8-10 miles) - it does a better job than gatorade as a recovery drink!

    I would have it as an occasional treat other than that, though - like eating a half a candy bar (treat) with a glass of milk (healthy!)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Chocolate milk is good eats! I personally would go the route of protein shake (chocolate flavored protein shake + 1% milk = yummy yummy after workout snack!)

    But if protein shake isn't your thing, then a low fat chocolate milk will do. I wouldn't worry "too much" about the high sugar if you got the calories to fit it. You can always buy some milk and coco powder to control the sugar too. Sugar and sodium is a higher concern for folks with medical problems. I personally watch sugar but its not something I go "OMG I PUT REAL SUGAR IN MY COFFEE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

    Enjoy your chocolate milk :)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    It's delicious, but if weight loss is your primary goal, then it's not any better than a soda as far as calories go. Some chocolate milks are extremely high in calories, so just keep an eye on that!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yeah, it's got my favorite post workout macros. That said, I can't just have a teensie bit of chocolate milk. If I buy it, I will consume the entire quart.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i drink the nequik too. but i found muscle milk very good chocolaty and and its a protein shake. u could try that maybe. :)
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Definitely get the serving-size cartons, not the whole shebang.

    You want chocolate milk? Then don't deprive yourself, earn it! It's a great recovery drink - go out and do hardcore exercise for an hour and there's your reward. :)
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    agree that it's great post-workout...I used to drink it after long runs (8-10 miles) - it does a better job than gatorade as a recovery drink!

    I would have it as an occasional treat other than that, though - like eating a half a candy bar (treat) with a glass of milk (healthy!)

  • v_snowdrop
    v_snowdrop Posts: 59
    It's a common thing for ppl to drink after intense exercise. I've even seen GOT (chocolate) MILK? ads in runners magazines.

    Me, I hate drinking my calories! Love chocolate milk, but I'd rather spend the calories on fooood nom nom nom ;-)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have lowfat chocolate milk at bedtime just about every night. It's my late-night ritual. When I logged my food (I've mostly stopped) I made sure I had about 150 cal left at the end of the night for it.

    If I had a lot more than 150 cal left, I'd add protein powder to it.
  • LesIsMoreXX
    LesIsMoreXX Posts: 169
    I've actually found that Skim or 1% Chocolate Milk has really benefited me in my weight loss. It's great for post workouts and for me, personally, it fills me up. Sometimes I can have a large glass for breakfast and I feel great until lunch.
    I guess it's different for everyone.