Weight Gain/ Difficulty Losing With Mirena IUD?



  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    First of all, remember that every person is different with different BC. My cousin was on the Mirena and gained alot of weight from it. I am on Ortho Tricycle low and have had no weight gain from it. My weight gain is from the anti-depressant which I just got switched. One of the Mirena's side effects is weight gain - if you don't like it, ask about switching. Good luck.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Thats why I stick to the rubbers lol... If he really loves me, he doesnt mind using them. Ill never EVER take the pill or use any other contraceptive, too much issues and hormonal stuff with them.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I've had Mirena for a couple years and it hasn't effected me in that way. How sure are you it's because of that?
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I've had mine for about 3 months now and I LOVE it. I was put on birth control at around 15 because of how severe my period was and I was getting crazy migraines, throwing up, etc. I was on the pill and then on nuvaring before getting Mirena. I had minor spotting the first 2 weeks and haven't had a period. I have some skin breakouts, but I think thats more due to stress associated with exams and the seasons changing (I always break out more when summer first starts). I know hormonal birth control effects everyone differently, and weight gain and all the side effects everyone is experiencing is possible with any hormonal birth control. (Yaz made me a raging crazy person, but I know people it works wonders for). I would say talk to your doctor about your concerns, all hormonal birth control has different levels of different hormones (mirena is a progesterone only).
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    I've had mine in about a month now.
    I haven't had any side effects that anyone here has brought up. BUT For the past week or so I have had cramps similar to what I would have if I were about to have Aunt Flo visit, have any of you experienced this?
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I've had mine for over 2 years and I absolutely LOVE it! I gained 50lbs in a year but didn't even think about it being the IUD. I've not had had any acne problems, I figure the mood swings are just me being me, lol. It's taken me 3 full months to lose 15lbs, but I'm also 36 so it just might be my age.
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    Copper coil is the way to go!

    Had mine nearly 12 months now. My body doesn't do well with artificial hormones and I pile on the weight, that's how I got in this mess in the first place! It's totally hormone free and has not made any difference to the weight loss. Periods are longer (used to be 3 day now closer to 7) and the cramping was horrible when they first put it in, but other than that it's been great!
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I've never had an IUD (I'm on Lo-Loestrin, which I love), but have any of you who have been having issues ever considered the other IUD: Paragard? It's a no-hormone option. It uses copper as a contraceptive but is basically the same as Mirena in other ways. There might still be cramping here and there, but it should take care of the hormone-related acne, mood swings and hair loss issues. Just a thought! :)

    The copper one actually INCREASES bleeding in 99.9% of the population, I looked at both and I have friends who have the copper one and literally have not stopped bleeding since they got it, others haven't been regular and my roommate gets her period about every 2 weeks for about 1.5 weeks and she's had it for 5 years. Just an FYI if you're looking for something to control your monthly time and be a contraceptive.
  • trkinsley
    trkinsley Posts: 124 Member
    If you're in the Army, you have access to no-cost health care, so just have your doctor swap it for a copper T IUD (paraguard). Tell your doctor you aren't able to tolerate the hormones.

    The paraguard has no hormones and is good for ten years. Best thing ever. I'm not sure how Mirena became the IUD of choice for the DOD, but you do have options.

  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I have had Mirena for about 5 months now, and I am jealous of the women who said they didn't have any side effects! I had daily doubled over in pain cramps for 6 weeks, and then lo and behold right at my 6 week checkup was the first day I had zero cramping. I still get some cramps, minor spotting every once in awhile, but I just take 2 ibuprofen and I am good...although it really blows when the cramps arrive in the middle of a workout! I am still debating if I want to get it again after the 5 year point, but it really depends on how I feel at that point, and how life is, because after this one gets removed, a child will be arriving before another one gets put in :)

    I did gain some weight after Mirena, but I blame the poor food choices I was making and lack of exercise as well. My weight loss battle has not been as easy as others, but I am not blaming Mirena for that...because now I totally forget that I have it!

    The cramping should fade in time, I had them when I first got mirena....5 years later they are a distant memory.

    As for me, I don't think my weight gain is from mirena or if it is, it's just minimal.
  • KristysLosing
    The only complication I had was getting my insurance company to cover it. :grumble: That was until it felt out last weekend. :angry: No other bad side effects.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I've never had an IUD (I'm on Lo-Loestrin, which I love), but have any of you who have been having issues ever considered the other IUD: Paragard? It's a no-hormone option. It uses copper as a contraceptive but is basically the same as Mirena in other ways. There might still be cramping here and there, but it should take care of the hormone-related acne, mood swings and hair loss issues. Just a thought! :)

    I got pregnant with that, so I personally wouldn't recommend it. They aren't as dependable in my opinion.
  • trkinsley
    trkinsley Posts: 124 Member
    I've had the copper T for most of the last 15 yrs and haven't experienced increased bleeding and minimally increased cramping, if any. The mirena was the exact opposite--nonstop for 5 months, which is why I went back to the copper T.

    It's the only NON hormonal reliable option out there, and if OP wants an IUD, there's not much else to choose from.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    Were either of you ladies on any type of hormonal birth control prior to getting Mirena? I'm getting it on Tuesday...

    I hadn't been on any type of BC for many, many years before getting Mirena.

    I've had Mirena for a couple years and it hasn't effected me in that way. How sure are you it's because of that?
    When I am in fairly good health with clear skin and suddenly I'm getting :

    1) multiple zits the size of quarters that don't go away for 2 weeks (only to be replaced by new ones),
    2) I run my fingers through my hair and come away with 20-30 strands in each hand (when I used to only get 2 or 3 strands), 3) sleep used to be my freakin' HOBBY and suddenly I couldn't fall asleep until 4am,
    4) my knuckles started "popping" and my knees and hips started aching,
    5) I gained massive weight,
    6) I started sprouting coarse black hairs on my chin and chest

    and when - after getting it out - ALL symptoms went away within a month or two, yeah I was pretty darn sure it was the Mirena!

    These symptoms showed up very quickly after getting it put in but I'm such a dumbass (and my OB/GYN had raved about it and promised me there were no side effects!), well, it took me a while to put two and two together. I actually had more symptoms, I know I counted up over a dozen at one point but I can't remember them all. When I realized what was causing all my symptoms I was THIS CLOSE to pulling it out myself! Not kidding, people actually do this, but I was too chicken. But I was seriously tempted! Neverevereverever again. Celibacy before I'd use it! Not for a million dollars!
  • skullik
    skullik Posts: 142 Member
    I have had my MIrena for about 8 month now and I love it! I have lost all the excess weight from the pill and no more cramps or worrying about birth control! I experienced some hair loss in the first few month, similar to what happened after my pregnancy. Same for the acne, it's all settled down now though. Over the past 8 month since I got it I have become more toned and fit than I have been in years, although I don't think that's the Mirena, mostly MFP :).
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I have had my Mirena for almost 2 years, the cramps after I got it were the worst I have ever had in my life. I have had a lot of problems and just recently have figured out that they are side effects. I have horrible hormone breakouts, sprouted hairs on my chin, this may be TMI but I go from being painfully sensitive during sex, to not at all, and then I have had horrible constipation too. I just found out a few days ago that these were side effects that a lot of women are now reporting, but were not informed of when they got it. I seem to be losing weight just fine. The only time I have not lost is when I wasn't regularly working out. I have always lost a ton of hair, so I couldnt really say if that has changed at all. I was starting to thing I had developed hypothyroidism. I am probably going to have mine removed and try something else. There is a petition online for letting girls know about the new side effects.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    Love mine.. I did gain 30 lbs but I am not going to blame the mirena as it was directly after pregnancy and I was not exercising and still getting used to being 100lbs heavier -.-

    I have not had my monthly gift in about 2 1/2 years. And I have not had a problem with mood swings or anything. I wouldn't trade for any other type of BC, for sure!
  • smb1186
    smb1186 Posts: 14 Member
    I have gained 10lbs in five months on Mirena, I would say 90% is in my stomach. I work out hard 3-5 days a week and eat between 1200-1400 calories a day. I have always had a flat stomach, never a problem area for me. I feel incredibly uncomfortable, bloated, and there is a strange pressure feeling whenever I press down on my stomach. Two months in, I also developed acne on my chest, back and forehead. I had some forehead acne during puberty, but for the most part have been blessed with clear smooth skin, and have never had body acne. The first two months were fine, some light spotting, no noticeable weight problems, no acne. I was so happy because it was working well for me. I write about my symptoms in the context, such that I have seen massive changes in my body shape, and acne in the last five months, and I literally can't attribute it to anything other than Mirena (no other medications, no change in diet and exercise, if anything I am eating healthier than ever and working out more due to frustration with this weight gain) I am having it removed today and I am so excited. Keeping my fingers crossed that my symptoms will go away. I am young, 25, no children, and have no history of any health problems, typically a person who visits the Dr.'s once a year for regular check ups and that's it. I am also looking forward to being hormone and medication free. My plan is to continue with healthy diet and exercise for the next two months, until my annual in September, at which time I will most likely go back to the pill. Everyone's body is different, it is apparent the Mirena doesn't agree with, however I have friends who love it and had originally recommended I try it. I think it's worth a shot, however, be prepared to have it removed if you start noticing these side effects.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I just got the mirena out and feel better already. It did terrible things to me. Acne, non stop spotting, grumpiness, made it almost impossible to lose weight, I am sooo happy it is gone. Had the copper one inserted in it's place. I will have to get that out eventually and get the ablation to stop the heavy bleeding due to anemia, but I am sooo happy to finally have a normal period. I HATED the Mirena. I gave it 7 months. I too gained a bit of weight when I got it in but started MFP shortly after so it is hard to say. The initial weight gain was definitely due to the Mirena I think and possibly the difficulty in losing. I have noticed that people either love it or hate it. I am avoiding hormones as much as possible. I feel a huge weight it lifted off of me now that it is gone. Anyone experiencing bad side effects, I wouldn't wait around too long thinking they are going to change. They were getting worse and worse for me. No sense in making myself miserable.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    mirena hasn't affected me at all, and its been 7 years

    i just think its too easy to blame birth control/female problems!