Success stories using 30 Shred?



  • momma2boys0609
    Well, I finally got the SHRED and I went ahead and tested it out this morning. Oh MY! IT really is challenging and I can see having great success with it as long as I focus on healty eating and sleeping habits as well. It was tough. I could hardley move today at clinicals. Im not a big fan of jumping jacks either. I love the way they get my heart pumping, but ever since I had my first child, things just arent the same and I really have a difficult time with the jumping jacks. I just went ahead and did some other cardio moves instead of them. Maybe as I firm up and shed the weight, my body wont be so awkward and I will be able to do them. I think we should name our group. Im really excited about doing this with you all.
    ~~~Keep On Movin'~
    JOY :flowerforyou:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    OK so who is in and what are some group name suggestions?
  • SassySouthernGirl
    NORDIC.....what awesome results....thanks for posting .... VERY motivational!!! :flowerforyou:

    I did it for 2 days about a year ago.....after reading your post....think I'll pull it back out and go for it! Thanks for the inspiration! :wink:
  • Man_loosing_weight
    Hi Guys

    Just some comment re the soreness after the exercise. I have been on amino acid supplements since it started on MFP. I have been doing Teabo :explode: .
    I drink 3 tablets 2 hours before my workout and then 3 directly after. I am still stiff the next morning but not in such pain :frown: . On my off day I drink all 6 before breakfast. I started of with the 8min workout and I am at 20 min now

    Please make sure you consult your doctor before you drink any tablets.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    wow, I like the sound of a shred group starting August 1st. I just started it last weekand man does it feel great! I really like how easy to follow it is! It is great and it does work my body in ways only the Body Pump weight class I take does. Its a spectacular work out!

    So here is my name suggestion for the group Spectacular Shredders! Because lets be honest...we are all going to look and feel completely spectacular when we are done the 30 day shred!!! Anyway its just a suggestion he he.

    keep up the great work everyone!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Love the group idea. Spectacular Shredders sounds very good, very positive, I like that :)

    I did my 4th session of the shred 1 last night. This morning I finally saw some results on the scale. I've been stuck at right around 150 for 2 weeks after losing 8 pounds in my first month of tracking. Seems like adding the shred is going to be just what I need. Down to 146.8 this morning. Love it.

    I'm also working in the Couch 2 5K on alternating days, so tonight will be my second session for that. Really enjoyed the first on Monday night, so I'm looking forward to it. Looking at signing up for a 5k in September for Race for the Cure, haven't quite convinced myself, but I'm working on it.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!! Keep up the motivation!!
  • tudorman
    tudorman Posts: 2
    I just started training for a 5k in september. its a lot of hard work, but keep at it and you will be fine. it was esp. tough for me as I have never run before, but now I am up to about 2.5miles without stopping. its good to have a goal at the end of the rainbow. my goal is to finish in under 30 minutes.
    congrats on the weight loss.
  • leshawnturner
    The 30 day shred is a beast but I love it. I was in the same shred group as Vans for June. She's right we did restart in july but I had too much going on to keep up with the group (although I did continue to shred). I'm on level 3 now (today was my first day). Again, IT IS A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!! I hate to tell you that the jumping jacks continue through level3 (you do them with weights:noway: ). Those plank exercises are going to be the death of me!!!:grumble: :mad: I haven't lost a whole lot of weight (about 5lbs), but I know I've lost inches because I'm down a dress size:smooched: . I'm going to finish up the shred this week and then I think I'm going to move on to her metabolism boost workout. I hear its pretty good, its about an hour though so I 'm not sure when I'm going to do it since I workout in the morning and I don't know if I can get up early enough to get an hour workout in.:grumble: :angry:

    Good to all of you and enjoy the shredding!!! :tongue:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I am soooo looking forward to the shred again tomorrow.I havent done it this morning (as I had to go into work super early) or yesterday, but tomorrow morning Im back at it. i also try and run 4 days a week and so far I can see a small difference as my clothes fit a little loser (not much yet, but I have faith hehe) It doesnt help that its that time of the month so everything already feels less comfortable but this time its making me want to work harder for my goal!

    I hope everyone has a great day today and good luck to all who are attempting the shred today :)
  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    If there is a Spectacular Shredders group starting, COUNT ME IN!

    I just did the level one this morning. And Jillian Michaels kicked my *kitten* - on level 1 :sad:

    Thanks for the advice on how to log the calories. That was really helpful.

    I'm watching these through exercise TV, so I don't have all the information in front of me.
    To clarify:
    you start with level 1 and do this once a day, everyday.
    When you need more of a challenge, you move up to level 2 etc...

    Is this the basic premise?

    If we're starting a group, we should start another thread, and begin to check in.

    So glad to check in this morning and see some fellow shredders out there!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    If there is a Spectacular Shredders group starting, COUNT ME IN!

    I just did the level one this morning. And Jillian Michaels kicked my *kitten* - on level 1 :sad:

    Thanks for the advice on how to log the calories. That was really helpful.

    I'm watching these through exercise TV, so I don't have all the information in front of me.
    To clarify:
    you start with level 1 and do this once a day, everyday.
    When you need more of a challenge, you move up to level 2 etc...

    Is this the basic premise?

    If we're starting a group, we should start another thread, and begin to check in.

    So glad to check in this morning and see some fellow shredders out there!

    Good morning, great to have you in the group. I believe Picadilly is planning to start a new thread this morning for our group, will be named Spectacular Shredders, I haven't seen it yet but it should be out here soon.

    I tried to do the shred everyday but was to beat the first week, so my goal is every other day, alternating it with some running. It is a great workout. I think most have tried to switch to the next level at about 10 days but everyone is different, some have stayed on level 1 for longer, (that may be me, lol)