Is it wrong that I have noticed more female attention ?



  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Sounds like there might be more issues here than just enjoying the female attention. I was in your shoes, sounds like you need to re-evaluate your marriage. Talk to her first. Tell her how you feel and see how that makes you feel. You might be surprised what you say and how it makes you feel. Welcome to shoot me a message and I can go into more details.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    You probably like the attention of females cause your wife doesn't give you compliments but maybe she doesn't know what to say. Do you compliment her? It goes both ways.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    As my mother says, "It doesn't matter where you get your appetite, just as long as you come home for dinner".

  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    The lads will just give back hand comments(especially friends), girls seem to be more genuine.

    I wouldn't get carried away, I have never cheated on any g/f and never intend to, I love her to bits been with her for a long time.

    But I was also very shy when younger and lacked confidence so the girls would normally make a b-line for my friends so I find it quite interesting. One told me I had nice legs that has never happened before!!!!!!

    My wife doesn't really comment, or has given me any other 'attention', once I think she said something.

    sounds like wifey might be envious of your progress.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Why would you hope that she gets jealous? You're an asshat!!

    You just said you love her to bits......but now you're saying you want her to get jealous!?:noway:

    I was about to say..before reading this comment..

    Attention from the opposite sex is fine..and flattering..just don't let it go to your head...

    Too already have.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Well, then you're a jerk. Maybe she won't get jealous, maybe she'll just find another guy that girls aren't all over lol!

    There are a lot of us happily married folks who had high hopes of their partners expressing more interest in them, only to have the weight loss go all but unnoticed. Maybe having a few other women noticing him will get his wife to give him a fresh look and realize that he's a hottie now.

    There's a HUGE chasm between "a little bit jealous" (as in, paying more attention) and "jealous".
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Well, then you're a jerk. Maybe she won't get jealous, maybe she'll just find another guy that girls aren't all over lol!

    i thought this was a valid question at first but then you start saying stuff like maybe she will notice you if other women are hitting on you, you hope she is jealous. I agree that you are a jerk and maybe thats why your wife doesn't give a crap what you look like

    of course it feels good to have people being more aware of you.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    No, I think it's normal, and healthy ... ANd I think girls notice more because girls are usually more conscious about their own weight, so they notice when anyone is losing weight, male or female. Some of it may be flirting, and some of it may just be genuine "good job" compliments. :)

    I would talk to your wife about your whole journey, tho, and let her know how important it is for you to have her support. She may not be aware of how powerful little comments can be.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Why would you hope that she gets jealous? You're an asshat!!

    You just said you love her to bits......but now you're saying you want her to get jealous!?:noway:

    I was about to say..before reading this comment..

    Attention from the opposite sex is fine..and flattering..just don't let it go to your head...

    Too already have.
    iagree nu2u
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    Actually I understand what he means. If your spouse gets jealous it means they are laying claim to you ... You belong them, and it's a reminder that although it's ok for people to notice, it's not okay for them to grab. :) It can be a reminder to both people that you belong together and you're happy about that.
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    I am married and very loyal. Since the weight loss I have noticed more female attention and I like it is it wrong to use it as motivation.

    Oh dude, no worries man. I been with my lady for 4 years and known her for 20 years now... And my biggest motivation is the attention I get from other ladies. She shouldn't get jealous, just like I think when I notice someone checking out my lady everyone should have this mentality of (if someone checks out what you have) "They want what I got" (that can go as in they want your sig other and it can go as in they want you, either way its a huge compliment)

    But yeah nothing wrong with loving the attention, as long as it ends there.

    Keep it up man.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Why would you hope that she gets jealous? You're an asshat!!

    You just said you love her to bits......but now you're saying you want her to get jealous!?:noway:

    I was about to say..before reading this comment..

    Attention from the opposite sex is fine..and flattering..just don't let it go to your head...

    Too already have.

    I love how quick women are to judge. Maybe his wife doesn't give him any attention. Maybe she is rotten to him. Maybe he does everything for her and gets nothing in return...been known to happen.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    There is nothing wrong with liking the attention and using it to continue to motivate you to work out and eat right.. but that is all it should be.. Compliments taken with a grain of salt.

    You should be speaking to your wife.. Wanting her to be jealous of attention given to you by other females, b/c your not getting the attention from her could potentially open a can of worms that may or may not be in the relationship already.
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    I have never felt this good or as fit and it's improving, hopefully she may notice me more if when she sees I am getting attention from elsewhere.

    Damn right I will use it as motivation.

    Comical but one girl asked what I used for such good skin I said 'always a sharp razor!!!!!!!!!'

    The woman married you when you were a big bucket of lard - you had her attention then.

    Try doing it for yourself rather than random women who wouldn't look twice at you with a few tyres wrapped around you.
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    There is nothing wrong with liking the attention and using it to continue to motivate you to work out and eat right.. but that is all it should be.. Compliments taken with a grain of salt.

    You should be speaking to your wife.. Wanting her to be jealous of attention given to you by other females, b/c your not getting the attention from her could potentially open a can of worms that may or may not be in the relationship already.

    What she said was perfect.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Whatever works!!!
    You should feel good!!! You're making progress!!!
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Why would you hope that she gets jealous? You're an asshat!!

    You just said you love her to bits......but now you're saying you want her to get

    I was about to say..before reading this comment..

    Attention from the opposite sex is fine..and flattering..just don't let it go to your head...

    Too already have.

    I love how quick women are to judge. Maybe his wife doesn't give him any attention. Maybe she is rotten to him. Maybe he does everything for her and gets nothing in
    return...been known to happen.

    Attention goes both ways...and if she senses this attitude, well then....compliments are really hard to give.

    When your motivation is to look good to "others"..rather than your SO.....that's when the problem developes.

    Don't give me that "Women are so quick to judge!" line.........he put it out there.
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    I'm just getting back into working out and in decent shape. My hubby, on the other hand, is as fit as a fiddle and extremely attractive (well at least I think so). He jokes around saying he's doing his best to make all my girlfriends jealous of I think it's funny.

    Use what you want for motivation. Just keep the action at home:)
  • theberg
    theberg Posts: 80
    I had a girl from one of my classes ask me if I wanted to get some coffee. My wedding ring no longer fits so I wear it on a chain around my neck. I politely told her that I was married, but if she would like to get a drink and chat that's cool.

    My wife has really enjoyed my weight loss though. It makes me happy in so many different ways :D
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I am married and very loyal. Since the weight loss I have noticed more female attention and I like it is it wrong to use it as motivation.

    its not wrong one bit. flaunt it, brother! just don't share it.