How to keep going after the first week?!



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    It took me awhile but having been on this new journey since Jan. 2012 , I no longer crave sweets and things like that. Because I'm on low carbs if I crave potato chips I eat pork rinds because I get the crunch and no carbs. Find alternates frozen yogurt for ice cream. Also they have those 100 calorie pack snacks, use those.
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    either you stay fat or do something about it
    wow..... great advice.. good that you can offer some constructive and helpful tips!
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    When I feel like giving up I think back to why I started.... And don't deprive yourself.. That will lead to cheating.. I tried to be perfect for the first few months & did great - but then the whole thing started to feel so overwhelming.. I have over 100 pounds to lose & I know this journey is long & takes time.. So I just take it day by day & if I have a weak moment I kick myself in the butt (lol) & just refocus.. Also it helps to have great supportive & motivating friends on here & in your home life... MFP have helped me thru many bad days... I read this quote on here one day & its my favorite quote now.... Losing Weight is hard,
    Maintaining Weight is hard,
    Being Fat is hard,
    Choose your HARD....
    Good luck & hang in there..
    The rewards are priceless...
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    My mom loves Snickers bars. However, she's got a method of eating them that controls how much she eats AND extends one candy bar over weeks or even months. She'd slice one up into 1/2" pieces, then freeze them. Once a week or so, or whenever she needed a little indulgence, she'd grab a piece from the freezer. It is a lot harder to eat a frozen candy bar than it is to eat a room temp one--so she'd have the extra work that made the piece seem larger.

    I allow myself to satisfy my cravings, but only up to a point. If I know that I have a creamy coffee popsicle waiting for me at the end of the day, I will plan on eating it from the time I wake up. I reserve those calories in advance because I KNOW I want my coffee pop. Every decision about eating involves a reminder that I want my coffee pop. And then at the end of the day, what do you know? I have the room in my diet for a coffee pop!! Guilt-free snacking and I am having exactly what I want, no substitutions, and as a bonus, it's a reward for my good behavior. :)