*FIT BY FALL* weigh in for July 27th



  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Oh my goodness. I have started getting up at 5am when my boyfriend leaves for work and then I go for a run (still doing the learn-to-run thing :smile: ) and then doing a work out video (the 30day shred) and in the last three days I have noticed my energy coming back up and my depression slowly getting better :) I am so excited by the changes. I didnt get my full workout in today though because I had to be at work for 6:45 am so I guess that means I'll be running after dinner tonight.

    tonight is grocery shopping and like the geek i am, I am excited to go and pick out more fresh fruits, veggies and meats.

    I hoped on the scale today and I have lost 1/2 lb since last week BUT... my body fat% has gone down by 1% and my "fat free mass" has gone up which is soooooo great because the more muscle I develop, the more fat I will burn! I am so pumped today :smile: and looking forward to finishing this week and starting the next one!!!

    You guys are all so amazing!
    LEE You rock!!! keep going with your dedication.
    JKLM Congrats, that is a HUGE success and I am so happy for you!
    CLASSIC Have a great trip to see the bf and I am sure he will notice how hard you have been working and how wonderful you look :) Have fun

    I came across a quote yesterday and It just blew me away with its' simplistic statment that is so true. I thought I would share it incase anyone ever feels like they need a little extra motiation!!!

    "the only real disability in life is a bad attitude" ~Scott Hamilton~ (I believe it was when he was coming back into figure skating after cancer treatment)

    I posted it up on my office wall so that when I have those cravings or need a quick little motivator, I can look at it and remind myself that I CAN DO THIS :happy: Have a GREAT DAY ladies!!!
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Good morning all!!

    Just completed day 2 of bootcamp and boy and I feeling the burn! It is 45 minutes of what feels like pure torcher, but at the end I feel soooo good! I have set mini goals for myself within the class of running further distances everyday, and today I doubled my time from Monday! I was so proud of myself! I got to work and fixed my oatmeal, and used a smaller bowl than normal, went to get it out the microwave, and it had EXPLODED! SO....i had to eat a bowl of cereal instead since that was the last of my oatmeal here.....

    Just want to say thanks to all for all the encouraging words you give everyday, I know I just started but I can promise I wouldn't have made it this far without it!

    MAddiebabe: I get up at 430 when my BF goes to work too! At first I hated it, but 2 weeks later and I really am loving it! It just sets my day in the right direction to get up and workout, before most of the world has come out of their sleep....
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Gooood Morning ladies!Today is another busy day in my household... Just got back from my son's tennis lesson and dropping my friend home, after this I have to drop my daughter at summer school.I get some exercise there, chasing my son around the playground and doing some walking/ jogging intervals and strength moves while I wait for her to get done.I haven't had breakfast yet, but I was going to grab some pb crackers and an apple to tide me over til lunch, since it's so close.I 's loves my nuts and nut butters!Racking my brain though as to what to have for lunch..... maybe some leftover pasta and spaghetti sauce, and fresh cuke(from my garden) onion , and tomato salad....with some olive oil and vinegar, and some Italian seasoning.Wish I had some whole wheat pitas to season and toast!I have had 5 cups of water already, it's very muggy here, WHICH I'd be used to by now if we'd had a halfway warm and dry Summer here in western MA.! You all seem to be doing well with your exercise,and calories. Keep it up!oh, and I had some pineapple with the ham last nite, it helped cut out the saltiness of the ham,and I only ahd two oz. Way too salty to have more.!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member

    and YES YOU CAN DO THIS!! great quote:happy:

    happy day all!! :heart:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!
    I have a story for you all!

    I am going out with my husband & a group of friends this Sat. So, I ordered this dress online from House of Dereon! I ordered it in a Large & when it arrived it was a Medium. I was fuming b/c I know a medium will not fit & knew I wouldn't have time to ship it back or shop for another dress.
    So, my daughter told me to just try it on & to my surprise it looked great on. Talk about turning my frown upside down!

    I weighed in this morning & my scale showed 191.6. Still going down but, slowly. I know that it's probably the water weight ridding my body 1st (it's ONLY day 3 & I am already 4.6lbs lighter) & I am preparing myself not to get discouraged if I don't see huge numbers on a day to day bases. I am going to weigh in once a week & am also ok with not having a lost in a week IF I know I did everything correctly with my eating & exercise. I am still waiting on TMT but will do Core Synergistics tonight.

    I'm so HAPPY :drinker: by everyone's determination to suceed. WE GOT THIS LADIES!!!! :happy:

  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!
    I have a story for you all!

