30DS first-timers! (June)



  • bellaburch85
    This might be a silly question but what Measurements are you going to take before you begin?
    I was thinking Neck, Tum, Hips. Arms and Top of legs? Is there anyting else to measure? :)
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    OMG its still so brutal! lol but I'm getting better can go deeper in squats and punchy things, but I'm dying here lol
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    I bought the DVD and I did it one day so far just to see what it was like. I have a plethora of workout DVDs that I rotate to avoid boredom and to make sure I work different body parts. I just find Jillian SO annoying. I tried her killer buns and thighs workout and had to stop mid-way because I couldn't stand her anymore. I hope she gets less annoying in time :) I'll be giving 30DS another shot tonight!
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey, I would like to join you as well, I just started 2 days ago, today will be Level 1 day 3 but I think it is close enough. I really need motivation because In my first week of MFP I have gained 3 lbs even though I have tracked everyday, been slightly under my calorie intake, and exercised everyday. It is now TOM for me, so I am hoping it is due to that and the fact that I have gained muscle and retained water in my muscles due to starting 30 DS. Somebody suggested to me to take measurements and rely more on those than the scale so I am going to take my measurements this evening.
    So that being said, just to warn you Jillian Michael's is evil (in a good way), and your legs will feel like jelly...well I don't know for how long, I will let you know when they stop! Haha,
    Glad to be doing this with somebody, or should I say somebodies!
  • twinkle320
    twinkle320 Posts: 23
    I started doing 30DS and 6wk 6 pack together last week. I took a few days off for the Memorial Day holiday but got back to it today, so today was Level 1 day 4 for me and I can already feel a difference in my stamina. Both DVDs kick my butt so I am positive that if I stick with it I will see some change. After 2 babies I don't ever think I will have a true "6 pacK" but anything firmer than the jello that is there now will be a vast improvement :)