too scared to run outside?



  • Stpjudge
    Stpjudge Posts: 129 Member
    Well, at least give it a try. If you hate it then you never have to do it again. Conversely, you may find that nothing bad happens and you enjoy the fresh air and change of scenery.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    No, go outside if you can'tdo the treadmill thing. I used to be nervous about running in front of a zillion parents because I live by a grammar school and people were always there, so I ran as soon as it was dark out and I carry bear mace (I live in suburban bear country) it works for dogs too. I had to get a running belt but it's worth it. Can't help you with the pee.

    Hmm I would do this but I can't haha,
    we've had 4 kidnappings on my street on the past month :/

    Ummm I think you're being a bit dramatic. This is Australia, and we live in the same city. There have not been kidnappings here, and certainly not 4 of them.

    And if you need ideas where to run PM me. I run everywhere from 5-20 Kms 3-4 times a week all over Canberra. I know where the lights are good, where it's bad and also where the joggers hang out. And if your focussed on running, you won't notice people or traffic and oddly, no one cares. We live in the most active city in Australia, you running isn't a novelty to the average Canberran I assure you.

    Just because you haven't heard about them, doesn't mean they haven't happened..
    And I meant *nearly happened btw

    Trust me, where I work, I'd have heard about them.
    And so now it's 4 kidnappings have nearly happened in your street this year.... From 4 kidnappings have happened this month. Try jogging around the lake, any of them, you'll be safe and there are toilets. If not, wait until after winter and stick with the treadmill until then. Although paranoia can increase the HR so you might burn more calories outside from that alone...
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    do it. no one stares, no one laughs, because they are all doing the same thing you are. think about it, when you are driving your car around and you see someone running/jogging/what have you, do you EVER think twice about that person? and why would someone laugh at you while running outside as opposed to running at the gym on a treadmill? just do it. its soooo much more fun than running indoors.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    NAH FACE YOUR FEARS! put on music and jam out that way you focus on the music and not all the craziness around you- u can zone out! The fresh air will feel wonderful! I NEVER run on a treadmill... ick even when snowing I run outside soooo worth it!

    THIS! ...except I do run on treadmills when it's snowy ;)

    I actually had the same fears as you OP -- I started off only running in the neighborhoods of my old town too afraid that someone I'd know would see my fat *kitten* running. Then I faced those fears slowly...and was able to expand my horizons. Same in this new town - being new to a VERY small town I didn't want to make a bad impression and give people a reason to talk about me before getting to know me -- then I decided 'screw it! If they wanna talk about the way I look when I'm out making myself a BETTER person, go for it!" It just shows how low they feel about themselves anyway. I don't dress inappropriate for running - in my own opinion, and I'm out there pounding the pavement.

    As far as needing to go to the bathroom - I have had that problem and I always try to go potty before I go and then I run on a path that I cross restrooms or friends' houses! :)
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    and be safe, know your surroundings, wear reflective clothing, carry a road ID and mace.

    edited to say: always tell someone where you will be going and when.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I was terrified to run outside my first time. I even wrote a blog about it. I had much the same fears.
    I ended up giving in and running outside & i fell in love with it :)
    you will too. Nobody will laugh at "how slow you're going" and if they do, they are the people in their CAR while you're out there running. Most people are very encouraging. When I am in my car driving and I see someone running, slow or fast, I wish I was out there doing it too.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Face your fears. You will be amazed at what that does for your confidence. I used to stop running every time a car was coming or I saw some. Over the weeks and months, as I really started to get my head in it, I stopped caring. I also realized that all other runners are totally supportive and the only ones who would be smart alecs are those who are still on the couch. Do it! You will love it so much better than a treadmill!
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    Definitely head outside! The only reason people are going to be starring is because they KNOW they should be doing the same thing - think about how many times seeing a jogger has reminded you that you need to get on the treadmill or head to the gym? You can do it! :)
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    Funny, I find it harder to run on a treadmill!? It makes my hips hurt plus it's so boring. ;) I also hate the elliptical but as I have 4 kids that are with me pretty much 24/7...I can't run outside consistently so I say go for it!!!!!!!! I would join you if I could....
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I say when you are comfortable with it do it~ I have epilepsy and sometimes a little worried about the "what if's" - so that is why I stay in the gym where I know there are people around. I did walk outside one evening last week.
    I say do it as you are comfortable- maybe lead up to it in short distances- or like others said- maybe start in the park where there are restrooms nearby to help with the fear.
    Good luck in your decision!
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    YOU CAN DO THIS! People will stare because they're jealous. I mean, it takes work, dedication and commitment to keep moving. YOU WERE BORN TO RUN!!! :wink:
  • xxReach4TheStars2012xx
    I can completely see where you are coming from! Im the same way. Have an ipod?