    I am going out with my husband & a group of friends this Sat. So, I ordered this dress online from House of Dereon! I ordered it in a Large & when it arrived it was a Medium. I was fuming b/c I know a medium will not fit & knew I wouldn't have time to ship it back or shop for another dress.
    So, my daughter told me to just try it on & to my surprise it looked great on. Talk about turning my frown upside down!

    I weighed in this morning & my scale showed 191.6. Still going down but, slowly. I know that it's probably the water weight ridding my body 1st (it's ONLY day 3 & I am already 4.6lbs lighter) & I am preparing myself not to get discouraged if I don't see huge numbers on a day to day bases. I am going to weigh in once a week & am also ok with not having a lost in a week IF I know I did everything correctly with my eating & exercise. I am still waiting on TMT but will do Core Synergistics tonight.

    I'm so HAPPY :drinker: by everyone's determination to suceed. WE GOT THIS LADIES!!!! :happy:


    congrats on the accomplishment! I know that just made your day!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,
    Today I had another good day with eating, I stayed with in my calorie range but, still went over in my protein & sugars, not by much though. I was planning to do Core Synergistics but, decided on doing Stretch X & some upper body weight training. I definitely need a HRM that tracks calories. I currently have a Pedometer that tracks calories & it counted my entire work out at 85 calories…I had to burn more than that but, anywho tomorrows a new day & I will pump up my workout!
    Don’t forget to fight the crave & stay motivated! We are going to do this pound for pound! Gave a great evening everyone!

  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey guys
    I would love to join this group as well. You all seem like such a positive, motivational bunch, i think it will help keep me going and on track. I usually weigh in on thursdays and just weighed in. I am down 3 lbs and am excited this is actually working. This is my 3rd week on mfp, and i am so glad someone recommended it to me.

    Sw 275 July 09
    Lw 268.2 July 23
    Cw 265.4 July 30
    1st mini goal 250 Sept 20th
    Gw 170 July 2010 (I want to weigh less than my husband who weighs 175vc cnm , and once i am there will reevaluate to see how i feel)

    I gained 90 lbs while pregnant, (was 200lbs when i got pregnant), lost 30 when i had my little one last august and gained back 15, so i have along ways to go. I am already feeling better though, and seem to have more energy, so i can't wait to lose more!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,
    Today I had another good day with eating, I stayed with in my calorie range but, still went over in my protein & sugars, not by much though. I was planning to do Core Synergistics but, decided on doing Stretch X & some upper body weight training. I definitely need a HRM that tracks calories. I currently have a Pedometer that tracks calories & it counted my entire work out at 85 calories…I had to burn more than that but, anywho tomorrows a new day & I will pump up my workout!
    Don’t forget to fight the crave & stay motivated! We are going to do this pound for pound! Gave a great evening everyone!


    Congrats on the dress!!! i know how good that feels!!! i tried on my size 12 "goal" dress last week and it fit too - i was so shocked but look at us go!!!! :flowerforyou: of course, TOM this week and it was a little snugly last night:grumble: lol

    keep up the good work girl!! :happy:

    Welcome Queenie!! :flowerforyou:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Yesterday I had no internet for the entire day! I was stressing seriously b/c I work from home & need it to connect to my jobs network. Keeping it short I just took an “L” for the day, I ate ok…had 4 french toast sticks!! I did do Core Synergistics which kicked my tail other than the French toast I did great!

    Today I ate better, did Plyometrics & am hurt’n. Hurt’n in a good way! I am hitting NY city tomorrow night. I don’t know if I should count that day as my rest/cheat day or eat a salad for dinner & rest on Sunday. I’m not a drinker so I don’t have to worry about that part. Either way I will work out in the morning, have a shake & go out to get a mani & pedi and take the rest of the day as it comes. I hope everyone is doing well, eating clean & staying active. Until, tomorrow you all have a great weekend!

    Thank you Countindown, it truly does feel good. :blushing:

    ClassicC- you GO girl!!! Just keep pushing through! You’ll be there before you know it! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Queenie!!!! :drinker:
  • mrsprazak05
    Wow! It's been "weigh" too long since I've posted! sorry ladies...finals week was this past week...and I had zero time to get online! But...I'm back...my class is OVER....and I passed! Unfortunately, with this being finals week, I didn't have much time for exercising. Wait...strike that...if honest with myself...I didn't TAKE the time to exercise! Yes, I was up late every night studying...but I still shouldn't have skipped my 5 am workouts!!! Even with the less sleep, I should have gotten up and worked out. shame on me! :grumble: So needless to say...don't think I'm going to make my goal of 5 lbs this week...but we'll find out on Monday. I'm trying to weigh in only once a week again...because I started becoming obcessed with the scale...and would step on in everytime I went into the bathroom...and if I was up in the afternoon from that morning...I'd get down...well...DUH...we fluctuate throughout the day...but whatever. I still got down...so now I'll step on it once a week....:wink:

