My nutritionists advice for an endomorph - what you eat



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    As such, I need to avoid insulin spiking foods as much as possible.

    yet you say this this
    50% of my intake in a day should be protein.

    Dude, seriously forget about somatotypes - they are the physiological equivalent of astrology....
  • sociologywoman
    sociologywoman Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a true endomorph...I've been referenced to as "stalky", "thick" and so forth. I love weight training and when I do, I definitely bulk up more than perhaps most. Not crazy, but definitely a lot more than most woman lol

    I also am hypothryoid... does anyone have any experience with this -- from the endomorph diet experience? I've started reducing my carbs but I've been doing a lot of reading that doing so could affect and lower the thyroid function. I already have an issue and don't want to make it worse.

    I have a very difficult time loosing weight, and am fearful of upping my calories too much, I just went from 1200 to 1600 since my workouts have been seeming to lack and I feel exceptionally tired and unmotivated. I realize it's going to be a lot of playing around with the numbers to find the "magic" number for me.

    Any advice or input is appreciated!!!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm a true endomorph...I've been referenced to as "stalky", "thick" and so forth. I love weight training and when I do, I definitely bulk up more than perhaps most. Not crazy, but definitely a lot more than most woman lol

    I also am hypothryoid... does anyone have any experience with this -- from the endomorph diet experience? I've started reducing my carbs but I've been doing a lot of reading that doing so could affect and lower the thyroid function. I already have an issue and don't want to make it worse.

    I have a very difficult time loosing weight, and am fearful of upping my calories too much, I just went from 1200 to 1600 since my workouts have been seeming to lack and I feel exceptionally tired and unmotivated. I realize it's going to be a lot of playing around with the numbers to find the "magic" number for me.

    Any advice or input is appreciated!!!

    There's no such thing as "endomorph." It's a bunch of baloney made up by a 1940s psychologist.

    You'll probably get more help if you post the rest as a new topic though. Just leave out the endomorph part or the thread will devolve into a debate over somatotypes ;)
  • bhallada
    bhallada Posts: 4 Member
    45% fat is NEVER good for a diet - it should always be 33% or lower
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    45% fat is NEVER good for a diet - it should always be 33% or lower

    No, this is not true. 45% fat is totally fine.
  • jjefferies7
    jjefferies7 Posts: 120
    Somatotypes are essentially your bone structure. Now why would your bone structure have any effect on your nutrient partitioning or your ability to gain/lose weight or build muscle. It doesn't.
  • DivaLuvsDisney
    DivaLuvsDisney Posts: 75 Member
    Where the heck are the fruit and vegetables in this "diet"???
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    It looks like total rubbish to me. But, whatever works for you.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Endormorph here, and i stuck with the MFP suggestion of 55% carbs, 30% protein and 15% fat + a dropping all junk food and sugar drinks and flavoured milk. + an extreme increase in exercise going from almost nothing to 6 days a week and it worked great for 3 months i lost over 15Kgs, the last 2 months have been an up and down rollercoaster, tho i am stll eating a hell of alot better then i was 6 months ago and still exercising 5-6 days a week without fail the weight loss has stalled several times and the body fat/BMI seem to have stabilised at around 28% down from 43% roughly

    High Intensity Cardio+Weights/Core + eat/drink enough = overall health gain

    now on 45% Protein, 30% carbs and 25% fats. increasing weights and core regime's, not losing weight but certainly looking better, and you need to cycle around so the body doesn't get use to one thing over and over thats all i say
  • CysterWigs
    CysterWigs Posts: 136 Member
    Dude, seriously forget about somatotypes - they are the physiological equivalent of astrology....

    THIS. All day long. Down with any and all psuedoscience purporting to be the real deal. Psychology is full with BS like this.
  • 1. Somatotypes are just about varying body types. Not psychology. Body types. It's a scientific fact that there are different body types. There's absolutely no reason to doubt that each individual body type would need a different plan to get in shape. Why do you think there are people walking around every day who can eat 5000 calories and never gain a lb? And then there are others who can work out and cut their calories and still not lose more than 5 lbs. body types.
    2. Why can't people just be happy for each other? This website is supposed to be uplifting! We are supposed to encourage each other on our journey to getting fit and get every single time someone posts something there are people who have to knocked the poster down a couple notches. Why? If you don't have anything nice to say then shut up!!! If you don't agree with a post there are kind ways to present your opinion. And it would be wonderful to have web links to the "facts" you seem to know so well.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Ummm, apparently we are.

