Coconut Oil Question



  • It was on Dr oz here in Australia the other day and they showed how coconut oil is short chain and other oil was long chain and how that affects the blood the short chain is absorbed into the blood but long chain causes the blood to thicken.
    if you do a search on the dr oz website there are a few things there...I would post a link to some but don't think I am allowed. Dr oz recommended having a tablespoon a day on the show and he eats it.

    see if the link posts to one article..
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    My total oil usage is relatively low. I use virgin organic CO for frying at higher temps, and the much more widely accepted olive oil for everything else.
  • Hello, if you do a general google search on your computer you will find a good bit of info on the healthy amazing benefits of coconut oil.. around here we even use it on popcorn instead of butter or other oils. It is good for your heart and brain !
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    I also found out through here, that it's great for eczema too :-)
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 161 Member
    I LOVE the stuff but still have some mixed feelings. I heard all good things and to get the maximum benefits (weight loss, awesome energy, hair/skin benefits) you have to eat like 3 tbls. of it a day....I tried this for a while and didn't notice any real difference in anything and just felt weird. Now I stick to cooking with it. It's amazing with eggs, in smoothies, cooking chicken, you name it! Also it does wonders on hair and skin topically. I do a deep conditioning with it about once a week. Also, if you do get it go for the unrefined, extra-virgin, cold pressed junk. Some of the other brands are just like margarine.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    ANY and ALL processed foods are bad for you.

    Care to back that up, Sparky?
    I'll reword it, sparky: Processed foods are never as healthful as the original foods they are processed from.

    Stop making things up. Repeating your false claims is not the same as presenting evidence.

    Put up or shut up.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    bump. It is awesome used on my curly hair, Love to use it on the ends.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    ANY and ALL processed foods are bad for you. Coconut oil is a processed food. If you want coconut fat in your diet, eat raw coconut.

    Not all coconut oil if refined and processed in that manner. There is organic, raw coconut oil that is very much in its natural state.

    You can definitely tell the refined from the pressed oil as the expeller pressed oil is coconut smelling and the refined has no scent.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    It was on Dr oz here in Australia the other day and they showed how coconut oil is short chain and other oil was long chain and how that affects the blood the short chain is absorbed into the blood but long chain causes the blood to thicken.
    if you do a search on the dr oz website there are a few things there...I would post a link to some but don't think I am allowed. Dr oz recommended having a tablespoon a day on the show and he eats it.

    see if the link posts to one article..

    Wow, coconut oil is MEDIUM chain triglyceride, not short or long chained. Dr Oz is an idiot.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member

    Are you suggesting that eating processed foods is the same as whole foods in their natural state?

    It depends on the level (and type) of processing. Butchering a cow or chicken is processing. I'd rather not eat feathers, k.
    Ah, that pretty much explains it. You are a meat eating human. Real meat eating species eat the feathers, bones, etc, and they eat it raw, and catch/butcher it themselves, with the tools that nature provided for them. If you have to process it to make it palatable, it's not your natural food source. If you think meat eating is good for you, than i doubt you'd ever understand why a high-carb, low-fat, whole foods, mostly raw, plant based diet is the way a human is supposed to eat. Keep eating your meat, keep eating your processed foods. Good luck.

    Do you even listen to yourself?

    Everything you've ever said is wrong.

    I like to eat fresh poison ivy and I recommend that everyone else eat it too. it isn't processed therefore it's good for you.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I have 3 different types in my house.

    ---I have an organic coconut oil that is in my bathroom and for hair/skin/etc. I love it! I doesn't cause acne so it is an AMAZING moisturizer!

    ---I have a huge thing of coconut cooking oil in my kitchen next to my stove that I use for cooking.

    ---I have an organic coconut BUTTER that is raw coconut in all forms that I use for eating. I've used it in my coffee, and it's good, but I use it mostly on toast with peanut butter and jelly. It is AMAZING!
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member

    Wow, coconut oil is MEDIUM chain triglyceride, not short or long chained. Dr Oz is an idiot.

    YES, he is!
  • smor27
    smor27 Posts: 87
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member

    "Anyway, no we don't use canned coconut milk. It's not available. Even if it were, coconut is cheap and abundant. Pretty much everyone has access to them and grow them. I would love to see the studies you have seen. Mostly, what I've found have been opinion pieces. Very little by way of actual scientific literature that posits health benefits to the use of coconut oil."

    Um... no. Coconut is not readily available to everyone. It is not cheap for everyone and not everyone can grow it. For those of us in the Northern latitudes, it's expensive, rare and impossible to grow.

    Coconut oil is huge part of my diet, it is one of the only added fats I ingest and when I started eating it my body started letting go of it's stored fat in a noticeable way.

    Anyone that listens to the FDA gets what they pay for which is absolute zilch. When they start conducting their own independent research then *maybe* they will be worth listening to. At the moment, they are in the pocket of every big food business in our country. Not who I get my nutritional information from, that's for certain.

    ETA: **Dang. I can't get the quote thing to work right..
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    ETA: **Dang. I can't get the quote thing to work right..

    In front put the word quote in brackets and after put /quote in brackets.
  • I use it as a cleanser and moisturizer...face and body. It has a very high fat content that leaves my skin soft and supple. I tried incorporating it into my diet...just a tablespoon or so regularly but I found that it stalled my weight loss. Every body is different so I just stick to using it externally.
  • Unbruisedpeach
    Unbruisedpeach Posts: 40 Member
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member

    "Anyway, no we don't use canned coconut milk. It's not available. Even if it were, coconut is cheap and abundant. Pretty much everyone has access to them and grow them. I would love to see the studies you have seen. Mostly, what I've found have been opinion pieces. Very little by way of actual scientific literature that posits health benefits to the use of coconut oil."

    Um... no. Coconut is not readily available to everyone. It is not cheap for everyone and not everyone can grow it. For those of us in the Northern latitudes, it's expensive, rare and impossible to grow.

    Coconut oil is huge part of my diet, it is one of the only added fats I ingest and when I started eating it my body started letting go of it's stored fat in a noticeable way.

    Anyone that listens to the FDA gets what they pay for which is absolute zilch. When they start conducting their own independent research then *maybe* they will be worth listening to. At the moment, they are in the pocket of every big food business in our country. Not who I get my nutritional information from, that's for certain.

    ETA: **Dang. I can't get the quote thing to work right..

    I believe that they are referring to thier own personal situation in response to a question that someone asked them specifically. In India, where they are from, coconut is cheap and abundant. Likely, your oil that you love so much was grown and made there.

  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    interesting read! saving to read later.