NYC Large sugary drink ban proposed



  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I didn't realize how many big government types we had on MFP

    Considering this is a site where people go to help themselves (Not big brother making you lose weight)


    New York is not big government. Oy. The only organization in the country that is big enough to offer alternatives to what corporations push is the government. Hating the government, while utilizing all of the services it provides or worse, having a government job hmmm... there's a word for that.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member

    That aside, I've traveled extensively in Europe. Their kids know 2-3 languages, many study year round, and they are overall healther. Companies in the US cannot find folks here for technical work and bring folks over from India at this point.

    China has other issues that contribute to life expectancy, and one of the big ones is the difference in class. Their kids are as smart as whips though, and run circles around ours and that offends me. This is an old study but looking for a newer one. It's probably worse.

    So you proved my point for me... Obesity is one factor in health.. I would think that life expectancy is more all encompassing a measure.. People in the US live longer.

    Smarter... so that article finds 20 countries with smarter kids... out of 179 countries across the world not bad. Especially take into account relative size of many of those superior countries, you would be better off comparing them to individual states let alone the entire nation.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I don't always drink soda
    but when I do
    I like to know that I can drink BIG GULPS & SUPER SIZED 22oz+ drinks that contain sugar.

    My friends if NYC goes through with this ban I will personally start a huge black market of selling 22+oz drinks that contain sugar and sell them to those in NYC.


    Bumping this haha and adding my opinion here.

    Bad eating habbits make you fat not big sugary drinks and until people can control that then we will always have Obese people.

    Ban all the big drinks you want people will still eat candy bars, chips, doughnuts, etc....OVER their maintenance calories so it not not going to impact one bit because of the lack of information.

    BAD GOVERNMENT BAD GOVERNMENT for just being asshats here..
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    LET'S SEE - they raised the price of cigarettes to $5-7.00 per pack and it didn't stop the smokers. People need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OBESITY. Its not Coca-Cola's fault !!!

    cigs here are $15

    no one is punishing coke.

    The summer is coming here fast.

    Most kids in NYC have both parents working and they arent gonna choose water after school. They all do the same freaking thing I do. Run into the bodega and buy a BIG FAT ARIZONA. Hopefully. Instead of soda. Since Arizona's have from 120-200 cals in the whole bottle but the teas actually have little bitty bits of nutritional value.

    But if these kids run into the bodega and only have healthier options, I consider it a freaking WIN.

    Bodegas can still sell soda bottles at any size. This only prevents places that serve fountain drinks from selling non-diet soda over 20oz.

    My bad, all our bodegas in BK have fountain thingies
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I didn't realize how many big government types we had on MFP

    Considering this is a site where people go to help themselves (Not big brother making you lose weight)


    Well, gosh thanks, I haven't been called a communist in ages.

    :rolls eyes:
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    I think it's a great idea. Kinda - it's a step in the right direction but it's a drop in the ocean.

    They need to also ban the constant bombardment of ads on tv and billboards advertising junk food. You just can't get away.

    I agree 100%!!! Companies need to stop being allowed to advertise to kids so much. Has anybody watched Nickelodeon lately??!! McDonald's advertises almost every other commercial. Kids know what buttons to push to drive mom & dad nuts so they give in. Sure mom & dad have a responsibility to monitor what their children eat, but every parent has their breaking point of the tantrums and whining and crying and bugging.

    The PUBLIC SCHOOLS are government and they are feeding my kid junk. He takes home lunch 99% of the time, yet there's still crap floating around.

    OUTLAW public school. Our culture is so soaked with junk many people don't the know the difference.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I couldnt have said it any better than this:) Although people do not need to be drinking that big of a drink, it is still our right to choose, just because someone else says its bad for you and you shouldnt have it. They can say that about alot of things, choc, sugar, cake, brownies, etc etc etc are they going to ban all the other stuff too? And would you want them to? This is America...let us have the freedom to choose what we eat and how much and let US pay for the consequences.

    Once again, they are not banning soda. But hey... I do agree with one thing. As soon as everyone can pay 100% for their own issues, put a fork in me, I'm done.

    Kids do not work and cannot pay for their health issues. No 52 ounce sodas for them. If the uninsured, underinsured, and even insured cannot pay for their health issues 100% no 52 ounce sodas for them.

    Everyone hates the government until they need something from the government.
  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    I don't always drink soda
    but when I do
    I like to know that I can drink BIG GULPS & SUPER SIZED 22oz+ drinks that contain sugar.

    My friends if NYC goes through with this ban I will personally start a huge black market of selling 22+oz drinks that contain sugar and sell them to those in NYC.


    LOL. that is awesome.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    I couldnt have said it any better than this:) Although people do not need to be drinking that big of a drink, it is still our right to choose, just because someone else says its bad for you and you shouldnt have it. They can say that about alot of things, choc, sugar, cake, brownies, etc etc etc are they going to ban all the other stuff too? And would you want them to? This is America...let us have the freedom to choose what we eat and how much and let US pay for the consequences.

