How long does it take you to run a 5k?



  • BurkeshireFarms
    BurkeshireFarms Posts: 45 Member
    My best time was 22mins. My average is around 25.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have one in less than 2 weeks. I am hoping to break 20:00.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    My personal best was 30:16. That was a very flat route in a race. My normal time is more like 32 or so. I normally run on a somewhat hilly course around my neighborhood. Although I usually run 4 miles now for my short runs.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I did my first (and only to date as I sprained my ankle in April) 5KM race in mid-March this year. The race was half flat, half uphill and finished in 30:34.

    I plan on doing more races this Summer and since my ankle is getting better, I've started running again about 3x a week.
  • I have completed over 105 full marathons and suddenly stopped running 10yrs ago.
    then the Kilograms just piled on.

    So in March this year I started running again and have completed four 5k Parkruns here in the UK.

    My 5k times are:
    34:39 which was over 2 months ago,

    I stopped running (temporarily) as my work collegue who introduced me to the these runs, passed away tragically after completing the Reading half Marathon. With me being so overweight scared me somewhat, but I am back on the roads and trying to monitor my calories and shed 27kgs.

    Could do with a friend or two.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I haven't done too many, but my best time is 25:28.
  • Wickedmeowmer
    Wickedmeowmer Posts: 157
    My first ever was 35 and something-odd seconds minutes on a hilly course in 85 degree weather.

    Sadly, I havent been interval/speed training and can only get 32 minutes now, about a year later.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    If I finish my first in 45 minutes I'll be thrilled - well done!

    I'm running/walking my first one this Saturday,
    and this is my goal. I'm going to run/walk as
    fast as I can while keeping my heart rate under
    150. (Doctor's orders) Last night I was up to 4.5
    MPH, and was just under 150. (on an incline)

    When I started in January, I was at 2.5 MPH!
  • obeseto13point1
    obeseto13point1 Posts: 144 Member
    30:23 for my first 5k in May of this year. In the past my time was 36-40 minutes, never trained for it before this year. I am training for my first half marathon in Sept, so i am doing a training plan for that: two short runs and one long run a week, each week they get progressively longer. I also do a weight lifting class 2x a week, and bike 1xand Zumba 1x if I don't have a race. I like to do lots of races:).
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    My first 5K (I had only started running the month before) was 44:48. 2 1/2 years later, I finished a 5K in 31:42.

    Still not very fast... but I run and I cross the finish line. Which is my only goal. :happy:
  • holmevik
    holmevik Posts: 33
    On my training runs a little over 30 minutes. Race pace is about 1 minute per mile faster depending on the course profile.
  • Ran my first one last weekend and it was 39'07". Had some walking in there, hoping to knock it down to about 36 this weekend.
  • Just did my first 5K this morning in 42 minutes. Started to run about 2 months ago. It's more of a run/walk thing but at almost 58 I'm proud that I can do it at all! lol
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Between 30 and 32 minutes.
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    I'm not sure beacause I ran the Chase Cororate Challenge which is a 3.5 miles..but I finshed in 36.25. Time isn't what counts, It's participation...just go out and have new people and be pround that you showed up!
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    Been running for about 2 months. The first one I did took me 48 minutes. Yesterday I ran one in 31 minutes so a big improvement. I am focusing my efforts on distance from tomorrow though and hopefully will do the 5k again in a few weeks in under 31 minutes.

    On the same subject. What pace do people run at to complete a 5k in 28 minutes?
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    My first 5k was 3 years ago. I ran it in 37 minutes. I've been practicing Within those 3 years and can now run a 5k in 19 minutes! It takes conditioning and practice! If you need help training you should get Nike plus! It's a cool training device that syncs with your iPod and cheers you on!
  • rocuf
    rocuf Posts: 157 Member
    Just ran a 5k trail race last Saturday. My time was 45:20 for a first ever 5k. Trails were pretty tough, lots of up and downhills and rooted and rock strewn trails. I was very happy with being able to jog all but one of the steep uphills. I started about a year ago with trying to eat better and joined MFP in November. Have dropped from 450#s to 315#s now and actually starting to really like running.
  • Carp614
    Carp614 Posts: 191 Member
    My best 5K was 24 minutes when I was 17...I am currently 37 and about 70 pounds heavier. Last week I came in just over 42 minutes.

    I won't be focusing on improving that time, but I hope it will get better as I continue to get more fit.
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Started running when I started MFP in September 2011 did my first 5K without walking last Thanksgiving in 34 minutes. Best time to date for a 5K is 30:08 and 1:06 for a 10K. Had my longest run ever this past Saturday 8.2 miles 1:29. Amazed at how fast my running endurance has increased.