Whey Protein



  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    I use the same brand, get it at WalMart like you It works for me if I mix it with a tablespoon of PB2 and a packet of splenda. But I have to shake shake shake it for about 2 or 3 minutes before most of the clumpiness is gone. As others suggested, mixing it with some other flavors can help.

    This morning I had a scoop of it on top of my cereal... not bad.

    You said you are not so interested in muscle development and strength training... so there may not be any point in adding a lot of extra protein to your diet.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    make a fruit smoothie

    make pancakes with it

    make power muffins with it

    you can put this powder in almost anything

    How do you make pancakes or muffins with it? Have a recipe I can follow? I think a fruit smoothie I can figure out. MIlk, fruit protein powder.
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    Please don't use skim milk, whole fat milk, plain milk etc with your whey protein. It defeats the purpose of using whey protein to get a high protein source that is low in calories. the extra 150-200 calories from milk is not needed. If your a body building trying to gain mass, sure use milk with your protein, but you're not. So just use water, and yeah, protein isn't supposed to taste the best, so you're just going to get accustomed to the taste =]

    I use 1% milk with my whey protein after workouts. I'm not an expert but I have read that using milk is actually a good idea even though it adds calories, as the natural sugars in the milk help deliver the protein to your muscles faster. Also, it's my experience that I'm much more likely to eat/drink things that are good for me if they taste good, as opposed to things I have to "get accustomed to". Just sayin'...

    2 cups of 1% and one scoop of whey protein is 330 calories, 36g protein and 7g fat. This should not be difficult to fit in - the calories/protein ratio is still really, really good.

    For the OP - 2 cups 1% + 1 scoop chocolate whey protein mixed with a hand blender leaves no chunks and tastes delicious. I've even tried adding a cup of that strawberry Kefir smoothie stuff and it tastes just like astronaut ice cream. If you like that sort of thing and want to add probiotics.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    How do you make pancakes or muffins with it? Have a recipe I can follow? I think a fruit smoothie I can figure out. MIlk, fruit protein powder.

  • poledancing_ninja
    I blend mine with strawberries, blueberries and half a banana. Perfection <3
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    Where do you guys find your Whey Protein? I am kind of limited in my town as where to go. Though if need to I'll dive the hr to the next town to find something better. Forcing this down for now. I tend not to use all my calories anyways so I have started mixing it with my almond milk that helps some.

    Thanks for everyone who has answered.

    My local grocery store carries the CareOne brand of whey protein powder. I'm sure you could get it from Amazon or something if that would be more convenient. It's cheap and doesn't have extra sugars or supplements or anything.

    Be careful about which kind you use - some of them have supplements or fillers that may or may not be really bad for you.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    I use the same brand, get it at WalMart like you It works for me if I mix it with a tablespoon of PB2 and a packet of splenda. But I have to shake shake shake it for about 2 or 3 minutes before most of the clumpiness is gone. As others suggested, mixing it with some other flavors can help.

    This morning I had a scoop of it on top of my cereal... not bad.

    You said you are not so interested in muscle development and strength training... so there may not be any point in adding a lot of extra protein to your diet.

    I don't mind mild muscle development and toning. I just don't want to bulk up. I am a small frame 5ft 3 in female. I don't think my husband would like me all bulked out. Fit looking is fine, bulked out no. I do some strength training. I need to up the weights somewhat. I have only been using 6.6 lb weight, and it really is getting to easy on some of the things I do. But I have just been doing more reps in place of that right now. I started using the protein because I have a hard time reaching my calories some days and my protein levels that are set for me.

    Again things for you postive suggestions: whey protein or other wise.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    How do you make pancakes or muffins with it? Have a recipe I can follow? I think a fruit smoothie I can figure out. MIlk, fruit protein powder.