    Outlaw ketchup!
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    I'd be more impressed if there was a nationwide ban on high fructose corn syrup and other food junk additives. Those are the real culprits here.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    I believe it is government overstepping. You can't dictate people to engage in healthy habits. I have known for years what I should do to engage in a more healthy lifestyle but, I choose not. I had to come to my own Epiphany moment. I was a two 20oz Pepsi drinker for more than 20 yrs. I gave it up 7mths cold turkey when I decided I wanted a healthier new me. If I was still a soda drinker my solution around a ban would be to buy two containers. Personal freedoms = personal accountability.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    LET'S SEE - they raised the price of cigarettes to $5-7.00 per pack and it didn't stop the smokers. People need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OBESITY. Its not Coca-Cola's fault !!!

    cigs here are $15

    no one is punishing coke.

    The summer is coming here fast.

    Most kids in NYC have both parents working and they arent gonna choose water after school. They all do the same freaking thing I do. Run into the bodega and buy a BIG FAT ARIZONA. Hopefully. Instead of soda. Since Arizona's have from 120-200 cals in the whole bottle but the teas actually have little bitty bits of nutritional value.

    But if these kids run into the bodega and only have healthier options, I consider it a freaking WIN.

    Bodegas can still sell soda bottles at any size. This only prevents places that serve fountain drinks from selling non-diet soda over 20oz.

    My bad, all our bodegas in BK have fountain thingies
    I am almost never in BK except Red Hook or Metro tech... when I think Bodega I think the tiny ones here in Manhattan that sell chips, bottles of soda, smokes and phone cards.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    I'd be more impressed if there was a nationwide ban on high fructose corn syrup and other food junk additives. Those are the real culprits here.



    But that will never happen.....HEINZ
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I think it is absolute BS. I am a grown woman. If I want a large soda I should be able to get one. This isn’t like the smoking ban. There is no such thing as “secondhand soda consumption.”
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member

    That aside, I've traveled extensively in Europe. Their kids know 2-3 languages, many study year round, and they are overall healther. Companies in the US cannot find folks here for technical work and bring folks over from India at this point.

    China has other issues that contribute to life expectancy, and one of the big ones is the difference in class. Their kids are as smart as whips though, and run circles around ours and that offends me. This is an old study but looking for a newer one. It's probably worse.

    So you proved my point for me... Obesity is one factor in health.. I would think that life expectancy is more all encompassing a measure.. People in the US live longer.

    Smarter... so that article finds 20 countries with smarter kids... out of 179 countries across the world not bad. Especially take into account relative size of many of those superior countries, you would be better off comparing them to individual states let alone the entire nation.

    Obesity is more than a huge factor in health. Do you not understand how obesity limits potential? If we cannot get healthy people to enlist in the armed forces, we are doomed. If kids quit school because they are teased for being obese, where do they end up?

    I am not at all satisfied with #20. We are far too developed as a nation and have far too many resources to be #20. And the study I linked was a couple of years old. I shudder to see what it is now.

    That's the problem. We've become C students, and we are perfectly happy with that. Free, C students.
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Well lets see... you can't have this 32oz soda but if you want to eat a big mac and fries with an apple pie after it is all good... although if you let government controll what you eat, what's next? How many times you use the rest room or have sex? Maybe which side you part your hair on and what color socks you wear... I mean it is all for the good of mankind.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm completely for it, now when you go out the "small" is the old med, the "med" is the old large etc...there is NO need to drink a 64oz soda at the movies and it cost's $5.50 in ny/nj.....its redic. No one usually understands how many caloires are actually in that stuff. It's about half your day's worth. It's about time the government steps in with this stuff. If they made better quality food cheaper and shopped pumping the chicken with hormones so the meat is bigger than we'd all be better off

    yes because the nanny/police state knows better than individuals making informed choices.

    yes obviously it does. Europe and china doesn't offer these rediculous sized meals, that way the people of that area do no crave it or feel the need to want more. Us as american's are more or less retarded. We think that because we pay $5 for a soda it better be a 5 gallon jug of it. Now if we didn't have the advantage to purchase the item we would no longer want it. It's because we have no one regulating the size of our meals. People 20 yrs ago we're fat because the size of stuff when you went out was different. Also, they weren't pumping our food full of hormones. Now girls are having their periods as early as 8yrs old because of the hormones in milk, how is this ok? Would you like to see a 4th grader with bigger boobs than a 30 yr old? No I think not. Which in turn is causing them to become sexual at a younger age because of "urges" and being that now both parents are working, because most can't afford not to, than they act on these urges. ALSO it is easier now to just stop by mcdonalds and grab dinner instead of sitting home making it and in some states it's even cheaper. Like in NY/NJ it would be cheaper for me to go out and buy fast food instead of going grocery shopping. Juster remember everyone has opinions and if you didn't like mine then you coulda kept on moving along.
  • foxylady8098
    I don't drink soda very often, but it is completely ridiculous and unconstitutional to pose a ban like that. The big mac that the consumer is having with their large soda is way more unhealthy than the soda itself. BUT the person can have a gigantic DIET soda which is basically consuming poison.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member




    ITS THE BIG SUGARY DRINKS BAN EM ALL AND BURN THAT EVIL ROCK N ROLL MUSIC. Its for the kids of course.:flowerforyou: