My nutritionists advice for an endomorph - what you eat



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    As such, I need to avoid insulin spiking foods as much as possible.

    yet you say this this
    50% of my intake in a day should be protein.

    Dude, seriously forget about somatotypes - they are the physiological equivalent of astrology....
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    1. Somatotypes are just about varying body types. Not psychology. Body types. It's a scientific fact that there are different body types. There's absolutely no reason to doubt that each individual body type would need a different plan to get in shape. Why do you think there are people walking around every day who can eat 5000 calories and never gain a lb? And then there are others who can work out and cut their calories and still not lose more than 5 lbs. body types.

    Psychologist Sheldon 'invented' somatotypes and researched stereotyping and body shape, basically he wanted to say that your personality and temperament has a biological basis, is shaped by your body composition

    Endomorphs are likely to be perceived as slow, sloppy, and lazy.
    Mesomorphs, in contrast, are typically stereotyped as popular and hardworking
    Ectomorphs are often viewed as intelligent but fearful

    Body shapes were classified on a scale of 1 -7 by observation only. As such they are obvious and so 'right'.

    But he obviously has been debunked as being outdated and, phsyiologically incorrect in some aspects.

    Here, have a read

    Look at the questions at the bottom and ask yourself, how strong is the power of stereotyping?
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm an ectoplasmic endo-mesomorph but also a Capricorn. However because I am born in early January I am a 1979 who also happens to be a horse instead of a goat in the Chinese zodiac.

    So to keep the weight off, should I cut out simple carbs or drink more water at night? Just to be safe, I'm avoiding foods that taste white.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I'm an endomorph body type as well. This does not mean anything other than I am naturally soft and when I build muscle it's thick. I don't mind so much. I know I'll never be Miss Universe, or Abtastic. I like the smoother, curvier version of who I am so it's all good... but it also takes more work to be the slimmer version of me. I can't just do calories in/calories out. I have to be conscious of what those calories are made of.

    Pain in the *kitten*? Sure. But worth it? sure.

    Here's to us endomorph body types. We are power houses in our own right. Nothing wrong with being curvy/barrel chested. (and yes, we could probably match the super cut folk, but at such a strict cost it may or may not be worth it depending upon your own personal goals)
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm an endomorph body type as well. This does not mean anything other than I am naturally soft and when I build muscle it's thick. I don't mind so much. I know I'll never be Miss Universe, or Abtastic. I like the smoother, curvier version of who I am so it's all good... but it also takes more work to be the slimmer version of me. I can't just do calories in/calories out. I have to be conscious of what those calories are made of.

    Pain in the *kitten*? Sure. But worth it? sure.

    Here's to us endomorph body types. We are power houses in our own right. Nothing wrong with being curvy/barrel chested. (and yes, we could probably match the super cut folk, but at such a strict cost it may or may not be worth it depending upon your own personal goals)

    Sorry, that's bull****. You can do anything you want if you put your heart into it and don't quit and don't take no for an answer.

    As stated above, you might as well be talking about the bumps on your head.

    Phenotype is the interface between genetics and environment. You can't be an endomorph without carrying extra fat, which doesn't happen without a calorie surplus.

    That's good news, actually.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Tagging to read this somatotype craziness later. :wink:
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    ....... You people aren't seriously discussing somatotypes, are you? In 2013?

    I can tell you what you should be eating based on phrenology. Those bumps on your head will tell me if pasta is a go or a not go for you.

    Oh oh oh I am next!!!! Please tell me that my diet should include brown edibles like chocolate
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    STOCKY. It's stocky, not "stalky". Unless you are a stalker, or celery.


    Thanks for this. I kept envisioning those posters who described themselves as stalky as standing tall and straight with leafy hair.
  • fruit and vegetables?
  • Pmsylvester
    Pmsylvester Posts: 36 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Stalky vs stocky
  • formerfatboy1
    formerfatboy1 Posts: 76 Member
    Endomorphs can have visible ABS it all comes down to discipline and staying away from all the crap your body craves. I'm living proof of that. It's all about Carb timing and keeping them low when shedding body fat plus daily cardio for us endos. Keep your head up and stay focus if you want the shredded look it is possible. Depending on How bad you want it! Former Fat Boy Out!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Endomorphs can have visible ABS it all comes down to discipline and staying away from all the crap your body craves. I'm living proof of that. It's all about Carb timing and keeping them low when shedding body fat plus daily cardio for us endos. Keep your head up and stay focus if you want the shredded look it is possible. Depending on How bad you want it! Former Fat Boy Out!

    I think you missed all the information over the last few pages about somatotypes being bullsh*t.

    I was an "endo" until I stopped being lazy and started eating appropriately. Magically I "changed" types? I don't think so.****
    Somatotypes were first suggested by psychologist William Sheldon in the 40s. He published his “findings” in 1954. He concluded on the three body types by looking at thousands of pictures of people and classifying them based on how their appearance made him feel. There is no scientific basis to this, just the feelings and observations of a psychologist.
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    45% fat is NEVER good for a diet - it should always be 33% or lower

    Says who?
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    ....... You people aren't seriously discussing somatotypes, are you? In 2013?

    Rofl - yes. Because..... why?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    ....... You people aren't seriously discussing somatotypes, are you? In 2013?

    Rofl - yes. Because..... why?

    Somatotypes were first suggested by psychologist William Sheldon in the 40s. He published his “findings” in 1954. He concluded on the three body types by looking at thousands of pictures of people and classifying them based on how their appearance made him feel. There is no scientific basis to this, just the feelings and observations of a psychologist.

    Somatotypes have been debunked.
  • mrschains
    mrschains Posts: 12
    It's DANGEROUS to believe in things like this. You start diets that can be detrimental and undo every bit of success that you have previously had. The BEST and most ACCURATE way to begin any type of weight loss program is to speak with a Dr, a dietician, and a nutritionist. Working with ALL of them will ensure that you are getting a fully rounded diet and exercise plan that is SAFE and effective for YOUR body. Following advice from some crackpot that's been proven numerous times to be a fake is not safe. So yes, we're going to speak out. He could potentially put his health at serious risk.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    It's DANGEROUS to believe in things like this. You start diets that can be detrimental and undo every bit of success that you have previously had. The BEST and most ACCURATE way to begin any type of weight loss program is to speak with a Dr, a dietician, and a nutritionist. Working with ALL of them will ensure that you are getting a fully rounded diet and exercise plan that is SAFE and effective for YOUR body. Following advice from some crackpot that's been proven numerous times to be a fake is not safe. So yes, we're going to speak out. He could potentially put his health at serious risk.

    A doctor, dietician and nutritionist all told me I'm overweight and to lose some weight. I'm a female with less than 20% body fat. One told me that carbs are the enemy, one said sugar and the other said fat. I think I will stick to researching on my own.
  • AutumnElf80
    AutumnElf80 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm an ectoplasmic endo-mesomorph but also a Capricorn. However because I am born in early January I am a 1979 who also happens to be a horse instead of a goat in the Chinese zodiac.

    So to keep the weight off, should I cut out simple carbs or drink more water at night? Just to be safe, I'm avoiding foods that taste white.

    What if I'm a Libra? Should I avoid blue foods?