What's with The Notebook?

Doomfrog Posts: 79
I've seen a few posts on here lately with women lamenting the fact that there are no great romances "like The Notebook." I finally watched the movie a few months ago after getting sick of hearing, "You've never seen The Notebook?!?!?!?!?!" in shrill voices. I watched it and just don't get it. They fought all the time which seems stressful and not indicative of "true love." Plus, I thought it was just cruel for him to keep using her story to bring her back, which pretty much seemed to just be a scary experience for her. Do young women out there think that constant fighting = passion? I did enjoy looking at Gosling. I'll be the first to admit that I wouldn't kick him out of bed. The costumes and hair and makeup were also fabulous. But Vogue has those things too and I can read that while I poop.

So what's the appeal? Discuss.


  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Ha! I wondered the same thing. I usually have to hold my gag reflex at the movies all my friends are ga-gaing over.
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    This is exactly why I never understand girly movies. Especially with the ultra abusive relationship in Twilight... Do women actually want to be treated that way?!

    I think pretty much the only romantic movie I like is Love Actually.
  • katief1982
    katief1982 Posts: 16 Member
    I thought it was a good film for the way they were together after the seperation, and for some people passion is in everything so does come with arguements. Better than agreeing when you disagree.

    Dont think it is the greatest love story - there are better, but still a love story which is "nice" to watch and lose a couple of hours to.
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    It really pissed me off because I got myself all prepared for a big tearjerker. I had my tissues ready. A family sized package of Twizzlers for comfort. The whole bit. All I could keep doing through the whole moving was giving a thumbs down and blowing raspberries. And what was with just brushing over the whole WWII experience? "Eh. So his best friend died in his arms....who cares! More fighting and kissing!" Who's call was THAT?
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I have no idea. It's not my kind of movie. Nor my idea of romantic. Also, Allie acted like an a-hole to Cal, or whatever her other fiance's name was.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    It was my night to pick a movie the other night and my boyfriend says "We're not watching that stupid Notepad movie" lmao
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    This is exactly why I never understand girly movies. Especially with the ultra abusive relationship in Twilight... Do women actually want to be treated that way?!

    I think pretty much the only romantic movie I like is Love Actually.

    I'm a sucker for Love Actually too. Bawl my eyes out from beginning to end.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    I have no idea. I definitely don't DO the whole romance movie thing. I'm a thriller/suspense/horror/mystery kind of girl. ;-)
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    I thought it was a good film for the way they were together after the separation, and for some people passion is in everything so does come with arguments. Better than agreeing when you disagree.

    That's also something I don't understand. Arguments... I've been in two relationships that lasted over 3 years and I've never had a straight out argument. If we disagree we just talk it out.
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    I know people who always complain about not having Nicholas Sparks romance in their life. I'm like, Are you crazy? This is REAL LIFE. Just accept it, and you will be much more content.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I've never seen it. I thought it was a stupid movie, so I don't see things I think are stupid. Isn't Miley Cyrus in that movie? Another reason I didn't watch it.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    This is exactly why I never understand girly movies. Especially with the ultra abusive relationship in Twilight... Do women actually want to be treated that way?!

    I think pretty much the only romantic movie I like is Love Actually.

    Ha totally agree with both statements. I find Twilight a case of what not to do in romance and the Notebook as well. Yes cheat on your fiance before you break up with him. Love Actually best movie ever.
  • beautifulbrat
    beautifulbrat Posts: 171
    i watched the notebook and wasn't that impressed with it. but i love a walk to remember
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79

    That's also something I don't understand. Arguments... I've been in two relationships that lasted over 3 years and I've never had a straight out argument. If we disagree we just talk it out.

    I don't get why fighting = passion either. I feel like my marriage has plenty of passion. Yet, I have never had the urge to smack him. Oh! That was another thing! She was always hitting him! What the heck? That is not okay from either end.
  • rachelelizabeth88
    rachelelizabeth88 Posts: 73 Member
    Idk either lol I actually hate this movie I found it just sad and depressing... my sister on the other hand loves it.. she said it's the whole him trying to bring her back to him for even just a minute is what makes it so sweet... I, on the other hand, just found the whole thing depressing and their relationship seemed a disaster.. every time it's on I walk out of the room lol
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    I've also never been much of a fan of the big Hollywood love thing. Real love isn't some bomb of passion that lasts forever. Love is something that comes after the fireworks, it grows over time as you share laughter, tears and experiences together.
    Not saying that relationships get passionless over time :P just that the initial passion isn't what I would classify as real love.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I love it :) For the fiction that it is, not as a model to what I think real life or love is. I like fiction for... fiction's sake ;)
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    I've never seen it. I thought it was a stupid movie, so I don't see things I think are stupid. Isn't Miley Cyrus in that movie? Another reason I didn't watch it.

    Ha! No. It was one of those blonde actresses that look like all the other blonde actresses. Elizabeth Banks? No wait. It was Rachel McSomething.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    My favorie romance movie is Quentin Tarantinos True Romance
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    I know people who always complain about not having Nicholas Sparks romance in their life. I'm like, Are you crazy? This is REAL LIFE. Just accept it, and you will be much more content.

    Honestly, having that kind of "romance" in my life would just exhaust me. I'm tired just thinking about it. I mean, how do you have time to function and do your job or anything else if you have to be that consumed with your relationship? I need a nap just thinking about it.