grrrr, im gaining!!!!

momma2boys0609 Posts: 74
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
please, what in the world am i doing wrong! I started logging EVERYTHING I EAT AND DRINK and now Im gaining again. I havent started formal exercise yet because I dont have a lot of time or energy after a full day of school, clinicals, taking care of teh kids, housework, homework, etc. I thought I could lose a little just by changing my ways, but IM gaining. Maintaining is frustrationg enough, but to be gaining. Ive put on 3.5lbs. What is going on? IM going to buy Jari Loves Ripped 1000 calorie workout and Julian mIchaels 30 day shred. I really hope it works!!!!!! HElp me, IM tempted to go back to the starvation diet....aka ana


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    How often are you weighing yourself?

    Are you eating all of your calories? (and where are your goals set. . .the less you have to lose, the less aggressive they should be)

    How much sodium are you taking in?


    Are you near your TOM?:flowerforyou:
  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    you may be gaining muscle weight? if your not weighing yourself at the same time it cud just be fluctuating
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    you may be gaining muscle weight? if your not weighing yourself at the same time it cud just be fluctuating

    curious how would she gain muscle if she isn't working out?
  • Im weighing myself everyday though I am trying not to. I should start around the 6th of August. Some days Im right on with my calories and other days I am a bit below. If I was working out or lifting weights I would think that maybe its the muscle thing, but I havent been doing any regular exercise. I was just trying to develope a healthy relationship with food first. I need to get down to 155-145. ARIght now, after the birth of my 2nd child and being diagnosed with hypothyroidism I am at 209. I was 242ish when I deleivered and last Saturday I was down to 206.2, but now Im back to 209. Im really struggling to get below 200. Im trying to think about my 60lbs weight loss in 10lb incriments, but sometimes I struggle with looking at the whole picture. That is scary and poverwhelming
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    weight fluctuates daily- make sure you aren't weighing in daily- keep it to once a week.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    The weight training will cause you to retain water and glycogen immediately afterwards, so that's perfectly normal.

    Are you on meds for the thyroid issue? Because if that's not all the way under control, that will of course hinder your progress.

    Although 3 pounds is discouraging, just be aware that the average body can fluctuate 5-7 pounds in a given day. If you've had issues with your relationship with food in the past, you may want to seriously consider stepping away from the scale. In my latest blog post, I go into some more detail about why.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Were you starving yourself before starting here? Ie: Less than 1200 a day?
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    were you starving yourself before you started tracking all your calories on here? if so, you're going to gain a few pounds right off the bat but once your body realizes you're not starving it anymore, it'll start letting go of some of the weight. it takes a while but if you are consistent and really focus on putting only healthy things in your body, you WILL lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • I struggled with anorexia for about 5 yrs between jr high and college and then when something traumatic I went the other way and binged and purged via diet pills and laxatives. The healthiest Ive ever eatten was probably during my 2 pregnancies and thats because my children are my world and I was eatting for them. :) LAtely, Ive been eatting healthy some days, starving on others, and binging on others. Ths ppast week has been the best Ive done in a while on being pretty healthy and consistent. I am currently on Levothyroxine for my thyroid and have been for about 4-5 months. I want to be healthy for life, but my head and my past struggles keep getting the best of me.
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    I too started around 242 and it seem I got stuck for a while right around 206 and the weighloss slowed a lot at that point also. Hypothyroidism is also a sticky issue with weighloss u have to plan a very slow road I've heard anyhow...
  • Maybe I just need to do the workouts and the eatting both. I was trying to start with one, conquer it, and move on to the next. Maybe I just need to suck it up and work on both together. Im gonna go put the kids down for a nap and do Jillian Michael's NO more Trouble Spots. Im also thinking of ChaLEAN, 30 day shred, and Ripped by Jari Love. They look like they really encourage the weight training & weights which I know will really burn the fat and rev up my metabolism.(Which I am sure Ive damaged from my bad habits) I hope I can still reverse it. Any thoughts on the best workout videos that are really gonna push me. THanks for your support. :smile: I will be sure to take all your thoughts and sggestions and do something with them. I'm going to conquer this challange.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You can't weigh yourself every day- you can be up 5 pounds on any given day, and it can be gone the next. Keep your weigh-ins to once every week or 2, and always at the same time of day (like in the AM before you eat).

    You're not tracking your sugar, but looking at your food diary it looks like it's loaded with sugar. Take a look at your food for yesterday, each meal looks like it's pretty high in sugar. Though I doubt that's responsible for any weight gain this early in the game, it's worth tracking.


    If you're new to working out, start slow and easy. When you do start your exercise plan, make sure you're eating back most of the calories you're burning in your workout. If you stick with the guidelines here at MFP, you will see the weight come off, but it's not going to be huge losses- 1-2 pounds/ week which is a healthy weight loss.
  • Is there a way to track my sugar on here?
    Also, I used to work out all hrs of the day: weight training, step aerobics, swimming, running, kickboxing, etc. ITs been a couple years or so though, due to a full scheduele and adult responibilities.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My Home/ Settings/ Diary Settings << You can track your sugar.
  • WOW! I did jsut that and my sugar is way over the goal that they suggest. Is 26grams reasonable though. I looked and a bowl of Special k with skim milk and some applesauce for the day and all of my sugars are spent.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Sugar or any other component really shouldn't have an effect especially when you're eating 1200 calories. Unless you're a diabetic.

    I'm hypothyroid myself . I found when I eat less than my BMR my weight loss will slow or stall and my TSH will fall. I started eating at least my BMR and only have a small deficit (500 or less) my TSH is back up to 1.26 from 2.0. So that is something you may want to consider. Yes I could lose two pounds a week but now I know my weight loss will stall after a couple of weeks if I try. So I just try to be happy with 1 pound a week and realize I get to my goal when I get to it no matter how long it takes.

    Please Step Away From The Scale. Throw it out. Go to your doctor's office every two weeks and weight if necessary.
  • IvyKivy,
    I calculated my BMR and it said 1702. I was trying to stick between 1200 and 1300 calories a day because I thought the fewer I ate(but atleast 1000) the more weight I would lose. IT sounds like from what you are syaing, with our throid conditiom that it does quite the opposite. So our thyroid needs more claories to keep our metabolism where it needs to be? What do you think about having some higher calorie days and some lower calorie days like 1300-1400 one day and 1500-1700 the next. Will that state of confusion help or make things worse? IM just so scared to eat my BMR which is 1702. That sounds like a lot of calories, especially if Im not working out a whole lot yet. THanks for the info.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Read this:

    Specifically, going from eating nowhere near enough like 700 calories a day, to eating a heatlhy enough amount to lose weight:
  • Thanks StormyWeather
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Sugar or any other component really shouldn't have an effect especially when you're eating 1200 calories. Unless you're a diabetic.

    I think when anything is glaringly out of balance in our diets, it's probably having some negative effect. If you're only eating 1200 calories, you would want those 1200 to be packed with nutrition. We're all trying to develop a healthier relationship with food, and breaking the sugar addiction is one step.
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