    I see. Well you might be interested to learn that the entire concept of endo/ecto/mesomorph is a bunch of total bunk made up by a 1940s psychologist, and it corresponds to nothing at all in the real world.
    THIS. You can take any person who's skinny and make them an "endomorph" by just making sure they over consume. And vice versa. There are thousands of people out there today who have disproven the concept of somatotypes by gaining and losing weight. The general population is usually a "mix" of all 3 proposed body types.
    There are genetic tendencies from races, but by enlarge the amount of energy stored is the body is determined by calories in/out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    This endomorph business sort of sounds like another thing to blame besides yourself. Of course all overweight people would like to think they are an endomorph, because it shifts some of the responsibility. I've seen people be very overweight and then lose it and be very very petite, so no one is stuck a certain way and saying that it's harder because you have a certain body type is not helping you reach your goals any faster.

    Both of my parents have always been fat, and I have had to pull myself out of the mindset that I am genetically programmed to be fat also. Once I stopped thinking like that I progressed faster, because I could no longer say, "Well, It's probably a lost cause anyway so I'm going to eat this whole pizza and hate my biology."
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    1. Somatotypes are just about varying body types. Not psychology. Body types. It's a scientific fact that there are different body types. There's absolutely no reason to doubt that each individual body type would need a different plan to get in shape. Why do you think there are people walking around every day who can eat 5000 calories and never gain a lb? And then there are others who can work out and cut their calories and still not lose more than 5 lbs. body types.
    Actually there is no science that actually backs different body types. If there are I'd like to see them. As to people who eat 5,000 calories and don't gain, then they are compensating by either exercising it off or their metabolic rate (which isn't a somatotype) equals the intake. Many times people who can't lose have a hormonal or other issue discouraging weight loss.
    2. Why can't people just be happy for each other? This website is supposed to be uplifting! We are supposed to encourage each other on our journey to getting fit and get every single time someone posts something there are people who have to knocked the poster down a couple notches. Why? If you don't have anything nice to say then shut up!!! If you don't agree with a post there are kind ways to present your opinion. And it would be wonderful to have web links to the "facts" you seem to know so well.
    It's not about being happy. It's about misinformation that gets spread and leads people the wrong direction. No one has to take the advice from people refuting the OP post, but some will look, research and more than likely disagree. And there's nothing wrong with that. What better way to support than by making sure the site has correct information.

    The truth is a person's "look" is the product of their lifestyle.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • brigit628
    brigit628 Posts: 50 Member
    STOCKY. It's stocky, not "stalky". Unless you are a stalker, or celery.

  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm a true endomorph...I've been referenced to as "stalky", "thick" and so forth. I love weight training and when I do, I definitely bulk up more than perhaps most. Not crazy, but definitely a lot more than most woman lol

    I also am hypothryoid... does anyone have any experience with this -- from the endomorph diet experience? I've started reducing my carbs but I've been doing a lot of reading that doing so could affect and lower the thyroid function. I already have an issue and don't want to make it worse.

    I have a very difficult time loosing weight, and am fearful of upping my calories too much, I just went from 1200 to 1600 since my workouts have been seeming to lack and I feel exceptionally tired and unmotivated. I realize it's going to be a lot of playing around with the numbers to find the "magic" number for me.

    Any advice or input is appreciated!!!

    My younger sister also has hypothyroidism, although she actually is allergic to wheat-it turns out that was why she had such awful acne problems for years. So my mom uses almond, coconut, and tapioca flours when she bakes. So that could be something you could try out; I think almond flour/meal is the only one of the 3 I listed that has different ratios you use when cooking or baking with it since it's more dense, but I'm not certain so I'd look into it.

    As for your activity levels, maybe you just need to find an activity that's right for you-I also feel exhausted a lot of the time lately, but I think a large part of that is me recovering from working overtime at 2 jobs last week, and stress from having school start up again in a week and a half. Plus I work out 2-3 times a day. But you might find something like Zumba or dance aerobics to be fun, there are plenty of videos on the web that you can do at home if you don't want to get a gym membership. Or you could start taking walks with friends-having someone to talk to makes it much less boring and the time really flies.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Bumping for later read
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I'm a mesomorph and I'm fat. Anyone can overeat and gain weight -- it just may take a few years. (If you don't believe me, look at all the skinny people you know that hit their late30/40s and gain 15-20 pounds mainly in the midsection.)

    I have broad shoulders and build muscle easily. I also gain weight easily, or maybe it's because I eat too much too easily.

    However, I am different than many people i see. I've seen so many young women who are really doughy, as if you can press them hard with a finger and feel no muscle at all. I think it's the sedentary lifestyle nowadays.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    ....... You people aren't seriously discussing somatotypes, are you? In 2013?

    I can tell you what you should be eating based on phrenology. Those bumps on your head will tell me if pasta is a go or a not go for you.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    STOCKY. It's stocky, not "stalky". Unless you are a stalker, or celery.


    This... Thank you!