130lbs to lose ....ahhhhh!!

I have only just turned 20 years old this month. I am 5'10" and way 294lbs. Therefore I have about 130lbs to lose to be classed as healthy again. This is soooooo daunting and scary. I started MFP a few months ago but never started properly but now want to....I don't want my 20's to be as upsetting as my teens!!! :sad:
I have tried loads of diets and things before but what ever I do I seem to be continuously putting on wieght. I'm hoping the community and truthfulness of this site will force me to do things right and start losing......I need to!! :frown:
I worry I have ruined my body from an early age I now have stretch marks on every surface of my body.....all over my stomach back sides arms and legs. And they'll never go :brokenheart: This upsets me the most. That I'll never be able to show off my body eve if I do lose wieght.
Any way this is me I'll stop rambling....but if anyone has similar situations or success stories please share. Also if anyone has pics of stretch marks once they have lost wieght??
Any tips and help very welcome :happy:

Georgia xx


  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Welcome and thanks for posting! There are many tools here you can use to accomplish your goals. Do some research, develop a plan and stick to it, and you can regain a life you may have thought was lost. Don't worry too much about the skin... I have the same issues but ultimately being healthy is more important than anything cosmetic could ever be. When you reach your goals you can consider plastic surgery if need be. I've seen some amazing results from people with serious sagging skin or excessive stretch marks who've has plastic surgery. It is also very possible that once you lose weight your skin will shrink up naturally. You've got the added bonus of youth on your side. :) Feel free to add me if you would like. Good luck and you can do it!
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    .I don't want my 20's to be as upsetting as my teens!!! :sad:

    Hey Georgia!
    That is exactly what I told myself before I started losing weight! lol I don't want my 20's to be like my teenage years. And guess what its worth the effort. :wink:

    I'm down 44 pounds since november and covered in stretch marks like many many more on here. Like you said, they won't go away, so embrace them. Take it day by day, little steps, make a gameplan and stick to it. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for your support. I'd prefer not to get surgery I know saggy skin is likely when I hopefully start losing but anything I can do to avoid surgery I will. :happy:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I lost about 80 lbs. last year and am working on the last 40. It's amazing to think 120+ lbs. is an attainable loss. BUT IT IS!

    And, guess what? Stretch marks fade, m'dear. And they don't matter. My brother is tall and thin and even HE has stretch marks. Yours and mine might be more noticeable but I am certainly not going to let that stop me from going to the beach every weekend.

    My favorite comedian, Katt Williams, put it best: "We don't have no time to worry 'bout no *kitten* like stretch marks... They came from either one of two things: Either you was big and got small, or you were small and got big ! Either way, we fu<kin'... Either Waaay!"


    I PROMISE that you can do this and that it will be worth it. Every single day is a step toward the real you. :flowerforyou:
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    I have stretch marks all over my abdomen and I still wear a 2 piece. Let go of the "I've ruined my body" and focus on your health and fitness goals! Confidence and looking great are SURE to follow. Go for being your best self and forget about unattainable ideals of women with no stretch marks. You are very young and most or all of your stretch marks will most likely disappear or become virtually undetectable.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    That does sound like a lot but do it this way, start out with small goals. Start by saying I will lose 5 # this month. Work hard at that and then when you have accomplished that goal, start another one. Right now the issue with stretch marks is the least thing you should be thinking about. Take care of one problem at a time, see what you look like once all the weight is off and then you can start thinking about what avenue to take to look better in your skin. Small, attainable goals work, drastic.....get skinny fast does not. Good luck to you and stay on here, be honest with your logs, exercise....you can do this!
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    .I don't want my 20's to be as upsetting as my teens!!! :sad:

    Hey Georgia!
    That is exactly what I told myself before I started losing weight! lol I don't want my 20's to be like my teenage years. And guess what its worth the effort. :wink:

    I'm down 44 pounds since november and covered in stretch marks like many many more on here. Like you said, they won't go away, so embrace them. Take it day by day, little steps, make a gameplan and stick to it. You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you very much glad to hear there's others in the same boat. Well done on your huge wieght loss :happy:
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I have stretch marks all over my abdomen and I still wear a 2 piece. Let go of the "I've ruined my body" and focus on your health and fitness goals! Confidence and looking great are SURE to follow. Go for being your best self and forget about unattainable ideals of women with no stretch marks. You are very young and most or all of your stretch marks will most likely disappear or become virtually undetectable.
    I agree with alllll of this. Also check out this thread that just went up a bit ago re: stretch marks:

  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member

    I PROMISE that you can do this and that it will be worth it. Every single day is a step toward the real you. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you and wow you've done amazingly!!
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    Maybe it would help not thinking about the total, but instead something like 3 pounds per month. If you come up short by a pound, that's still 2 pounds you've lost and can perhaps keep you motivated to continue on. Too much too fast can be detrimental to the health and frustrating.