    He got you for the food :)

    When i make a smoothie this is what I do:

    SPlash of OJ Trop 50 like 2 ounces pending on how non-chalky you want it
    blueberries or strawberries

    blend away!!
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    half a banana, and some frozen raspberries and ice - in a blender to make an ice cold smoothie
  • Frannie1982
    We always make ours as a shake. Usually add in fresh fruit (mostly berries) and peanut butter with some milk. It's SO good. We always tend to go for chocolate powder though.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I'm using body fortress vanilla.. This morning I made a smoothie with it..
    1/2 banana
    3 large frozen strawberries
    5 ice cubes
    1 cup of cold water
    1 scoop of protein powder

    It wasn't the sweetest thing.. was easy to get down though. Honestly I liked it.. =) I'm thinking about trying milk instead of water tomorrow. It was filling! O.O All I've had so far today is that and a peanut butter sandwich. Not hungry at all!
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    NNW with 1% milk. Tried it with water the other day and couldn't drink it all.

    Jenschnack: Where do you find your NNW? I've only seen it at Hy-Vee stores (I live in central IA) and lately they are frighteningly low on all of the flavors, but especially vanilla. Have you heard anything about a short supply? I don't come up with anything besides message boards when I try to google them. It's the best protein I've had (I've also read it's got a great profile, with regard to being a complete protein) and there's no messing around with sucralose or any other chemical sweeteners!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I found it was better with a whole cup (8oz) of unsweetened almond milk. And I drank half of it at a time. I use it for baking now, like some of Jamie Eason's protein bar recipes, or protein heavy stuff on dashingdish.com. I have since bought different brands.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Oh, once I tried mixing the NNW chocolate (by hand, derp) with hot black coffee. That was possibly the worst idea ever. Even when it was mixed in well, still didn't taste good. Yesterday I shook it up with skim milk, a Starbucks VIA packet, and a few drops of peppermint-flavored SweetLeaf stevia. Not quite as good as an iced peppermint mocha, but close. :)
  • ToBeSmaller
    I had a tough time finding a way to choke down the vanilla myself, until i reached the end (we are talking two scoops left). I put it in oatmeal (BLEH!) with Milk & ice for a smoothie (BLEH!), a little in yogurt (BLEH!) the flavor just overpowered EVERYTHING i put it in.

    The last time it was ok for me I mixed it with 30g of a low calorie breyers ice cream 60 cals. (small scoop, probably more to trick myself than anything), ice cubes, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond mik (20 cal), 30-35 gram's frozen banana 30 cals? and pineapple tidbits - not sure on the calories there. I think the whole thing ended up around 300 calories and it was like a milk shake. I got one more out of it and then the container was done.

    I do MUCH better with the same brand but i use chocolate. How can you beat a milkshake for breakfast along with some egg whites and a small bagel? scoop of chocolate, 6-7 ice cubes, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, frozen banana, 1 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder - YUM - just over 200 calories and 140 of that is from the powder itself. Can't go wrong!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    Thanks for the idea's. Hope they keep coming.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    He got you for the food :)

    Abells you Lost me??? :blushing:

    I mean nothing against women who are into heavey lifting and the like. More power to you. Just don't think it would look good on me personally. I do want to tone up and have a fit look about me.

    :blushing: I want to be a hot mama not just a mama. :blushing:
  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    How do you get this stuff down and keep it down?

    Just got some over the weekend and thought ok I'll give it a try. Mixed 1 scoop (trying to lose weight) in water and mixed. OH MY. I couldn't get the whole glass down.

    Good thing my husband said he would help me with it. It is going to be very hard to get this all down. I hate to waste things so I will force myself but it wont be fun.

    BTW I got Body Fortress Super Advanced Vanilla the 2 lb container. We don't have anything but Wal-Mart around us. And I didn't want to send off for something and then really hate it. Good thing.

    Please need idea's how to get this down and keep it down.

    I mix organic peanut butter with mine. If I don't, it's completely intolerable for me. (I buy vanilla too) I think peanut butter actually makes it something to look forward too. :D

    (edit: use a blender if you try this)
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Optimum Nutrition double chocolate - you can order off Amazon - and mix with almond milk - yum!
  • gatecityradio
    I quit drinking that stuff...It made my stomach hurt and it made me feel bloated. I've been eating grilled chicken and turkey instead. I've been tempted to try hemp protien.