too scared to run outside?

hey all,

i have been running on a treddy but wanna start going outside as i think the time would pass much quicker, would be pretty... plus i know it is a lot harder. i am so scared that people will stare at me and laugh at me going really slow. i'm also scared i will need to pee (i have a tiny bladder!) and there will be no loos around (hardly any outdoors where i live) i am also scared of magpies/dogs (been chased by a dog once and had a magpie swoop me so bad i needed stitches)

should i just stay inside or face my fears?


  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    NAH FACE YOUR FEARS! put on music and jam out that way you focus on the music and not all the craziness around you- u can zone out! The fresh air will feel wonderful! I NEVER run on a treadmill... ick even when snowing I run outside soooo worth it!
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    Face your fears! Do it! :smile:
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    the bathroom thing would be my issue too. I have resolved that when I start running, I'm going to run up and down my road, about 1/4 mile each way, so therefore I wouldn't be too far from home. I'm more worried about coyotes and bears where I live. My next door neighbor seems to have a bear trail right next to her house. I don't want to encounter one of them!!
  • rebeccaME207
    rebeccaME207 Posts: 90 Member
    face those fears and i promise youll feel so happy that you did!! I know its daunting to go jogging where everyone looks pro... but, the started somewhere too and if they never did they would never get better. So go grl do your best and the next time try better and so on!! We are all just trying to get active! Let me know how it goes!!
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    You have nothing to be afraid of. I had the same fears as you (minus the dog and bird fears) but honestly once I got out there, all I thought about was getting through my run. I love it! When I ran on a treadmill I hated running. Going outside made all the difference for me. It is harder, I won't lie, but it is worth it. Don't think about anyone else out there. Besides, all they will pry be thinking is "good for her!" Bring some music with you and keep yourself distracted with your workout and try not to think about the animals. I am sorry you had a bad experience with them, but it isn't all that common. Just enjoy yourself!
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    No, go outside if you can'tdo the treadmill thing. I used to be nervous about running in front of a zillion parents because I live by a grammar school and people were always there, so I ran as soon as it was dark out and I carry bear mace (I live in suburban bear country) it works for dogs too. I had to get a running belt but it's worth it. Can't help you with the pee.
  • dinah_rahman

    I was nervous running outside on my own too. Then I teamed up with another lady who wanted to run. We used to meet up at our local park and jog around. It was fun! Now I don't mind running on my own. See if you can hook up with a jogging partner, you can encourage and motivate each other.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'll do it if you do! ;D
    I'm scared of running outside too because of the people staring and laughing. I suck at running but really want to go out and start building up some endurance.
    I don't have access to a treadmill/gym membership so my only option is outside!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Face your fears. You can research a route that has bathrooms too. That would help with one of your fears!
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    I came across this problem as well when first starting to run outside AND facing again as I havent ran outside in quite some time. I think it's best to face your fears. In many places, there have parks with trails for runners to go on that do not allow dogs or animals on it,which would help eliminate being hassled by a dog. At least I know we have them in PA where they have trails strictly for runners/joggers/walkers [including no bikes allowed]

    Also, as much as I know we belong to a society that judges people and how they run, I wouldnt worry too much about what other people think. You're running, whether its a slow jog or fast run, you out there to increase the well-being of your life and what others think shouldnt interfere. I actually get more nervous on the treadmill with people watching [or assuming they are] thinking I should be running harder etc.

    If we let what other people think stop us, we wouldnt get anywhere. Now as for your tiny bladder, I suggest going before you begin to run and hopefully, your mind will be occupied with the joy of running and being outdoor that you won't have to go so much.

