my hairy kid



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    My cousin's a mix of Portuguese and Italian and was a very hairy child. We finally convinced my aunt to wax her legs and unibrow, and she was much happier.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    For now that is all the waxing we do. I don't wax myself personally, so I don't know how to do a better job -- I will wait some time for her to ask for arms and legs and then hopefully a professional will not think I am insane if I take her.

    I don't know your child, but I don't think a child needs to wax their legs and arms (maybe I am reading wrong what you are saying). Shaving, sure of course. But a girl can learn to shave everyday, at least until she is older. Eyebrows and upper lip are different to me in that those are harder and usually need to be waxed.

    No--I didn't say she's going to wax her arms and legs. I just said someone picked on her for having hairy arms and legs.

    I don't think I would shave arms anyway -- wouldn't that be awful?

    I said I do her unibrow, sort of badly, bc cold wax by Sally Hansen doesn't really work :/
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    First of all. God bless you for doing that. Thats my people. Thank you.... Oh....... Whatever you do.... Don't tweeze her eyebrows... My Mom did that to me when I was 6 or 7 years old, and my left eyebrow has a tiny scar on it, and the hair would never ever grow back in that spot. Its the little spot I have to fill in with a pencil. .....

    (edit) Did you know that there are Armenian girls with blonde hair? We call them the "Moush" I'm a Moush, and the dark haired pretty girls are called "Beetles" (Cher, Kimmy K) Thats something I'd have to ask my grandpa about. Well hes gone now. And... I think it has to do with the region in Armenia that we are from. I'm not sure. I always wanted to be a Beetle.

    I've read that the Moush were the original Armenians, and you still see many in the rural areas. I read that the darker complexion and hair resulted from intermarrying with darker Persians, Iraqis, Turks. -- well, maybe not intermarrying always -- sometimes results of war :(

    Anyway, you are all beautiful!! No need to thank me, she is a beautiful gift to US!
    I didn't know that.. Wow... I had to save this to educate myself. :) Your really lucky to have a sweet little Armenian girl. And your daughter is lucky too, that you came and got her. I think that's the nicest news I've heard all year long .
  • Ok so this might go against the grain abit but why don't you teach your daughter ways to cope with the bullys and to love herself the way she is instead of wanting to change her? If in years to come she wants to shave/wax then fine but don't teach her to cave inyo peer pressure as kids will always find things to pick on other kids about that's just the way they are.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Ok so this might go against the grain abit but why don't you teach your daughter ways to cope with the bullys and to love herself the way she is instead of wanting to change her? If in years to come she wants to shave/wax then fine but don't teach her to cave inyo peer pressure as kids will always find things to pick on other kids about that's just the way they are.

    We are not changing her, but thanks for your concern. It was just a vent; she has forgotten all about it; but I haven't. That little brat is on the **** list.

    EDIT: Wait, did you mean about the hair or the cleft lip/palate? Because we did have surgeries for that -- you need to correct it; it impacts speech, hearing, swallowing; breathing . . .