25 pounds lost in a month



  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    that's great! I agree, it will slow down, but don't give up! Keep at it even when you get stuck somewhere along the way :o) it all adds up, even the little losses!
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    Great job!
  • nikkiworld2
    nikkiworld2 Posts: 75 Member
    It's very good!
  • noraseg
    noraseg Posts: 2
    Congrats!!!!! keep going gets better!!!!!
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Great Job! Keep it up and you'll acheive your goals! :smile:
  • Bnicleve
    Bnicleve Posts: 14
    Great job! So happy for you!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Wonderful. keep up the great work!!
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    Awesome! Keep up the good work and follow the dr's orders :smile:

    Amazing job!!! I wish I had half your commitment!( and I agree ^ )
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Congratulations! Great work, the persistence has paid off.

    Wish you all the best for your continued journey towards your goal.
  • Destinie589
    Destinie589 Posts: 211
    Amazing work!! We need a smiley face on here that shows off its "guns". :tongue:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Awesome job!!!....keep up the great work!!! :)
  • 30musha30
    30musha30 Posts: 114
    yu're doing great!!
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Big Contrats. :D
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    You're doing great! I wish you continued success!

    ^^^ This!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Well done, it sounds as though you have made some really positive changes - keep up the good work!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    hey all, i just wanted to let everyone know that this site is working great for me..i came back from the drs today 25 pounds lighter..I really was surprised...now if i would have exercised more..i probably would have done better than that. but that is a good start...Its about a pound a day..I have really cut back on the sugar...and i really dont know how i have lost that much weight so fast..but i am pleased...good luck to everyone else...hope everyone is doing as good as i did.

    Great Start! It is not unusual for those who are morbidly obese (I used to be so this statement is in no means a judgment of you-just that you are at a bmi in excess of 40) to lose at a very large rate early on. I did take a bit of a look at your diary and it looks pretty responsible overall. You did have a couple of days where you dipped below 1200 and really you don't want to do that very often. Looks like your goal is 1800 calories and that is not a bad goal. There are a few things moving forward that I would suggest...

    1. A pound per day is not sustainable long term. This rate of loss will eventually drop. This should not be a surprise to you. Don't let it discourage you.. it only means that you are making progress. As you come closer to your goal weight, you will be closer to the calorie intake for maintenance so that means that you will progress at a slower rate. Also, early weight loss is often a drop in water weight values. This is ok.

    2. As you move forward, diet alone is not a bad thing -- at first. As soon as you are able, begin a light exercise routine. This will enable you to tighten your skin a little easier and hopefully minimize the sagging that comes with extreme weight loss. Any movement is better than none at all. Eventually, increase your exercise to include all three major areas -- flexibility (yoga is a possibility here), cardio (walking, running, bicycling, etc.) and strength (resistance training--aka weights). This will increase blood flow and help in the weight loss journey and make you healthier overall. Exercise is one thing that I really look forward to now ... 5 months ago, I had a hard time getting up out of my chair and almost could not get up out of some low seats.... Now I lift weights and walk an hour on a treadmill on a regular basis...

    3. Protein, protein, protein. Protein is the building block of muscle. What you want to lose most of is your body fat percentage. The more lean mass you can maintain (weight of muscle, bones and organs) while maintaining a water balance at or near 50%+ the healthier weight loss you can enjoy.

    Again, congrats on your great success early on. I look forward to seeing the after shots. Remember it is a journey.. not instantaneous. It will take time but you will get there. Once you do get there, do the hardest thing... Keep it off! It is a LIFESTYLE change.. not a diet... Do things you can maintain the rest of your life so that when you arrive, you are only perfecting a work that you began in January! Good luck.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Oh, one other thing! Try not to skip meals. Try to balance your intake throughout the day!
  • kirracakes
    kirracakes Posts: 1
    congrats that's so awesome!!!!
  • SanDFit
    SanDFit Posts: 76 Member
    Congratulations! You are working hard and its paying off.
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