Does MFP really work?

If you're strictly doing MFP, what kind of success are you having? I have tried many diets in the past, but rarely calorie counting. closest thing was Weight Watchers, which was extremely slow for me. I am used to very quick weight loss diets, which I totally understand now is my problem. I am not expecting it to be quick. Just 1-2 lbs a week would thrill me. I walk 3 miles a day and recently incorporated cardio circuit training. Getting ready to add aerobivcs a few times a week. I am diabetic and on insulin so I know my loss might be a little slower. I have lost 15 pounds in 2 months just cutting back. I am really looking for a plan that is not restrictive because I go off the deep end if I have to be too restrictive. But I need something that works. If you've had success with moderate exercise, following MFP, and maybe limiting carbs (like 140 a day), I'd love to hear from you. I just get it in my stubborn head that a person can't lose weight without being super strict, super low carb, etc. But that's not how I like to eat. Thanks.


  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    MFP is merely the tool that I use to track my specific diet-- I don't really use it other than that. That said, it's a great tool :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    MFP is just a tool, with a really supportive community attached.
    If you set realistic goals and follow through on them, you will almost certainly see success.

    In other words, if you do the work, you will see results. That goes for whatever program you choose to follow.

    PS. It has worked for me!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    MFP absolutely works. Eating at a small caloric deficit, eating quality nutritious foods, and keeping in mind this is a lifestyle change that you'll have to sustain for the rest of your life is the ONLY way to go in my opinion.

    I remember when I first started logging how completely shocked I was at how much I was over consuming. Even "healthy foods" I was eating 3-4x the proper amount.

    MFP honestly changed my life and how I think about food, exercise, and health is completely different.

    Best of luck! Remember it's not going to come easy... If you look for a quick fix, you'll never sustain your success.
  • juicymisslucy
    juicymisslucy Posts: 72 Member
    I started tracking my calories here April 30 2012 and have lost 11lbs. I try to stay within my calorie budget, but splurge occasionally. I also started doing 30DS 5 days a week and I try to walk daily and do pilates once in awhile.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,405 Member
    MFP totally worked for me. It's the first time in my life that I have lost weight AND KEPT IT OFF! The key for me was to learn proper portions. Nothing, and I repeat, NOTHING was off limits. I had dessert, carbs, fat, take-out, cocktails-you name it. So I never felt deprived which is a surefire way to send me to binge-land. What I did though was plan ahead for nights out-workout a little harder, eat lighter the day before and after, drink more water.

    I also learned over time that some foods truly aren't calorie worthy. I really, really, really like bagels with cream cheese. But spending one fourth of my daily caloric allowance on something like that (where I will be hungry again in two hours because there isn't much protein) isn't worth it. Give me my 3 slices of turkey bacon, an egg, a slice of toast with almond butter for fewer calories and I'm good until lunchtime.

    I tell friends of mine that this is both the hardest and the easiest thing I've ever done. It's the hardest because those first few weeks when you are getting your food history set are a pain. Truthfully, there is a lot of incorrect data in the food database and you have to weed through the garbage to find the correct entries. But it's the easiest because it's NOT a diet where you give up everything you've ever loved. There was no deprivation! Sure, I had to re-set what made me full because I was eating too much. But, drink a ton of water and that problem is taken care of.

    MFP works for everybody because your dietary intake is what YOU want to eat. You can customize how many calories you eat, what your macros are, etc. Good luck! (and the forums can be a great place to find support, motivation and great recipes!)
  • CWorden04
    CWorden04 Posts: 1
    MFP has totally worked for me! I used it for calorie counting and tracking my exercise and I have lost 21 pounds in 3 months. I haven't felt this good in 5 years :)
  • suzy50minus
    suzy50minus Posts: 18 Member
    I have not been able to loose weight for a very long time...and I really didnt believe I could now that I am older--knowing my metabolism has slowed down...but I started MFP on Jan 2 ,12--and followed the calorie intake very closely...for loosing 2 lbs a wk. The weight came off just like it was suppose to...I also worked out 4-5 times a week...which I feel was a very important part of it!!! I have lost 40 lbs as of the Middle of May--and working on getting the last 10 off !! It works!!! Slow and Steady -- and keep your eyes on the prize!! I feel a million times better!!!!!!!!!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    See my ticker?

    It works. :)
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    It's been working for me! 37lbs since mid January, and I'm just getting started :)
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    MFP is the hammer, but you still have to be the carpenter. If you're ready and patient, then it will work.
  • TasTam
    TasTam Posts: 84 Member
    I am diabetic and also take shots, so I can relate. I feel this is a great site to keep track of your calories. I lost 80 lbs about 26 years ago and counted calories then too but didn't have anything like this and it was very difficult keeping track. I set my calories to lose about 1 1/2 lbs a week and it is pretty well on the money as to what I have lost since starting Jan 3, 2012.
  • hml86
    hml86 Posts: 225 Member
    Yes it works. You can track what you eat, your exercise, and also have a very supportive community here to give you motivation as well as support. But just remember MFP can't make you lose weight unless your putting forth the effort and doing whats necessary to be successful and reach your goal. I've joined MFP Jan 2, 2012 and since then have lost 48 lbs. Just stay positive and stick with it, it won't be easy but it will def be worth it!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,276 Member
    It is a wonderful tool to assist you in your journey. That said, YOU have to be ready and willing as well. Some other things to remember:

    1) This should be a lifestyle change, not just a diet. Luckily MFP really seems to support that as well.

    2) Use the community. As long as you are not asking about the last Dr. Oz show or some dangerous weight loss method, it is a wonderful place. LOTS of smart people here... but sometimes it can be hard to find the real science amongst the broscience.

    3) You have to do some work as well. MFP is set to help a majority of users. Sometimes what it suggests may not work for YOU. For example, it dropped my calories at one point and I stalled totally for 5 weeks (nothing else changed btw). I upped my calories manually and started to lose again. MFP still HELPS me, but I also had to make it work for me.

    4) Get friends that actually give a damn about you. Don't fill your friends list with just anyone! Be picky!
  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    MFP is just a way to count calories, track exercise, and of you choose to you can also gain support from other members.

    It comes down to what you eat and how much of it. I've used several sites similar to this, as well as counting calories with plain ol pen and paper -- I like MFP the best, but my results are the same regardless of what tool I use to count the calories; if I'm in a calorie deficit I lose weight.
  • Nathc79
    Nathc79 Posts: 1 Member
    Works for me. MFP is a great way to count calories and track your macros. Healthy eating and exercise is actually quite addictive, which can only really be a good thing I guess!!!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    MFP is the hammer, but you still have to be the carpenter. If you're ready and patient, then it will work.

  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    MFP is a guideline. It is not a scheme which is dictated to you by your diet of Weight Conners pro-points.

    Generally, eating less than your calorie allowance will work, MFP or not.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I was just looking at my weight graph this morning. It's very obvious where I started logging on MFP properly because my weight goes steadily down week by week after that. I am losing around 1.5 - 2 lb a week. Portion control and exercise, and logging *everything*. The best part is I don't feel deprived. I've lost 3 lb in the past 2 weeks and I've eaten ice cream every night, plus I've had dessert severel nights. MFP works really well for me, I can't imagine using any other method to be honest.
  • Lost_Zen
    Lost_Zen Posts: 20
    I'm about to find out :wink: :happy:

    I'll get back with you in a year.:laugh:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It works if you do the work. There are a few on here who have lost a few lbs...