Cupcakes at Work... What to do?



  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    We get a birthday cake every month for the birthdays at my job. If I really want it I'll cut myself a small piece and eat a bit less dinner to compensate, but most of the time I realize I'd much rather have a whole steak for dinner as opposed to a half and that keeps me away.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    quit that job and go volunteer for GreenPeace. hippies rarely eat cupcakes, i hear.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    I have two post-it notes over my desk, one has my weight loss goal for the week written on it, the other has the number of days until my 30th birthday. That is usually enough to make the desire for sweets go away. If I still want it after that, I'll figure out how much I can budget for today and eat it. I am finding that I don't need as much sweets anymore to enjoy a treat and that sugar does not make me feel great so the desire is waning.
  • aymise
    aymise Posts: 10 Member
    This happened to me at work yesterday with a cookie cake. It was someone's birthday and all the girls in the office acted like it was offensive and disrespectful to the person's birthday. I caved and took half a piece, knowing it would be my splurge for the week. After not having real sweets for such a long time it was disgustingly sweet and I couldn't even eat half the portion I took. Worst thing I've done in a while. Don't give in to temptation!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    quit that job and go volunteer for GreenPeace. hippies rarely eat cupcakes, i hear.

    The most practical tidbit of advice on this thread. :flowerforyou: following you in here was worth it.
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    we always have food like this at work. when someone asks me oh have you had a cupcake? I say no I will have one later but I never do I just try to stay busy and out of the breakroom usually with a piece of gum. then I ask myself do I want it because I'm bored, or because everyone else is? If you are really hungry eat a snack. mozzerella stick, yougurt or nuts. hope this helps.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    You already know what they taste like and they are what helped make you fat. You don't need no stinkin cupcake!!!!

    And pretend they are old and moldy.
  • dfair1967
    dfair1967 Posts: 91
    Run lol : ) I know how you feel every day at my job the food pushers are try to get me to eat something bad so they can feel better about themselves eating what I call junk calorie dense crap.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Funny! Well, maybe just start a new habit, a new trend. Bring in something incredibly delicious, creative and HEALTHY. I have friends who work at an office, and I always take them a healthy salad or some such thing when I go:)
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    never ever eat food from co workers unless you are very close personal friends outside of work because...

    fact: people do gross things to food they bring in to share with co workers or bosses
    fact: some people arent that clean and especially their kitchens, nor do they wash hands.
    fact: some people have sick children who have sampled, stuck fingers in, licked frosting or food, and or sneezed/coughed on food
    that is being offered to you at work.
    fact: think of the most gross way in which a child could sneeze and leave boogers on a cupcake and mommy could just mix it in and you will never be the wiser as your happy co worker sits , smiling and nodding, knowing all the time ... they had the last laugh!

    dont touch the cupcakes!!!!!!
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    If they are a "every now and then" event at work, go for it! If your co-workers bring them in all the time, make them a treat every now and then.
  • autumnbottom8
    autumnbottom8 Posts: 74 Member
    I have the same problem, one of my co-workers is a baker and we've had 3 people have babies within the last two months.
    I've split them with another co-worker, or try and choose a healthier snack I have at my desk or drink water to just resist.

    Don't limit yourself too much, you deserve a splurge once in a while =]
  • bears461
    bears461 Posts: 10 Member
    For me at work today it was Cinnabons. Fresh from the bakery and they smelled so good....
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    never ever eat food from co workers unless you are very close personal friends outside of work because...

    fact: people do gross things to food they bring in to share with co workers or bosses
    fact: some people arent that clean and especially their kitchens, nor do they wash hands.
    fact: some people have sick children who have sampled, stuck fingers in, licked frosting or food, and or sneezed/coughed on food
    that is being offered to you at work.
    fact: think of the most gross way in which a child could sneeze and leave boogers on a cupcake and mommy could just mix it in and you will never be the wiser as your happy co worker sits , smiling and nodding, knowing all the time ... they had the last laugh!

    dont touch the cupcakes!!!!!!

    HAHA, this is true - I've never thought of this when I eat other people's food. I will now remember this. Good thing or bad thing?? :tongue:
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    *shrug* I eat the damn cupcake. I just don't have four now.

    To gain a pound you have to eat 5500 calories. That occasional cupcake isn't going to make you fat. Hell, drink a glass of water afterwards, and jog another five minutes on the elliptical if you're into food shaming, which I'm not.
  • dfair1967
    dfair1967 Posts: 91
    quit that job and go volunteer for GreenPeace. hippies rarely eat cupcakes, i hear.

    They eat marijuana brownies. Lmao
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Honestly? If I want a cupcake, I eat a cupcake. I don't berate myself, talk myself out of it, or threaten myself with hours of cardio to make up for it. This is the only life I have to live and while cupcakes aren't the best food for me, I refuse to go the rest of my life without enjoying one. I've found that in my new lifestyle, frosting doesn't taste as good to me - so I'll take the frosting off and enjoy every last bite of that cupcake.
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    Honestly? If I want a cupcake, I eat a cupcake. I don't berate myself, talk myself out of it, or threaten myself with hours of cardio to make up for it. This is the only life I have to live and while cupcakes aren't the best food for me, I refuse to go the rest of my life without enjoying one. I've found that in my new lifestyle, frosting doesn't taste as good to me - so I'll take the frosting off and enjoy every last bite of that cupcake.

    Yeah, I take a lot of the frosting off of cake these days, just because it's too much for me to handle. When I'm home and have strawberries I usually slice that and eat it with the cupcake. Yum!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Hehe... know what I used to do? When you see the cupcake, think, "Fat Pill". Would you like a fat pill? Hey, someone just brought in a dozen fat pills!! Let's all take one!! hehe... goofy, I know, but when you think of them that way... kinda lowers the temptation power they have :)

    hmmmmmmmm thank you for the new outlook :-)
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    Eventually you just have to make the decision. There is no "trick" to stopping, there is nothing that will keep you from it but sheer will power. The more you practice it, the more happy you will be for yourself, and the more you will seek out that "proud of myself" feeling. It's as simple as that, no magic involved.