    Best of luck to you !!! :flowerforyou:
  • jjswift
    jjswift Posts: 7 Member
    Absolutely not! I started the couch to 5k on the treadmill during the winter months. As spring came along I ventured outside, and yes, I had the same fears. I'm slow as all get out and can only imagine how horrible I look when running! But who cares. Everyone I've passed has been all smiles and encouragement. Runners truly are open and encouraging to anyone willing to give it a try--no matter how slow or ungraceful we are! And yes, running outside is VERY different but I love the mini challenges I make for myself--making it to the next corner, then the next and then the next. So much better than a treadmill!
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I was scared too when I first started. But I know my brother (who was basically a professional runner) said that when he would see overweight people running (even if very slow) he would always smile and wave. No one is going to judge you other than seeing how great it is that you are doing something to improve yourself. For the loo issue, do a short circuit around your house/flat so if the urge does hit you, you won't be far from home.
    I've never gotten smart@ss comments when I've been out jogging, but hey you can fix your body, you can't fix stupid.
    Go out there!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    Get outside! You'll never want to go back to a dreadmill again!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    No, go outside if you can'tdo the treadmill thing. I used to be nervous about running in front of a zillion parents because I live by a grammar school and people were always there, so I ran as soon as it was dark out and I carry bear mace (I live in suburban bear country) it works for dogs too. I had to get a running belt but it's worth it. Can't help you with the pee.

    Hmm I would do this but I can't haha,
    we've had 4 kidnappings on my street on the past month :/
  • VenomousDuck
    VenomousDuck Posts: 206
    I got run off the road last night while running, hurt my ankle, but I will always run outside!!!
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Go outside!

    Time - It does pass more quickly and you get to see the world and feel the breeze/sun/rain.
    Harder - Yes, it is!
    People - F 'em. Most people are so wrapped up in their own lives that they don't notice or care about who else is out there. Runners will think you are doing great!
    Pee - I have the same challenges!!! I can't function w/o my morning coffee so end up waiting for it all to move through me before I can head out to run. It's just how it is - all about managing the intake!
    Animals - Chances are you'll be fine.

    There's no comparison between running on a treadmill (BORING!) and running outdoors. Go for it!!!
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    Do it!! It's sooo much better than on the treadmill.. I run outside everyday! I have a small bladder too, and I make sure I use the restroom right before I run. I usually don't have an issue while I'm actually running but I've stopped at gas stations before.. as you progress and get farther distances, try to make gas stations/fast food/stores on the route that you know you can use the restroom at.

    I've never been chased by a dog.. and I make sure I give geese whos got nests nearby plenty of space...

    No one cares when you run by.. you're in their life for what, 1/2 a second? Maybe they glance but they'll forget they even saw you a second later... no one is gonna laugh, you're out there working hard and they're eating a cheeseburger while they drive... ha..

  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    I got run off the road last night while running, hurt my ankle, but I will always run outside!!!

    lol... i am sure this will make her want to run outside asap!

    If you can - go to a park... here we have green ways - they are trails that go through parks and woods... I like them because everyone that's on that trail are there for the same reasons - to workout. And I have had people a lot heavier than me lap me before... I don't ever think anything bad about them - just that I need to work harder! lol
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I feared the same!!! I have lost some but still have about 50 more to go, I had been using the treadmill on & off again and then I got so bored I said "time to go outside" and once I did that, I have never used the treadmill again like I had. I only use it when the weather is bad etc. It is so much harder walking/running outside then on the treadmill. You will enjoy nature more and as far as people laughing at you....I have had people yell at me but in a good way. I use the same route and they will tell me to keep it up, or I see the same older couples walking and they will tell me I have lost weight.
    The benefits out weight the cons. Just do it!!!!
    I am still fat so if I can get out and walk/run outside then I know anyone can. Also you never know who you will be encouraging by getting out and running. Someone you know is watching may not know it but you are their example. My 18 yr old nephew was a true geek. I joined a gym and didn't want to go alone so I took him, then we started walking/running outside as I didn't want to do that alone either. I didnt know it but I was his encouragement and now that geek is a buff..and I mean buff 19yr old heading off to college. Now I love being alone doing things, it's my time to think and spend with God.

    You can do this!!! I know you can....
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    No, go outside if you can'tdo the treadmill thing. I used to be nervous about running in front of a zillion parents because I live by a grammar school and people were always there, so I ran as soon as it was dark out and I carry bear mace (I live in suburban bear country) it works for dogs too. I had to get a running belt but it's worth it. Can't help you with the pee.

    Hmm I would do this but I can't haha,
    we've had 4 kidnappings on my street on the past month :/

    If you don't feel safe, then stay inside. There is nothing wrong with that.