130lbs to lose ....ahhhhh!!



  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    You can do it. Please read this blog http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Blessedmommy_2x. She is one of my friends on MFP. She does not have a gym membership. Good luck on your journey.

    It says page not found when I try and click on it :-/
    There was an extra period at the end of the link, try this one:

  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    Hello Georgia,

    You can do it! One day at a time, move every day, think about what you put in your mouth, log absolutely everything and the stretch marks will fade with time. Be sure to drink enough water and consume enough healthy fats for your skin. You are young enough for your skin to recover if you lose the weight now.

    Good luck!
  • kcrobinsonvt
    Good for you for starting! I also have a LOT of weight to lose, and I'm 53! But it can be done. I've lost 3.2 lbs so far. I've struggled with weight my whole adult life. I keep telling myself it didn't come on 50 lbs at a time, it won't go away 50 lbs at a time! Every pound gone is less pressure on my arthritic knees, so it's good. As someone else here said, do what you can, one at a time. It's very easy to overwhelm you psyche and think it's all too much. Our brains are hardwired not to change routines, so small steps makes it easier for you to adapt and stick with it. Keep posting, take support where you can, you CAN do it!!
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    You can do it. Please read this blog http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Blessedmommy_2x. She is one of my friends on MFP. She does not have a gym membership. Good luck on your journey.

    It says page not found when I try and click on it :-/
    There was an extra period at the end of the link, try this one:


    She is also a friend of mine. Just go to her profile page and read her 'about me' section. She is so inspirational.
    YOU are very lucky that you are 20 years old. You certainly have youth on your side. Most times when people have a lot of saggy skin from weight loss, it's from RAPID weight loss, usually associated with weight loss surgery like gastric bypass. You aren't taking that route.
    Like someone else said, stretch marks DO fade. Massage cocoa butter on them everyday. As you start 'shrinking', you will see they will fade away also.
    Set small goals for yourself. Like, 10 lbs lost, then 10% lost (10% of your body weight would be like 29 lbs). After that, go for 20% lost. Before you know it, you will be at 50% == 1/2 way to your goal of 130 lbs lost.
    NO, it won't happen overnight. But it WILL happen. Slow and steady. ONce you start dropping the pounds, you will be able to do MORE to help tone up.

    Feel free to send me a friend request. GOOD LUCK. YOu can do it. This is a GREAT site with a lot of super helpful people.
  • kassikaysmith
    I am in a similar boat girl! I have hated my body always. Especially when I was fifteen and sixteen and I realized my skin was torn everywhere. I was disgusted with myself, which ironically led to me downing a bag of cookies by myself. I still struggle with my self image. I don't see the beauty others see in me. I have done every fad diet from south beach, atkins, ect, ect. They do not work permanently. I lost twenty pounds in a week, only to gain it back in a couple days. What it all comes down to, is stop comparing what you look like with other women. Normal, healthy people have stretch marks. And that should always be the goal; health. Not getting skinny, or to make yourself more visually appealing. Those are just added benefits to being healthy. I have 100 pounds to lose, and I am determined to lose it in the next two years. I am going to try for one year, but if I do not that's okay. We have to set realistic goals!
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I'm roughtly in the same weight loss area as you. You can do it. I log everything and i mean everything I consume from water to wine, from nibbling while prepping meals.

    You can do it and the friends you add here can help greatly. Feel free to add me if you desire.
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    I lost about 80 lbs. last year and am working on the last 40. It's amazing to think 120+ lbs. is an attainable loss. BUT IT IS!

    And, guess what? Stretch marks fade, m'dear. And they don't matter. My brother is tall and thin and even HE has stretch marks. Yours and mine might be more noticeable but I am certainly not going to let that stop me from going to the beach every weekend.

    My favorite comedian, Katt Williams, put it best: "We don't have no time to worry 'bout no *kitten* like stretch marks... They came from either one of two things: Either you was big and got small, or you were small and got big ! Either way, we fu<kin'... Either Waaay!"


    I PROMISE that you can do this and that it will be worth it. Every single day is a step toward the real you. :flowerforyou:

    Well said!!! ((and i love Kat Williams too! His quote you added made me LOL literally!)) :drinker:
  • QuiteAware
    QuiteAware Posts: 1
    The best thing that you can do for your body is to incorporate homemade smoothies. Puree some farm fresh spinach, add rhubarb, a banana for texture, blackberries, strawberries, even yogurt. But it needs to be a more natural yogurt, without any sweeteners or chemicals added. And read labels. Make sure you don't eat a single thing with artificial sweeteners added. Did you know that aspartame is the same thing as a wood emulsifier to your brain? In other words, it can and will cause brain tumors. Very toxic and dangerous!
  • machaelaburt
    I am in the same boat as you are. I graduated high school weighing 297 pounds and was pretty miserable. After my teenage years of crash diets and denial over an eating disorder I decided to get my life in order. The only thing that has helped me lose weight is hard work and avid watchfulness. I lost 60 pounds last year and then hit a huge plateau all the exercise and careful dieting simply wasn't working any more. So, desperate I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with PCOS. The last couple of months have been pretty rough as I have been struggling to lose just ten pounds when I still have a good 60 to go!!! Take the time to make exercise a priority, I spend at least an forty minutes a day doing some form of intense cardio (well intense for my plump self) and three days a week strength train. I also log all my food, that form of accountability has really kept me on the right track. Although the weight is not falling off as it was in the first year, I feel stronger and healthier, and thus more beautiful. I guess my biggest advice is to learn to love the process or the journey first and then you will find results when you stop looking for them. GOOD LUCK!
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    all got weight to lose -with suport and motivation we get through this we can do it .day by day
  • suavenus
    suavenus Posts: 6 Member
    You are very young and your skin is very resilient! I would use a lotion with a tremendous amount of vitamin E on your body. Stretch marks are genetic......but they will fade with time. The stretch marks I had or even after my children did fade....but ultimately, you have to look at your 'genes' ....your Mom or Dad....grandma, etc.
    I have weighed as much as 320 pounds and I have lost 22 pounds thus far using MFP! However, I am not going to lie to you....it is difficult for this is life changing. You have to want to CHANGE your lifestyle. This will work but you must stick to the amount of calories you allow yourself......I am only allowing 1200/day until I get down to my goal weight of about 150. When my diary says 1200....I stop.......if I work out, it allows me a few more calories. I worked out my entire life....was a coach.....played sports, etc. I had a life altering event after my first child was born and I was attacked and in the course of the attack, my child, who was 9 months old was hurt.....it changed his/my life forever. His injury caused traumatic brain injury and he is now disabled....once a vibrant 9 month old baby..... now disabled. I lost all that baby weight.....and got down to 145 pounds. After the birth of 2nd child, I gained it all back and it has taken me 15 years to decide to change......no EXCUSES! I want to be around for my children....to be a good role model for my children. My first child has demanded a tremendous amount of my time throughout his life because of his disability but he will be with me forever. My youngest is so wonderful and an awesome young man to help me! I got remarried and my husband is so helpful! He helps me with everything....and even my son so that I have some time to myself. So, everyday for the past 1 1/2 months I have worked out.....walking.....Sundays are the only day I may take off. I feel GREAT! I know that I have only lost 22 pounds but I have tried so many diets, pills, you name it, I tried it! This really works if you do it everyday for the rest of your life....well, that is my plan! Once I lose this weight, it will never come back on again!!! You have to want to do this.....and stick with it.....do not give up no matter how difficult! Do not deprive yourself of what you like.....just eat smaller portions and stop.
  • mellowyellow1102
    mellowyellow1102 Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats on embarking on the journey. I'm in the same position as you in a way...I had a rough time in my teens due to being heavy. i'm 26 and i'm tired of being overweight so i deceided to do this. i've been going strong now for aboutr 2 weeks and the rewards are already coming in. You will do great. If you want to add me a friend on here i can def help with some encouragement with this journey! Good Luck!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Our stats are very similar! I'm 5'10" and started at 300lbs (actually was 299.8 the day I started MFP). Sadly though, I'm old enough to be your mother (i'm 39 but my oldest daughter is 22). LOL

    The good news is that a 120lbs loss puts you at a healthy BMI (174 is healthy for us tall ladies). The best news is that it is absolutely achievable!! I've lost 70lbs in just under 7 months and still going. Start with small changes and build from there. If I can manage it, anyone can... Honestly!!

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    Our stats are very similar! I'm 5'10" and started at 300lbs (actually was 299.8 the day I started MFP). Sadly though, I'm old enough to be your mother (i'm 39 but my oldest daughter is 22). LOL

    The good news is that a 120lbs loss puts you at a healthy BMI (174 is healthy for us tall ladies). The best news is that it is absolutely achievable!! I've lost 70lbs in just under 7 months and still going. Start with small changes and build from there. If I can manage it, anyone can... Honestly!!

    Good luck on your journey!!

    Wow 70 pounds is amazing :happy:
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Our stats are very similar! I'm 5'10" and started at 300lbs (actually was 299.8 the day I started MFP). Sadly though, I'm old enough to be your mother (i'm 39 but my oldest daughter is 22). LOL

    The good news is that a 120lbs loss puts you at a healthy BMI (174 is healthy for us tall ladies). The best news is that it is absolutely achievable!! I've lost 70lbs in just under 7 months and still going. Start with small changes and build from there. If I can manage it, anyone can... Honestly!!

    Good luck on your journey!!

    Wow 70 pounds is amazing :happy:

    Stick with it and I have no doubt your ticker will have a bigger number than mine in 7 months! At your age, your muscles will rebound quicker!! You've got to put the work in and stay within your calories... but MFP makes it simple. You will be at goal in no time :flowerforyou:
  • Beautycurvepose
    Beautycurvepose Posts: 18 Member
    Good luck hun! I wish you the best!! You'll do it stay positive :)
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    Our stats are very similar! I'm 5'10" and started at 300lbs (actually was 299.8 the day I started MFP). Sadly though, I'm old enough to be your mother (i'm 39 but my oldest daughter is 22). LOL

    The good news is that a 120lbs loss puts you at a healthy BMI (174 is healthy for us tall ladies). The best news is that it is absolutely achievable!! I've lost 70lbs in just under 7 months and still going. Start with small changes and build from there. If I can manage it, anyone can... Honestly!!

    Good luck on your journey!!

    Wow 70 pounds is amazing :happy:

    Stick with it and I have no doubt your ticker will have a bigger number than mine in 7 months! At your age, your muscles will rebound quicker!! You've got to put the work in and stay within your calories... but MFP makes it simple. You will be at goal in no time :flowerforyou:

    I hope so thank you for support again :flowerforyou:
  • ZackeryEvans1996
    just remember if you do it why your young when your my age its so much harder to loose the weight and I am almost 95lbs over what I should be right now. Just keep the faith and do it at your own speed and remember your not fat your fluffy that is what I tell my friends. We are not all built the same so look at your inner self them work on the outer part I had to do this and now I am twice as happy and set to work out every morning at 6 am and I live on a farm and away from the city.
  • Georgiamolliexx
    Georgiamolliexx Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck hun! I wish you the best!! You'll do it stay positive :)

    Thank you very much :-)
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    good luck hun! if you stay loyal to yourself youll succeed