    Make a playlist of your fav tunes. When it comes to people looking at you, that's just something youre going to have to force yourself to ignore because if they're thinking anything at all, Im sure it's "She's getting in shape, good for her!"

    What they think doesnt matter tho, it's all about YOu and how YOU view YOU. :0)

    I had to learn that and fast, otherwise it was going to become a big obstacle for me.

    The best part of all this is when you get out and get moving, MAJOR CONFIDENCE BOOST!

    Good Luck!! xoxo
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I honestly don't know one person who would laugh at someone running outside.

    Is it harder? Sort of, but you don't really notice it. Time does go by faster, it's less boring, you have a realistic idea of distance rather than just a number the treadmill tells you. It's also easier, because you don't need to constantly worry that if your legs stop moving you'll fall off the pavement :)

    I am also self-conscious about myself when I run. I found a place near my house that has relatively little traffic and I made myself a circuit, now it's sort of my happy place!
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    Definitely head outside! The only reason people are going to be starring is because they KNOW they should be doing the same thing - think about how many times seeing a jogger has reminded you that you need to get on the treadmill or head to the gym? You can do it! :)

    I totally agree! Every time I see people out running, I am reminded that I should go for a workout, too!
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    I am in the same boat as you but think i am going to give running outside a try and face my fears and think you should too! If you can't do it, then you always have the tredmill to turn back to! :) To start getting over my fear i have started walking in my neighborhood area and have realized there are bigger, skinner, younger and older people all running and getting exercise. I don't think anyone would judge you. When I see others running outside, especially people who are more out of shape than I am, I do not judge! I think damn, I wish I had their strength and courage to be out there! Good luck! You can do it!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    I used to feel the same way, but my biggest fear was tripping, falling and breaking my ankle, then tumbling down the bank and ended up in the creek, hitting my head on a rock, and drowning in two inches of water, then having my face eaten by feral cats.

    I'm not helping, am I? :ohwell:

    I started off running laps in the park near my house. As I got more confidence, I ran further. If you're concerned about needing the loo, map out a mile long route so you're never far from home.
  • asasser2002
    asasser2002 Posts: 26
    Get outside and face your fears! :) Outside is more fun! I walk 1 mile from my house then run most of the way back. I always take my dog with me... he wears a doggie backpack and totes water for us, my cellphone and a poncho in case it starts raining. :) Nobody has bothered me so far. I started wondering if I look stupid when I'm running but I really don't care! :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I used to feel the same way, but my biggest fear was tripping, falling and breaking my ankle, then tumbling down the bank and ended up in the creek, hitting my head on a rock, and drowning in two inches of water, then having my face eaten by feral cats.

  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I saw another post similar to this and a couple people suggested wearing a hat and/or sunglasses to avoid awkward eye contact. I know most people wouldn't care about that, but when I venture outside that's what I'll be doing. I'm also terrified of dogs (and creeps), so I'll be carrying pepper spray for outside runs.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I have a tiny bladder too, but running seems to help. When I run it's like my body heats up and my functions (bladder, etc) just chill until I'm done. Make sure you use the toilet right before your run. And no one seems to laugh at me going slow. If people do happen to say anything tell them at least you're off your *kitten* doing something and all they do with their lives is pick on people for bettering themselves!
    As for the animals, you're on your own. However in my area the owners are really good about tying up their dogs, and I don't have other animal issues besides swallowing the occasional bug. :)