Are any of you big in the middle but normal everywhere else?



  • JamieAlexandraX
    JamieAlexandraX Posts: 58 Member
    Im findng it hard to find jeans at the moment because im a UK 16 on my top half but when it comes to buying jeans im a bit to big for a 16 but to small for a size 18. Im like a 16 and a half haha.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    What are some of your secrets you use to slim down?

    My torso was big... I mean, I carried fat everywhere, but my mid section was just BIG. Why? I thought it could be cortisol (a result of major depression/stress/anxiety and chronic pain) ~and/or~ gluten. I stopped eating gluten and my torso shrunk! From a large to a medium in a few weeks. I did not lose any weight, I just shrunk.
    I do have a secret way of treating the depression and cortisol issues- it is on my profile page. But to avoid the suspense: I use medical cannabis to treat back pain and depression (doctor prescribed in my state, USA)... and despite the common misconception, cannabis has a long term effect of regulating all natural body systems. The long run effect is that it treats those internal conditions which cause obesity.
    I am now able to exercise and lose weight.
    I was not able to do this before.

    I wish you the best.

    I read the "Wheat Belly" book, immediately cut out grains (wheat, bread, pasta, corn, etc) and the stubborn weight fell off my midriff. No exaggeration, starting Day 1. I also feel great for it, best thing I have done nutritionally apart from cutting the sugars.

    The book makes a good case for why it happens, metabolically, too.

    I think targetting exercises for weight loss are way overrated by the way, just eat right and let your body find it's ideal composition ... 80% nutrition, 20% exercise ...
  • Clepinski
    Clepinski Posts: 2
    Yes! My legs are normal and so are my arms. Pretty thin actually. But it's my middle area where the fat stores. :( So, what happens when I don't work out? Tummy bulge and muffin top. It's a weird bump in my body that is just hard to get rid of.

    I'm doing a lot more ab workouts and strength training to get this in shape. And tweaking the diet a bit to get rid of that tummy. This is my target area. a STRONG, LEAN, CORE! Working hard to get it there!