    Calories are everything, if you can take it daily, being slightly under your calorie goal I think you'll be good to go. I've lost 60 pounds. It took months, but it's been years since I lost it.
  • jeaniedev
    jeaniedev Posts: 117 Member
    WELCOME and props for posting this...I have been at this NEW lifestyle for 14 months and have lost 59 lbs was down 62...but I will get there again...I want to lose about 50 more. What I can tell you is this...It is not easy everyday, but it sure is WORTH IT...I just turned 40 and wish I at the place I am emotionally when I was 20, my body may have been a lot different.
    Keep in mind, it didn't take a month to put this weight on, so It will take time, but Never LOSE SIGHT OF YOUR GOAL...
    the skin, well I know that I will have surgery when my wieght lose journey is done...but for now, I am just focusing on losing weight, cardio and stregth training and my caloric intake...
    Good luck on this jouney and feel free to add me if you like !:flowerforyou: :smile:

  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    I have stretch marks all over my abdomen and I still wear a 2 piece. Let go of the "I've ruined my body" and focus on your health and fitness goals! Confidence and looking great are SURE to follow. Go for being your best self and forget about unattainable ideals of women with no stretch marks. You are very young and most or all of your stretch marks will most likely disappear or become virtually undetectable.
    Thank you for your support!! I really hope they do go but I've gotten to the point where health is defiantly more important you're right :smile:
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    Trust me. It'll be okay. Don't think '130 pounds', think 'I'm going to lose 2 pounds this week.' or whatever your goal is. One pound at a time. I know 130 is a scary number, but you can do this. Stand up for yourself, and say enough is enough. Personally, I'm 21, and after having my daughter at age 18, my body was wrecked. I just kept gaining, until I realized I needed to lose 50 pounds. I've lost 18.4 of that so far, because I'm not taking any of my own excuses anymore, I really encourage you to do the same. Stand up and be DONE with all of your own bull****, because nine times out of ten, that's the core of the problem.

    Add me if you like, I'd be happy to be a friend and provide support =)
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Georgia, Joining MFP was a great choice, I have no doubt you will find success here. I am also 5'10 and started around 287 lbs. Here is my story and pictures:


    I have not finished yet but I am well on my way and if I can do it, you definitely can too! I've sent you a friend request.
  • SarahRule1
    SarahRule1 Posts: 14
    Congratulations and welcome! This is an amazing site. You're already on your way and there's something so liberating about saying it outloud. You're ready. Try not to think of it in terms of 130 lbs. I'm looking at it 10 at a time. You'll be surprised at your own strength. You can do it!!
  • PaperThinLips
    PaperThinLips Posts: 79 Member
    when you lose weight, the stretch marks fade away. that's what happened to me.
    i would also put vitamin e oil and coconut spread on them to make them fade even faster (i'm too lazy for that but it worked for my mum)
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    [/quote] Good luck to you and stay on here, be honest with your logs, exercise....you can do this!

    Thank you ....I am defiantly gonna try and do this!! Seems like a good place to be :-)
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    . I've lost 60 pounds. It took months, but it's been years since I lost it.

    Wow 60 pounds is amazing well done :happy:
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    WELCOME and props for posting this...I have been at this NEW lifestyle for 14 months and have lost 59 lbs was down 62...but I will get there again...I want to lose about 50 more. What I can tell you is this...It is not easy everyday, but it sure is WORTH IT...I just turned 40 and wish I at the place I am emotionally when I was 20, my body may have been a lot different.
    Keep in mind, it didn't take a month to put this weight on, so It will take time, but Never LOSE SIGHT OF YOUR GOAL...
    the skin, well I know that I will have surgery when my wieght lose journey is done...but for now, I am just focusing on losing weight, cardio and stregth training and my caloric intake...
    Good luck on this jouney and feel free to add me if you like !:flowerforyou: :smile:


    Wow thank you for that very inspirational
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hello and welcome - For your stretch marks have u tried creams like bio oil or palmers cocoa butter ? My best advice is to lose weight slowly and to do exercises for toning as well as cardio exercises.

    I've lost 100 pounds so far and would like to lose another 30 pounds. I never thought i could do it!! Just take one day at a time - you will prob have bad days and times but if you get straight back to it it won't be a problem.

    Good luck xx