    Welcome Queenie and anyone else who's new that I might have missed. (and my most sincere apologies if I did miss you). This thread truly keeps me going each day! Its so nice to see ladies out there...who are struggling with the same issues as myself! "One's first love is self love"...the issue I deal with DAILY. Until we love ourselves...how are we ever going to TRULY spread our love around?? If I don't know how to love myself...how am I going to know how to love others? I mean...I know I love my husband and my kids...but until I am 100% satisfied with ME...and who I am...INSIDE...no matter what....I am not able to give my all...I am not able to exude love on a daily basis. And I find this true because, when I'm having those 'DOWN' days...those are the days my kids misbehave...my husband and I fight...and I'm just annoyed with the world. But...when I adjust MY attitude...everyone seems so much happier!! "when mama ain't happy, ain't no body happy" :laugh:

    I have to thank you ladies for continuing posting through out the week! And again, I'm sorry I have been MIA for a few days! reading your posts...truly inspire me to keep going as well!! Keep up the good hard work! :drinker:
  • mrsprazak05
    And congrats on the size Medium dress! What a feeling!! Here's my motivation I found today. (I have a quote book, which I read daily...for motivation...so many of these come from there...and I truly suggest...if you have the time...make a book of your favorite quotes!! It can be very rewarding and motivational!

    This one is along the lines of a quote from that quote from Elenor Roosevelt jklm....but here it goes anyway... "The quickest way to gain self-confidence is to do EXACTLY what you're afraid to do!" (don't know who quoted it...my friend made a plaque with those words on it for my HS graduation 12 years ago!! :tongue:

    This one is for you ladies....
    "Friendship happens in that special moment when someone reaches out to another...trusts...comforts...believes in another...and makes a difference that no one else can make". ~ Unknown.

    "BE CHEERFUL! Of all the things you wear, you're expression is the most important"

    "Style is not a size"

    and finally....

    "Those who say if can't be done...shouldn't interrupt those who are doing it!!"

    We're doing it ladies!! We're losing weight...getting in shape...by making a lifestyle change!!! No pill. No shake. No gimmick!! We can do it ladies!! Every one of our goals are achievable!! It's up to YOU to get there!! And YOU can do it!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member

    Missed all of you and our daily "chats":sad:

    Newbies, WELCOME!! Tried reading thru the posts, seems like everyone is still upbeat
    and doing well. Lee......congrats on the dress!! :drinker:

    Wedding went very well. Even tho we got stuck in construction traffic :grumble:
    Didn't overindulge, but didn't really count cals either:ohwell:
    Haven't gotten on the scale yet this morning.......was hoping my body would, uh, you
    know, get rid of the excess before I step on:blushing: This ol' gal's body just doesn't
    like being away from the comfort and security of home!! :laugh: Know I'm a lil on
    the dehydrated side, gonna load up on the water today.

    MrsP, congrats on finishing your class!!:drinker:

    Not a lot to do today, laundry (does it ever end???), DH took DS to football mtg/uniform handout this
    a.m. Need to run the keys back to my GF, get to the market and hopefully talk DH into a foot rub tonite!

    Hugs to all!! :heart:

    PS....wedding can be viewed at www.bellezalasvegas.com, go to web cam/archived weddings, Shumaker 073009.
  • mrsprazak05
    What a beautiful, simple wedding! Man! The more of these short, simple, sweet weddings...the more I wish I'd gone to Vegas to get married! Your daughter had the right idea! :wink: Congrats on the new son in law! Glad you made it back safely!!
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Mrsprazak . Congrats on passing your class!Fiftyandfit:Welcome back. and No,laundry NEVER does end, does it?:wink: Leeslim4life: Great job keeping up with the exercise,Hope you had a great time in NYC. I had good weekend.Kids were pretty good, Mrsprazak said it correctly, when momna's happy everyone's happy!and everything seems to go that much more smoothly!I'll check in tomorrow with a weigh in.Might be later in the day, As my son starts sports camp, and has to get out the door by 8am.First time going to all day camp:cry: , gotta make sure he has everything he needs to get thru the day, And they get his physical report..I 'll miss him not being around all day!It''ll give me some one on one with my daughter, though.:happy:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    FYI: Post weight for Monday, August 3rd in new thread -
