Is this diet safe?

Ok, not the best topic title. I know the original diet is unsafe and unhealthy but I have questions about the general idea. Sorry about that!!

I've seen so many weird off-the-wall diets and I'm paranoid about trying one. Anyway, my mom went to a party last night and a guy told her that he lost 25lbs in a few weeks by cutting out all meat (except a little fish) and drinking smoothies for breakfast. I'm leaving for study abroad in a week and my mom wants me to try this diet to see if I can lose 5lbs before I leave.

I KNOW losing 5lbs in a single week is unhealthy and I'm definitely not trying to do that (I explained that to my mom). I'm more curious about the smoothies. Breakfast is a tough meal for me anyway but I think I could slurp on a smoothie. And as for meat, I really don't eat that much anyway. I prefer fish.

So I guess my real question should be if anybody has had long-term success with drinking breakfast smoothies and cutting down on red meat.


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I personally wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole.
  • pinkpolkadots25
    pinkpolkadots25 Posts: 101 Member
    That sounds gimmicky and unsafe to me.
  • kparks2
    kparks2 Posts: 121 Member
    Nah not to lose 5 lbs in one week. I mean cut out meat if you want but I would say increase veggies and proteins some where else. It would depends on the smoothies because those can contain vitamins. Just remember as quick as you lost the weight as quick you will put it on.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Why does she need you to lose 5 pounds before you leave? It's not like your weight is going to be on a sign around your neck when you get off the plane.
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I would not do it. Losing so quickly and by eating in a way you can't continue long term is setting yourself up to regain the weight. I would spend the time you have until you leave learning how to make good decisions and being active.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    1. As long as you get the protein and other nutrients elsewhere there isn't anything wrong with cutting down on meat. Lots of people will tell you less red meat is a great thing. Smoothies for breakfast are also fine. You'll still be eating other than smoothies right?

    You may not be heavy enough to sustain 2lbs per week loss let alone try for 5lbs.

    3. Why is your mother dictating your weight loss? If you aren't losing for you it isn't going to work.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I think if you wanted to try it, as long as you're getting your nutrients elsewhere and you're still meeting your calorie goal, it couldn't hurt. I would definitely go into it with the mind set of "if I lose, I lose. If it doesn't work, oh well" so as to not disapoint. I wouldn't necessarily expect or even try to lose 5 lbs in a week... but there are many healthy vegitarians out there and I really do think there is something to it. Don't get me wrong, I am not a vegitarian by any means... but I don't feel the need to eat meat ever meal, or even every day. I always joke that this isn't my fat I'm carrying around, this is the fat of all the animals I've eaten! LOL Disgusting, but true... even "lean" meat is fat. Even skim (fat free) milk has fat in it... A smoothies CAN be very healthful, if you watch what you put in it. Try to avoid adding sugar. You can toss in a handful of fresh spinach (you won't even taste it!) to get the iron and calcium you're missing from meat. I usually add honey or vanilla extract and use a non-dairy milk like coconut or almond. Anyway, I hope this helps... but "fads" don't usually work so go into it with that in mind!
  • That sounds a bit off losing that amount of weight in one week isnt healthy you'd put it back on in a heart beat
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    If you have to ask, I think you know the answer. If you want to make a life change, you should make a life change. Nothing that is a "quick fix" generally works long term anyways.
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    Thank you guys for your input! I thought it sounded a little off... And I don't eat much meat anyway (I just prefer the taste of fish). But maybe working more veggies in under the guise of a smoothie would be helpful.

    Ruststar: I'm not sure, and it's winter where I'm going so I'm gonna be all bundled up anyway!
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    If you have to ask, I think you know the answer. If you want to make a life change, you should make a life change. Nothing that is a "quick fix" generally works long term anyways.

    You're 100% right, I knew expecting to lose that much in a week was unhealthy :). I've learned a lot from using MFP! It took a while to get through but I know now that there's no such thing as a quick fix. I was just curious about the smoothie idea. I'm not much of a breakfast eater anyway, but I think I could choke down a smoothie.

    As for my mom, she considers that her way of supporting me. She still has the old ideas of eating nothing to lose weight and I'm slowly trying to teach her what I've learned on here.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I think you probably have enough on your plate without adding an unknown diet to the mix. Just keep your "diet" to healthy eating and have fun on your trip.
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    Why cant people just eat WHOLE natural REAL FOOD. Fill your life up with fruits veggies LEAN MEAT low fat dairy (if you eat meat and dairy) Stay away from pre packaged foods and you will loose weight.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    My mom still clings to fad diet ideas too, it's sad. I think you should just go about this the right way and prove to her that you can lose weight in a healthy way. Also, there is no way that you will keep off any amount of weight unless you lose it because YOU want to, not because your mom wants you to.

    It's taken me almost 5 months to lose 25 pounds, but I've also put on some muscle, and have never gone starving or felt deprived, I can't imagine losing 25lbs in a couple weeks (and let's be real, most of that was water weight given that he was basically on a quick-fix diet from the sounds of it). I think you should focus on eating whole foods, and lots of fresh veggies. Good luck!
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I dont think there is anything wrong with it. Having a smoothie for breakfast and cutting out meat isnt bad also. Look at the Fat Smash Diet in which you only eat fruits and veggies for nine days in phase 1. I am not a big red meat eater and I dont eat pork. So I do chicken, fish, and turkey. So I say give it a shot. Just make sure you stay within your calories and listen to your body.
  • Laurakbg
    Laurakbg Posts: 66
    Trust you own process. Listen to yourself and you will know whether something is right for you or not. A friend once said "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but your gut tells you it's a cat - it's a cat."

    You are the one who is going to see yourself through this journey, every minute. If something doesn't seem right for you, it's not.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Not necessarily unsafe, not enough info given.

    However, it's totally unnecessary and it's also unintelligent.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I've seen so many weird off-the-wall diets and I'm paranoid about trying one. Anyway, my mom went to a party last night and a guy told her that he lost 25lbs in a few weeks by cutting out all meat (except a little fish) and drinking smoothies for breakfast. I'm leaving for study abroad in a week and my mom wants me to try this diet to see if I can lose 5lbs before I leave.

    1. I'm not sure if losing 5lbs in a single week is healthy. I have my food and exercise goals set on here to lose 2lbs a week.

    2. Does the diet itself sound safe? I mean, it sounds better than that honey-lemon-cayenne pepper cleanse thing I've heard people doing XD

    Just wanting to make sure I'm not doing more harm than good by trying this!

    What's the rush with losing weight before going abroad, why can't you carry on as you have been doing and lose the weight your way?

    Besides which, you may lose the weight quickly, but as soon as you eat the food you normally eat in your own diet, who's to say it some of that weight will not go back on.

    Losing 5lbs in a single week isn't really the issue, it is WHAT you would have to eat for the week that would probably drive you nuts.
  • As a mother, it's wonderful to encourage your children to be healthy and active. But, to recommend a diet that does not sound healthy at all is bizarrae to me. FAD diets are just that... DIETS... they aren't life long lifestyle changes. Follow one and you'll bounce from one to another for a long long time. ..... Just a mother's point of view.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Your mom kinda sucks at showing her support :( Sorry kiddo. Do what you know is right :)